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Show avtf "y rays of the. setting knif, end Rooked up In 'oC hi father Vhisheart sankwith-i- n r. search tucu buq to treat, Cinoumtti01qo AhZ and.sbe gradually .nmvouhd' theVr hnsbafid, j'iuitu,wvi,) him;' at the appalling ; c , those at the string iA dll $ teahed her husband fNow V; V; vVV The Kins as Farmer published mdnth-O-- !! j beams and poles hold. thestring?fdst:-s.hdr-pu1lljwere bottom the retnoTine cried, she VoVAd''-t Topeka,' Kansas, by F ; fattier sfcdod afene at. thetbp Toms ..; see d aromnLto. He at 50c. a year ' ' list .rv' thing was. .rights and, (tWiWayinghl j .VV jv. For the.--, AmsxicaJi' AgricultuTi&i ind ia tbe rair, the inedj beldjr answered 'him: with a 'loud .cheat, littieTom shouted as r. ? . 1 : iiy kb y"' jp . ne--- . . ; sigh'tVVThi'.spaf-f6Idlng'waslmoat.;.down- V ; V-fV- thaE-eyer- y then-looke- i . As theirYoIce's died asanyof th a wayyhpw ever they- hearodkdifFersnt soui.da ery pf ;hor?Qr ,and alarm-ifpproyerihd;tferohHogjoleed!. rTfie Iron 'abore:.;.;f Tha men looked kround..aod coiled upon to which.-i- should be .fastened was loud m , vs t v?i - i - v..."' '"'' " V and nnr- - fruitaud always atucegarden v ' V.1 i V" - f' s. ; ', , Ajf . s adv.qf Needham in presentis-J J ing - to take the rope lnp.; :Theroj was a. the mSglcai influence which her words had A. r KKonM TAii 'Iiata business to tfau dea'd eilcThce They vail kn e w j t Ws i exercised OTer him. ' Shs did hot know the V See. the ,. s J i V. lbe the TPpo up higii enotigh the top pf. lhe-- ch t m ue y er eyea so Clm afad steadfuusty had fil Jed bini as'VA if possible; it? W oul dhsrdly.be sat s VifTh eY if the tbr ead.t ha t ; carried te hr m th e ' hopeVV- r i of ilfe- - dncsjmocre had conveyed to him General A gent 8 for (Ai kenJs Kis v tti ng stood lasilnV .dlsmijih.nkble: ibgifejany . bf meana any paf ety helpor tbiok ofather A,vohind,i2,vLalwiSt;Chleafto,JIbilrf .V H a w a 1 k?d: round f-f The Knitting Al1 chi ne. I. or-:- i. ; s Gents: Circle th diary height fared of.you hash ecu received ingood and round the little more iiearfnl ;; apd; the and condition; 41 'have: torapknp wledgs ;m y eeemihgmOTei 4 obd.eanh;fttrther andfuftheromhiia. expeptHtionsayenore lu the adddej panic he lost bisregnce ot .V than realized.- It works like a phdrm mind n' ibis eeses failed ;him iylfphut:;hl3 My wife" eays, if shp cpuld pot get ano-:- V v ; ther,:$100. would be no tem p tatioa for-- t her th part with it. She suys'shedoes me B&y'pasBeaasinauBxrjouBiyasusaa! in 1 hours that eheha'e often paid with Tour niothe7a-,- ' homeheyras and $3 to gel done by or alvrtVhusily employed clixidieota ay ndhhrii e,Aay. or ptherF' 8iid B at wh at. ails lhou? tkouVcetneat moT'iVV' s fie had jbeehcblijerAatWotk .than ueual, thehoiidaylta-inorrgeit Irg Veady.for mU h ed her arirangin'erifs, and S he had .God :. Father wCl hsvedoiie tb$ great cbimBey her.lliQCg!- - 'were sifentiy thhsi Kobesd'for bless all forthe,h4py S Wpnt he7iUOhet?,; said i little ingBfrWheifVora'frstf.l 'y Tommy. Howard,-ahe; siopd waiting for ' His!, faee wus whiteas .tashesV and nc which he c&rriedtoi ' ,Vhis fauiors breakfast cun id hardly get thewrdsoutjTjirother, hisatberMUBdwVlltaehsrhomeVV'VVVT ye'v. him at tie or kerery m o rni ug, AndIn,tbeirhapyVbom3;;theypouredHe said that tie boppd tbat all thecaf-- . Mother the; ca n h e cannot'cet do vv ia A ' Vi Tdrth 'thanks for hhsniai vniutnu ' a folding Would be downJo-uight,- y the rootheri faiid. that'll he a fins sightj iTh y 'ha VR forgOtt ea'to , le areb im the v' rope,y answered ; Tcin st: 1 i. cateelyr able to. speak; Tho mother; s tarte d Jup, horror fbr a moiueiit.paraiy zsd Ou, then hut Pll co afid seek him; teid ,.Bii'uck,nd stood er-So reach - - -- V ! most-1-sanguin- e - kand.:i? ? t-- d w. . to-nig- ht, 9 "VV - - )e-Goit- nawer-VV-.V- ed l ! nds over, herface.ns thenypreesidg h if tef Ci'f;oakt!vthd 'teribleV plcjarej ; snd brskthiug a.: prayrtoGod; for nelp,Vshie h i' all goes.; on rigbt, .we-ar- t ?Bg- - v; chltniieyi-an- d - - 5 : - Jm. ; "; fc. k V Jz !:'.t3 Howard, ihf father, and, a niimher KNGXtkNp'-r-I- f to-be .V A' stood Harr ah V crie4 .foin, a ho 'ranoffto of work wilh-- h .can Qf, fathers '?.milk in one hand and r omo b read ju the ;He Says huTl throWbl ttaself down?. Eed s Thek the iii lad jtri iipmina'd O; ether- Elis mother st jlheVpoorj ,: yoicei Hheemiiid--a whist' wHe,wtb'acicarshopefdl watching him, ss he wont Off thysLock-hig,- -a do Tak that wait bit,' dawn' of she and the street, ;iir:g thugbt ; do w h t he i unr are l b hd- let i the dearfather.he. was gobig to and the td;aud .' Ift k ' Vv darierousi'-worhO' engaged ui; aud.then thua'd V.liir heart sbnght its sure .refugei aadshe prayed to. God to'prptect arid bios ' her 6emd asif heCould V'" treasure.' speakandtak 7o.u with alrght heart pursued hia way iVg eft the stocking. Unraveled . the worsted after;row;The ;opIe;stood yarnrow arohnii in breAthiessslIeuce and.stisiwnse,' wonder ng what tTomV idb herVco.uld' be.' t h i ii k Wgof ; and why t he ee nt bim'in snch - jN Epglaud! , around tlwa funt of ths fcis f GSen the reportii from are tbe;crops inpgar'dto - 'VVhen'ehe place whers. her prtdkei, there nust be.a; jjreat falllnj husband', waf at" workVa crowd gathered hodse;? 'reached theV rushed ontdf the v frolic to' have haste for the. carpenters hU of,'twii;-Vih,ecdownoue ehdnt ;i;the Ihfeadwith .'a bit df stone ahd keep fast lipid, of the other-pried t she, to herhnsband. tTli.e .little, ihreadca&i e' wavi ng dowrdJ the,tall -- : harvest, is; eiieiaidto be worth JE20Qf,VS;V;V poo; to '30,0 00,000, more then :ihat OtJastVV f . yearaud fer neceasity theTmpJrtatibiiof UioiriiK-onsyqieViU'be'-f- : large-snjtV- |