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Show D e s & ret E stoic i SUPPLEMENT. JANUARY DEAFNESS THE BLOOD "It Is sometimes bard to say why families are thus strangely affected with Sometimes the deaf intermarry, aue children nny inherit the trouble, but that that which most often leads o deaf progeny is the e of relatives. There ar countless cases recorded which show how diseases and d formity of all kinds may result from rich unions lam speaking of course ol children born deaf. The conditions ot thes" made deaf by disease is much more eas-lexplainable. "Hut it occasionally happens frrin the marriage of those who are no rela'ives whatever, and are in full possession of hearing and speech, srm offspring bom deaf. Science is trying to explain why it is so. I believe mvself that a cbild may be born deaf and dumb because the mother during ooncepMcn comes suddenly upon a deaf child and is kreuly impressed by its ailliction. It seems as though the mental photograph made is impressed upon the unborn child. d'-afces- MABMAGE OF BEHTIVES. In- -- Vrmsvny. y very remarkable fact how deafness runs in certain families," of the said Principal A. L. K. Oro-iterDeaf and Dumb InsM'uUn. The truth of th matter is that there are several families In this state, wo have had in the Institution ever sire1 it was smarted, and will have fo- - rears to come. There are the Zimmr-naann- s , of Steelton, Dauph'n Co , the Purvises (A this city, the William of ShoemakervilV, Berk Co., the Rlir and others, alwtvs represented here When the nsme dors not appear on We on our roll it geem strangp. hav two Z'mme'manns here now. Dafnes camp into the fm!lT throrgh the moher, who was a B'air and ha three deaf-mut- e, si'ters. Tierp in seven or eight of the Purvis famik who are daf iwd dnmh. On . Inter-nnrriap- stitution lYIKa Slrano Slory of Iul" .Wiitos ami their "It is a BORN DEAF. TIIK (JUKKK WORklMSS Ol" BLOOD. IN Tin IScaorU ol llio Hoard St reel 15. 1892. MIND WORKS ON BODY. Now suppose a mo'hpr has had one cvild born deaf. As the time ap i So, Hut Ouly Slay Thai Way. All infants are deaf at birth, because th cutei ear is as yet closed and there is co air in tbt ui'dcle ear. A response to a strong sound is observtd at the earliest in six hours, often not for a day, sometimes not for two or three day . The awakening of the serse may be recognize? by m an of the drawicg 5 up of the arms and the whole body and the rapid blinkirg which aloud noise provukes; and it is a sign of deafness if the ch'dd, after its tars have had time to cr.me into a suitable conditiou for heaii? g, fails to respond thus to a strorg sound No other organ of sense contributes so much to the (arly physical devel opmeut of the child as that of hearing after it has became fully developed. The superiority of the ear over the eye in regard to this point, shown by the intellectual backwardness of persons who are born deaf, as compared wsth those who are born blind. At the beginnirg of life, as a rule, the voices of the mother and the nearest relatives afford the tlrst impressions of sound. Very soon these voices are distinguished, and different tones and noises differently n s( ondt d to. It is particularly inter s'irg to compare the soothing operation of sirgirgot the c adle melodic s wiih the t xtraodir ary vivacity exhibited on the hearing of dance mus'c, in the s; cond month. Crrtaiu sounds, as those of th consonants sh, st, an ( f the m xle voice, are i ft, ctive t a very early period in quiethig the cryioir of a cnild ; w Vile other strong like tt:e whistle of and strange on an engine, will eaue it t) cv. Observations on the(i points, which are easily multiplied show that iu spite J its n'lginil deafness tl:e child iejuns very soon to riic: iminate, letween the impressions of sonn 's. Phrenological Journal and Science of IIe;ilth. proaches for the birth ot another child she very naturally is tilled with fore bod! r i;s lest its ears and lips shall likewise bo staled. T"is very condition of the mind may lead to the sequel "Another interesting family i that is feared. Tne study of physioliobbs, who live at No. 712, WpV logy sef m to show that this hypothStreet. John M. Bobb, a etone ci'tpr, esis is corrrc. The rule may fail, for James Hobb a weaver, and Herbert the spcond child may he ail light, Bobb. who is in this Institution . are while llrst and third are deaf three brothers all born deaf. J n routes. It is a study of most asorMrg married a wife who was somwKa intercs, arid science is gradually help deaf, and all his three child ren, Flo- - to correct knowledge of the suhje-crencp.Walter and Lillie are deaf mutjs Cntjc, from birth. m m "We have in the Institution now,! A reporter from the New Smh two Aliens, from Wyorr.inir Conn'v, D af, Dumb both of whose parents arc deaf mutes, Wales Insti ul on as well as two other children; two and the Blind, at Sydney, Australia, -a Hindoo deaf and dumb Campbells from .Junia'a County, t'.rer tales that of whose brothers and sister are girl has been admitted as a r upil for wnf ; two Girtlets from Lackawanna 'tne purpose of b Ins uuca:eo so that aviMrtu illy return to Incii i xnl County, three of whose brothers and shr ma sisters an, deaf; four Lltzennenrers, instruct the .similarly fclllct.d amonz Sa5t Tls'! I'ke City from Lhich County, aM horn deaf, her ow p'op'e, there being -.no irstitu-an- d f.'omi-anpav out ll.ono monthly for a Schantz, from Jurdata Co., in 'ion the'e f r that purpos- She ha on 'hvii KlictiicCar Systini. whose family there are three other d erived some ot the hemll's of an whir's I xcliarg . duration at the .ciiou'. Kxchar deaf mutes. j tv tp I ' ore , - ; -- i d ; -- : c ir- -. |