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Show ft1 1 "'3 V J- - 1 it.-'- . : i r .1: v- - " f The arrival, n few days since of Chas eTeryarailabietwheelbarrow loadv o P. Brown; the renewed Art emus Ward, manure is spread l;ver the lands: that - v : , r , ' l m,--- .'. - - . V , ' :: . v ;r . ti . V r'y t- Jl r y. , . w-- - A . v ff.v - one of the most racy Writers of thege, created something ' of a' sensation. ' We regret to learn that he is confined, to hie room at' presexit, ; it is anticipated that he will give as a sight of his great moral shorn, or some rpeoimens ol his intel-lectu- al qnalitieabefore leavihg.' ; Mails froih the Eaas are very irregular, arriving slowly,-a- they have to wallow through agreat deal of SnowV :V. A small company of;12 lnen osme ih last week rom Bannock, several of whom were moreThr less ' slightly frostbitten; ;. .;They 'report 'prorisioxut being plenty in.those ; . wr u good seed';a.'and plenty of it wam anu .T; !:: j ; of ready ou laand.?; On the .departare hoi be 16st let rime, frosWheh through $??; s ' A h;T '. I Vj t r-- ' . i ; ' " Published v;l ' J r J'. E. JO IINSON,. EniTok'aPrBUSHZa. . .' insr: . - ! temi-monlh- .w j'vVif Vf';: W D. JOHNSON,; V-- - .' . Y - lx ; ( V1 withinduztiya little jimtertms& and bling.ovicfewh:ho reapdoublethe crop'ofla8i'year,aliofiv which we need hot drf;bringados:5 iOnacoonnt ; ofbadiioadsand mills thus if. 'give us the meisns. to Improve duxr.i.'; t frozen up, hreadstofis are uite being . s vmore rair tJ!t .vv. 0 MBt s I s' eOTnfort'i" ;W' oircumstahces and ; rear 111,' scarce and demand high pricesif SDVE&TISSXrSTS, ) J PI ,v Sack laMrtlo. ,V- ' J'v'.; The paper-mi- ll is not wet in ptmning able .buildings and surround, ourselves 1$,. 5F-lii OMturj HtlMtllui.1Upli( 'V.i'?.'. EfffisaiiJi and will not probably he eo for a with'Vti1.'heeess'aries;vahdi'.eoiDo-,-.oifIf' ' 8mUUm Md order; i!, ud Ularacy .p. . ' v'; . V. j- r '' 0 f weeks, xinti 11 which 'Ltime, we withra c!m couple hargv-;v jaVicii y shall he unable to get any- - farther sup- -; i.r 1 f" AV " to tta Editor ' CnmsMiitiN y)v; ;. dll addnuid auiW V Come; ' ria Lut Tiila. ply of paper for theissae of tixeOracle,' '.'r i ,tYl n The Vedette, is now furnishing a dai- toibegih: Vhd b tme ir to be lost jot v j.r . wcsiiKLt:$ '. jr ff'f " .'SRrSr.iressasTSX-:Z ly to the people of thisplace, wnich is squandered by delay-- 1 ThVtime is quite a ctedi table affiiir, coming from a Vfg - . 4. Ift ' if r. . TZMIt.- SUE2CRIE2S. Pk liaiM 0. iaU f Cimi. ; . -- . - ; fjPASHjVy 8b-rlptl- . m J.-.- y. , t- i . i ; - - . ' - . - - 1 . '. T , . . - J . : millitary i campV-Thie- , energy if'-trul- pitioMthe'mrcumstimoMintiting v commendable,iandwo.trus4thatUieir success' willimprovea' greater spirit oi enterprise in' other; directions; hot fax ti j to leanx iamethicgat thd ex tiTS V' w, of enss .iil bopo.re may GoTerniacat, 4l; ;'u3ceed.; Tha IIoes has, taken hold in and business if y'.V'.X:'earnM to do something .flhei r.' despatched with proraptneB '"& diseossUm