Show 1111 OehI I host Tuesday the Sew 1111 allied I unini iivU for the ioiulnu term with MIM riorciiM K husker teacher Nijit Moilla > all the city chimli win 01 > vii their daze thulrtutes having tlelde lon l-on hilt 11 I I H HI their ui ellnj last I Monday with the fi > llo initeaOieii At the Itrick Illnclpal Carl Alllxm niditani J I I1 Smith hark School Mln Srunilace awl Mli Uub Wllllami Spring 1101101 M 1101111 aril Mlw tame Onrrutii II Iran Crock Wilmar 1 tai I i The teumuilt hMke V den 1 < ws lot ill111 on the JOih |