Show UTAH NEWS < Utah county fair will be held the first of October conference visitors visit-ors from the south will If allowed the privilege of stopping over to tee It The proposition for building a new sugar factory Hprlngvllle has been favorably considered and the building Is now supposed be an accomplished fact factAt CorinM the Hear river canal people peo-ple have n largo grain elevator with power attached by wire rope to the Corlone mill ISO feet distant This elevator la I leased to Itobcrtdathrle who Is shipping wheat to the mast Home time ago a Brigham girl unfortunately un-fortunately < < broke off about half of one of her front teeth She Mon arrived at the conclusion that title accident did not add to her canty to tho plucky girl reduced the adjoining tooth with a common file to a level with tho broken one While Hen Travis and Edger While of Emery county urn cutting poets In Ibo mountains east of Irelands Ire-lands ranch near Hallna last week they found and killed forty rattlesnakes rattle-snakes the largest one ineisarlng six fret In length and having eighteen rattle rat-tle Another party killed ten anakei near the same place John J Donovan expolice captain of Halt Lake ho departed for time Klondike He hn been In correspond I rare for several months with parties In the gold fields who wanted him to rome and bring a friend A Halt Lake banker put up I the money to cover the expenses of tho trip and Donovan rent well heeled A family going around tho world on bicycles pitied through Ilrlglam City recently There was a tandem on which sat tho man woman and boy aVout S years old and njio blankets canleens knapsacks and other camp supplies Tho weight of thti wheel and bundle wa about 110 pounds without the rider They were from Colorado Spring Peter Oarrr Ogden hu secured a franchise for an electric streetlight leg system In llyrum The city agree to take twelve arc light and fro or ale hundred lnrnndcscen have already been contracted for Tho condition of tho franchise are that tho light mutt be burning within ninety day Citizens of llyrum have anhscrlhcd liberally for tho stock A similar ichemo Is being proposed for Wells fllle A terrlflo storm of wind and hall rlsltrd Cache valley Dna day last week approach to Lewlston and Clark Ion was heralded by a loud humming nolle and a large dark funnelthaprd cloud tho lower end at which was gyrating gy-rating rapidly was seen approaching It truck what is I known as 11 tie mountain and burst and spread It passage which wa brief was ncrom1 pa tiled by cimtInnUhund TJ and large1 hull Standing whet anA oat were I V < some Instance lalU flat upon the i ground and In other tho heads were cut off aa smoothly as II done by a i heading machine Tree wero stripped of their fruit and foliage The resultant result-ant dnmal1u will aggregate thousands of dollars Tho regular Mason at Saltalr cam I lo an end on Ito nth lust and In all probability It will remain closed for five year The reasons claimed for tho closing up of Hllllair are that It Is I 1000 feet tQO000 and bathhouses ahead of Halt Lola City In other nordi It is I too largo a place built on too magnificent a seal to bo mado a paying Investment It is I not tho owner Intention to alloT It to fall In bad repair but It will nut lie operated again until ouch firm tho hustiim + + demand It Oarflcld Istu be blue only bathing resort operated on the meat Bait Taeko next year Garfield will be made doubly attractive and the transfer trans-fer ft Sultnlrn management and what portion of thin plant and furnishing It I found necessary Is to lie made The fruit Industry Is pushing time 1 < < beet Industry hard for first place as a r readymoney producer for the farmer m t11idugvlll Tho record of William liojlincoa business for the mouth of August shows that he hIlA shipped three car of mlxnd fruit from Spring rllle consisting nwpectlroly of Iooo 1500 and 3750 crate anti from Frovo two car of pear averaging 1100 crates Four oars of box Umber hobo been used for shipping purpo The Jubilee commission says they s will Imvn n surplus of MOOS after the < < Payment of all the expense of time Ju flllcc 711I1 1 I MIa Pay son city council hai appro I mated fOOO to tho mayor to pay T II Win nor assignee for the elctri Ujbt plant Thl Is Mid to IMJ limo h egret city warrant over iMtied bye Ill HUH City rooonler since It Incorporation Incor-poration A roportcome from Kalrvlew that man by tto llama of Hanuin was lost 111 wlfu tnl ° sectllmlm thamornlngof the ad lust anjjti stale she had searched search-ed nil clay but no trace could bo found of him mils < J h |