Show AS DIIYAN SEES IT IUe In tIOII show In lmla flrnr1 III U ooll n St Louis Sept 11l1lalll J llry an In n loiter give the OMIt utterance utter-ance after three months of travel and observation Among other thing ho lays Wheat luau risen became the foreign for-eign crop ha been exceedingly short The fact that silver and wheat havo parted company will enuw m dismay to throne who understand that tho law ofnupptr and demand regulates tho price of both If tho Ilcpuhllcandclre to claim Jrcdlt for tho high prim of nhrnt they must nMtimo tho responsibility for mho famlno In India A IllIerol rise In price should bo follonvd 1 byte rlto In wage |