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Show SALT liAKlMTI Y. UTAH, JA.MJAKY 15, 1'ITHLISIIED 1 HK SCHOOL YKAK. SEMI-MONTHL- 1HD2, Y DURING .var 'In advance Tor school .50 AcUertisiiitf rates made Known on itpplieittion. Tlie object ot this paper is to teach ihe art of printing to the pupils in the Utah School for the Deaf. Address all communications and subscriptions to THE DESERT EAGLE, Salt Lake City, Utah. r it ax it w. n i:rvA m i:iito it Extract from the Governor's Message to the He recommends our separ.it ion from the University. the Trie Deseret University has passed through two very successful years The attendance has. been very large, and the limited room at the disposal of tre University very much overcrowded. The report of the chancellor and regents will set forth these matters very fully, I recommeud that the Deaf Mute branch be divorced from the University and be placed in a more suitable location. The building now occupied by the deaf mutes can be utilized bv the University. I also recommend that the name be changed to the Utah University. This will more clearly iden- tify this important educational institution with the name and tame ot tfce territory. In connection with the Deaf Mute Institution there should be provision made for the blind. The last census in the territory. returned fifty-tw- o I submit herewith a commut ication I have received from Professor Met-ca- lf in charge of the deaf mutes, relative to the necessity for a separate , building, marked Exhibit 4. 1 en, 1 s, 1 Legislature. Department for Blind. Art-Stud- 1 Kutered a: ihe post office iu Salt Lake city as second class matter. A We have often been asked what our pupils could uo after they were LExhibit 4. Report of Deaf Mute School. through school. Salt Lake City Dec. 8 ,isJi. The following from the Weekly GoVKltNOK ARTHUR L. TlIOMAS: News shows what they are doing Dear Sir: The following is in explan- in California. ation of onr neda outlined on N.l: MALES. The University is overcrowded and 1 1 Fireman, Artist, needs more room. We are now giving 1 Flour sacker, rooms m our use of of four th the 1 Furniture dealer, 1 Apiaris, wo exclusively. This building was 1 1 House painter, Aesayer, 1 planned with a view of beiDg in time Barber, J Hunter, so used by the Universi y, it is much 1 1 carver, maker, lvoiy Bjx better adapted to their needs than Business-nun- , :i Laborers, hi onrs. T lis location is not desirable 1 2 Lumbermen, Butcher, for a large school of this kind. It is on Cabinet-make- r, 1 2 Mail carriers, too low ground and in an unhealthy r Miners, Carpe&ters, we are of very Clerks, : portion the city, where 2 Orchard istF, frequently exposed to contagious City Treasuier, 1 Peddler, !) We now have to buy all diseases. College students, 2 Plasterer, supplies of every kind, while if located Contractor, 1 1 Porter, on a suitable tract of land (we should 1 2 Uincherd, Cooper, have not less than 100 acres) , the greater Cow 1 1 Sailor, boy, of our vegetables, fruits, portion 1 etc. could be raised, ard the cost of Deputy Inspector,1 Tailors, ; Teicaers, Draughtsman, maintenance greatly reduced. 1 'J Varnisher, Farmers, Then, too, it is much harder to gov- Farm-hand11 Vinejardist, ern a school of this kind in the city FEMALES. than in a suburban location. Safety 1 is another element that must be Artist, Matron, 1 11 considered. Poetess, It is very dangerous for Helpers, (J our young deaf children to go about Housekeepers, 2 Seams-ressithe streets with the many car lines, Heie in Utah one of our both steam and electric. Two of our is a hamesMiiaker, - worked the pupils have been run down by the past fall in the riugar factory, one tlectric cars and one of them killed. is a sheepherder, one is a teamster This scnool will grow just in propor: girls are married tion as the Teriitory grows. It was 2 are laborers, wise to start it under the fostering and keeping house, and 6 girls are care of the Unversity, but the time has helping do housework at home. come, as all agree, when it should be In treating the public buildings, the placed under a separate management, a board of cotrol of its cwn. Governor makes some excellent recWe have not as ethad means to ommendations Especially is this so will of out the the in relation to the suggestion made to carry expressed Legislature in full. Our industrial separate the Deaf Mute Institute from classes need more attention and to be iIk Deseret Uuivc rsity. We have been plaeed under competent instruction. of this opinion from U.c first, and Appropriations should be made to that consider the proper plac for the end. blind. for deaf mutes is on the bench is was done land northeast of Provo. Pi ovo It time that something for the blind of this Territory. The Dispatch. blind last census returned lifty-tw- o That i. not a had opinion. Now children under 21 years of age. Tnese, for want of proper instruction, are let the citizens of Provo oiler 40 acres or more of good land, mitably growing up in ignorance. Is this as it should be? Being familiar with the located for a public institution on methods of educating blind, I would the northeast bench and we feel suggest that you recommend a depart- sure the offer will at the proper ment for the blind be established in time receive due consideration. connection with this school. Tnis is done in many states. It saves expense, We uow have an enrollment uf as but one set of executive ollicers and one set of buildings are necessary for 45. both classes of children. John lteck, one of our old pupils Very respectfully, returned to school on the 4th. Frank W. Metcalf. (Communication referred to above.) THE DESERET EAGLE , ex-pupi- -- ls |