Show ArrMrnlst IliitllrrniitnU Knirllrr Murray Ltnh Scat 7 An on usual accident at tho lermanla smeller at II chock last night result rd In tho death of Angclodl Andiloslo and painful Injuries to Antonio Salvo tore Tho monkey In which the ore It liialtcd filled up yesterday and ns usual In such a predicament It was taken apart and tho insss of hardened matter removed From fire to ton hours Is usually aliened for tho matte to cool and In this caso It wa supposed sup-posed to be ready for breaking I and Icrcral men begun work upon It However How-ever tho Interior of the mass was tilled with molten mctnl which was released In the breaking process nod lowing aliout ten feet went Into a pool of crater An explosion resulted and tho detonation was heard throughout through-out Murray Aiidrlcitlo and Salvatore who with other men were working on tho matte word within reach of limo exploding metal and In an Instant their clothe were ahlnza Itoth men Immediately rushed for a pond about 153 feet this I ant nnd Jumped Into tho water They wcra followed by their comrades amid Salvatore on the verge of drowning wa pulled out Andrloslo crated with fright or pain had jumped Into deeper portion of tho pond Ile depth In place In I twenty foot and ho sank before 1 assistance assist-ance reached him i |