afternoon a splendid' 'Thiy IB 0 ijf tfc z;::. Business in the ty isVquite Jiyely, and t)ie keen cold weather has giren place to a chaDge," anduow vhe enow ie mel ting a way ae fast aait eomes; and sleigh cunivateiih has become s'dnUbusinMatS $fo drones npw.; ing ' NTcllf as we have of nothing moye .in the highest st le of ,ariuid science Occnpied the House to a lats honr on' the of a rhich hll tie it reading yon' have-gi- re ground Mining Bill,' .. ; ', drew forth warmer expressions of loyal- - V-cond -- ' ;tr 'r 11, I; i ll-Ktf- f ';i adth'i'.: tage:of;artifidalprodnctiven,and4;Av - H ! '. f V 4 V-S-- t ' - i F what"b .' "' if V , . i.vf.-- A1--'!- v tiV' Yesterdayi the extreme penalty of the law ?7s.s meted to Jason Lues.' lie yrei. - . - j All varieties 6f grain command a good price,'and . wheat' inj particular.The sioner ofAgnCiilture.Agricaltiiral'and thiai test Mticl we-,othcl reports, for J86$ythe-orm.pf;'parties 'nnea,;7hen brought oat for; price for ' execaticn- he Cf which' is certainly thC ;most interesting epoke sosae ten Euimte3f tcell tipwithnoinmediateprospect said Lis heart was right if his head-waless s cf there reall i Imih Ill.l being yalaef yet y B. was sorry for what he had done ho ;roxg; in iDiB influx scarcity the Teoiuitrjrt 'fciood weald make :,r.d f ' ;hf v' ti v-; - s ..v..ri'r fcll of population, tcgether vriUi the demand hcped'his I)', fcr.tresd thoheW;, market;.' at': the Northern Idlses.asdXo.prospeotive stmwbernesP.';Atf6r'5UlSpt'fwlu: work ch the Cfesteal Djrisica cf the great are. py?'-very -- J 3' ; . ; ' ij - ! : 3 . ' f V'j V-- .'. w - ' t'-- " ts-r- ;tS i i fi I vmMri a breads tcS': our famners:.:' cant li.' .( ( product t .. ur and even though xuch may be freighted 'overland .from :: the' frcsti.ejrs cf Nebraa and the Missouri Biver.' where. floor ka . r may be bought at a1 trifle Over: J2 per1 - m attending and was pieasantly sarprhsd. attha georgeous purity 'end . ts.st9 cf the interior, which really sur- we hare befors ssea on anything ptsats ccntinaat,' and yet yra hare' visited thsiCacsu cf those ri.icies of assasement ' la many of tho 'Lsrtern. cities. The C.T" i.r.'tz'u wn wr!l perfrrned to & good ' 3, z.z 5 thevh the inferior' cherac- h , in tens.-crr:.3izilZztzz.Wy su: ' ir.:d, ro finis could fee found with the is real-l- y p:luu; il'chtrxotros. "It this'in'-s.:Icr.tlcr: :ht illy 3 th.3 four. of ih.is cash atiiaciion is preri t S9 and draw the rouiliTroia 7,. daljed pf.yY y j !' thanMide Padflo Bsilroadgiye premissofa mar; ket of. rcmuseraUve 'prices forall.tho ;r-3- 3 o r - :r. , . ;X hundred; Ve':;'ciuxh6tyr.rB8edv; not fear ' the ;;competiU6S for we; can.1 certainly Cavalry' (C; V.)passed 'south a :baggsgalf make it pay j fthvB?ppj.thosa datafiihds though flour cost'hcthisg cu the Missour- asking for Ifqnrmation,,were anawercdMi few Goingsoutha..'4 i.-, If our argncultsrisii show an enerC.t ' .li..!.''l'..' f:j j' Uudr aad cf themsfelyes'; gy worthy that- foy ilk industeyeach r pro-verbi- f ?i m AAW ' aitoiia - fe WaatiiA - a!, - v. "L F |