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Show 1$ tinned bombardiBgcr r ,v Charlcstbn,--the- . Oeherala'fthd fcvy j, 'rt'v 1' j . every ; subsoriber who hM not ud JV a flpuHngeiUtot iairt either call uppn our agent Jn theicre. fewyfcintsofthe.Coiederes.Skir-'- ; S A. V t a v SL I ooursejbutnp ,VV shesfMbcoamngf' Mother at spective.dietrict battle seeme to ' j grat any enel rti Js apatibntnmn, The mozmoioV fail, of are the $ despatches ' iable walk "jo are if tbosewbo pay dont busdcings;"suohab ieebhes'aad ta.bluig v;'" Kilibt buagents forward thernamosvof knd referring bills q cdinihitiem. V Now .tyVtl. ,4' liolidij' xiiftsoit 'li"s bTQa ,rW6 bops to. erected a grist mill, one ofthebestin aU ivho pay as soon aafoonTenient nothe Territory, with suction-fan- s ....and other ting particularly allwhqi pay lu wheatas hearof fi' over the wires V; 'X: improvements. v Mr L Beed,' (who built was agreed upon by aeeepting oujr termsr i, 'M-a V.yi?Jicf;.; the Oottonwood and Spanish Forkmills,) v vv-- t v .' h.X:?v r-p M ' . S':' iv "iV? j ,S t- 'rf a paypmgh i Sr we-jare- m'f.. J " v i. . . . . -- 1y t .J mr ; .! K, m . - Ji. - superintended its erection,and thinks it surpassed 'C--.- o ihem Ur. S. L. Adamstaa ;:.;J. oms powerful rollers, &oM to transform v. V iroo into great quantity of useful com-- H moditiss, if he could get the metaL'-)CV? noticed that some.fewtwo-stor- y are taking the plaoe of theoZd-? "y s JrMB i,and ;,v his gained some notoriety, .we think n m'n:MW their quadrille band iswe x Xt ;? 3. 1 . . - j? itir Tt suiMAWwmnvi vmMinnaM t V f'Se nk.- v- - i " r ; 1' l 1 - j eitd v-- r' v i which wur Vreaders would do culturalx arahteurareeblleet th&tnow.ia' changes: Weti to notice Bask .numbers can ;a- - ' ' V t thtime Wj pu ;n :riioU atp" tV andabrub aeedaihatMredealred tbgrow. ThuBori cultwrist ic aJourxial of Bu ' 'i"': 'Ij'j ' V. t rpl Art and Taste,' grot Upi J.in'zt ahpenor' V earth .ihsuch pwitiohlthatto ;WoonwinV ;30r Prk' Bow New Yorki freese.lf not plantedinthe plabewbere ;5? i ' at$3 per r 'P r ."" jthey me'I'wishMj ' ippwletT the'mbs ' 'tJ' American s f if,- 'Stock Journal, deroted yyXY't.f4, kept moist Until thp ground i prepaired ;f Tbe Viri; the to improvement of all description of ou enMngi ?&J' stock; publi sh vbrO'.'Maxrbx,25 aubscribers whohave iKxussof Ji paid ParkB6wNY.Vmonthijyatlperanr 'i Se ' J V , yV-'- T - I K a a- -- ' ' !! , . - i - - M-J- a branch eetablishmentthereto syX'y opened aupplj the Southerners "A not secession V - i J.- - Ai'O. Bowwri LamstoiBij ;J,Fro3diam,;?, honseand al- - -- J, . .. I. . i. "! iionlturul journal published; by youngs txxD esmoihes J: McBride; i. .IvWS'Mi lAllrod, most every'',Vinmate- - oughtto ihavethe ' JU.A .. ..! s V i Flower OardemS halfan-acre.re- rr t. - V i- - W. $2per5je X. r. i,yTi-- - -'i n - .. lidn6t etoeed W Newtoii .M-- . ;; Bros, gave their of your dwelling, spread some manure. first oonoort last evening a,t Paysont. The Inhabitants seemed to prefer the noisier 'y elass ofymusid. Thpentmunmentis r'?;The CuItivatOTf published worthy ihel patronage cf 1 our citizens L'Titcku A Sbu Albthy N.YT, child mayhaVeits plants Wtk: heardl tiieir first f performance and per year. It bas appropriate cigrxvicgSiyyk H3?K were satisfied 'yet wet betierb thw brill than bontinually romping improve bjr practice; and the yoices will blei.mb" haimouloiuly intheur half-hoa s short after ttention A than':h'o;hMid;:uenu' American published aemiy dmiusm brOysung byMrsfBuMell, Hurf ;Thb Mural by x; lthyTrticaN.Y rison brothOTMd.SmiiMr pi $l.per yiaf JLi Bussell BtraberryX v; pormances op his (fIIarmonio bairing 41 fruit as large as ken "?$, . V y Orgah is worth the whole of the chvge.: x to subsenbers. O oncnT-rllsrris- on ri :i? ( ;betie-amudhr'an- M;Mmj)leasure ohe-inu- eu us ; Bay-Boh- ds t- - ' . 'v - i: " s'- - .r-- - ? r WnaTHzsSInce laat issue the weath- presented ; SA. witeesual'adywatidtihg er has beehexoeVdihgiyTpnediC and mvra nr her fan-- aaTSlnmnMmt qnthihbdff2V3ezin;thawing and' murky. Bpowy windy, palm and 3rd,' 4th and fith cold enough to freeso mpXtheoles,y Vmy 'tirgular mi.styW;,Tha you vloyebeaubf : ir. its:ablim.est forms. have a flower garden; t If;you weatherTtiaken t'aItogthef.'i 'jrruit-seemirish frt joT to. be disseminated among thcj-fa- r uthamed,rvai the ;; smallest iiZhe' Chip Cultivator, nicathlj,-5- a haTe U flower garden. a yearjthe .Ohio former, a vrekhly; C2. form a 'good yott wish fl fitomething to wifei a jsx 'Published kbj 'liawa a tlia srAniiia s 4 ; M t- " your-household,- '. ' jj I I |