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Show of alio wing the vines suffioi enfc padding, adopts the following method: room to extend themselves. especially in He , newer lets- - acalfsucktheoowv but soils requi- - teaches 'it to'drinkout of apoiKCWhen of much fertility-r- ich . tuiiiaat uj mfttiip diiuniM the "calf isthree or four daytroldhU leaving a space of elgbt indnes'bet weeu h takes a1 teaou pful I of; corn meal and thettop of earth in trench and surf ach of pours a pint oihot wateroveritstirs ground.'Cprsryrhole trenchwith boards it uprand lets, it seal'd for afew iminntesi andthieneartk He then pours on.three or fonruarts of ker.fromi freeriiSton ; aa;warni;.(7!Vt! f milk :.as the ; .: : 'jqr jnihti is pal r Weather is like tocome in spring,' tbemeantimef, he :has' a them,' never letting them dry in the least skimmsu iiif tirair lengthfrom. 'the body, but, ta- Bering upwardsjn .the" form pf a pvra-- ; oan drink.-I- ' n degree, andrplahtimmediately J'Vmid.TheTines,properlytrainedon these, and thinned duringthe summer, a beautiful display srhen loaded :;t'V5'present rlalsM ail Mataw Sat all In v '. opmi advises to plant pear stocks ing the mi i; He also'over est importance whencalves are fed; oh or grafts 1 li skimmed mUk.;HI.preTents'iit from scouring the ealTes. it4-- the calf grews older he increases the qu&ntity of corn-Bomo The Illinois Annual Jiegist meal.ytVhen. three' weeto old ha , gives ; 'Tears uo; described another inode .of a pint. at leastat tach meal.' j The milk Tobacco grown on the.' : teh Stakes eight feet: is only, trirahonre from milk, Vy. yLyyr seven feet apart,' a Tine planted at eaeh$ ing, nut as the ;calf grows older,; the xriitk .immedistelyrout.dqwpithTtwD7(iyosemy baalloired,ko fcunl;24.; or. 36 Tfir: CriifOnua 'armer skyi',: that a first year two shoots are allowed .to hoars before ski mmi hgiV J v. yr-..-; j,,.: i;r'i'HH'growV'ahd are'carriedupspirally both , -- i ? s . .! f - 3!f- -f acak:Tr.3i: it fW h-- W ,;. -f - 'Vfi:Tlie f U&S . , direction," about.-flVS: in the same the until y ;: inches 1?! . they rejieh top,- $ They Parti prhned badK'ihthofallto'righteeh f nOtu nfPe7Unfr dd jnm:wha riU ;inehMhnd second' SeSid- 2 - Wyinder thelat?rals .teWeywvrhh year,. twO sboott ate carried up ?;?, - rU-- i -- I -;- tbe nature of tfbanlky horse mustang waa hitched to When the word was given to go' ahead the brnte,' by tome peculiarity.of,- V':4? f permanently i" r it "i ., K VS w jeaerBthe Tdiole moui - nt; .oocalong andsimply stske' or. .borne bk. f;Th.: fruit i.irBonoon t&mjM fteriibortShbotoJhe'pe tern-perame- seetned ;aisppeed .tbgbbaak made hM woon?,iollotre4 . . kpif plan will succeed every time;'4v-SS- i ..o K just backoftheearf.,1'yU or 6 smrs.y- - A. hog that jaws and the other has to be kept more than one; winter be-- By lifting, np.the head.in ibis mnnervla;y fore fattening will eat bis beadoff inall child may; hold almost sny sheep witti-- y 'v hfcna in winter; cases;; Ilenoe the most profitable kind out danger to the animal .or.himselfivM- iv! generally neglect their 'V w3t v" , w:;pip;ithv'ban will be found those hon wich attain if.i'mito'MWO-ElwOT'Inthe ' QooD .BaxxDS ' -- ;.'-- J -- T , : v ! K the greatest weight (Wifieht mLtra , in J from, twelvej. to eighteen months. ; Pick for; a hog vnth a small v'Lto keep them in good condition it will Clean low rather small bo i'chol VT to vkeep'jthemat ; all. : They to the heady and hams and full square, should hard aWarmuid.clesh;plaoe to round ground disposition quiet and; pleasant; j ViC fapier should see that Snob hog; will always insure a good at-tenti- on) - . w : il.- - -- it be paid fuappofntyouf Ex! -- ;h . ? trigviVX ':f.i J of Sk' Jlalr, Frtoklin Co., borhood " v :T ' U: souri hogs in apparent good health apd condition,' are ; aying; by Scorea;; aomey ,; y i; ;r 'formers hhving. lost: Ins greater part::, i j. !?5 : their ste pk. some places? the afiectien, iorsome other fatri'diease,'t';yf. seises fowls and 'they: droop'abouttfprWyvr.'-- ' several days; become blind and I' f i- : $f!A.V; ' jf W, "i inHii $ u ; rt ' iihtTdntii' u ipT 1 . |