Show W Tniprnr In Ireland Ixrdon line cablegram A great rrunide for the revival of temperance wok la Ireland wa Inaugurated at t time cuntorn haute Dublin In the pre torn of i vent and enUuitaitc ntidl onco on Monday The lltv rather hays ot Kottlngbtm one ot the foremost fore-most and bwlknonn Roman Catholic temperance advocate 1 In Uniland opened the prormdlnga wllh a vlgoroua and eloquent oration at the clone ol which large l crowd took the pledge Tho ocletlfi laking part Included the Irish Atnodttlon for the Irexenllon of Intemperance the Hand of Hope Union the Church of Ireland Temper anco Ataotlatlon the Father Matthew Society snit League of the Crow the Dublin Worker T A Aaaoclatlon and othm HfprwfiitntHen were prencnt from all part of Ireland and tho nrranctnuntt were mantel out by an lufluentm committee Including Mciwr 11 WI Ibm W Dunn II I 11 Cotgrovt II A S Coma J 1 W Shoo J p A J Nlcbollt IU II and J11 Morlarlly In dy a gone by Ireland took a prominent > rUriiA m 2 nllDiT10T1JIiit4II11 lhtaslnut n And efforta for a rerlral it the work I attended with eminent IV ee |