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Show ME DE3ERET The Provo Dispatch, The Daily Hummer and The Silent Missionary have heun added to our exchange lint. The first nunf&er of the Silent If future Press is well edited. numbers are ms good it should receive the hearty support of the Deaf. The Florida School ha started a paper called the Institute Herald, so say our exchanges, but up to date, we have not received a copy Mease X Bro. Caldwell. V copy f Uie Advance Deaf-Mut- e iviuhed u ihU week. The first we have sten for thiee years. We give it welcome and hope its calls will he more frejuriit in the futnre. the contractor who built the new Institution buldiug at Fulton called on us a short time Mr. Mc-Cartin- , rir 31 EAGLE. pnii ptrt f her time at the institu- tion. The holiday 3 are over now. It has snowed every hard here. The girls like to waltz iu their playroom. The hoys' schooner is a "dandy" and they haw some fine sport on the hill east of the Institution. Amelia Comer slipped on the ice while goirg over to the store. That is the reason she is limping1 The pupils who staged here during the vacation week bad quite a nice party on New Year's Eve. "The sleighing is flue" says one, "Finer than that" says another, hence you se , must be very fine. We wonder what they did with Mr. Drigus while he was away Xtnas week. He returned looking quite forlorn. Pr ncipal Metcalf and wife weie out at a few receptions and bad a lunch party here, while Xmas passed away. Now is Julia Colletts g turns i hey had in during vacation wn-kgo d e wu k with friends in thi.-- city- - ii iMnnwr turn Lhi City . birthday is cxpicttd io tie-- havpy day to the pupils who are looking forward wiih Joy. is cold and fretzng The now, and the boys al ways gut red notes w hen they go out of the house. TiiiiMdaytue little boys had Baby A ice oir in her hle!gh aid one of tht in let hi r fall and hurt her lace. L zzie Wood had company Sunday arid ii.troductd ilum into the. study room where all Hi- - boys and g ris were read- Wai-hiiigton- 's a wt-atn- i plear turn to have a swollen lip. The small boys like to play in the snow and slide. Eraina Lambert has the free use of her hands again. Dr. Park and two gentlemen came to visit our school. Jacob and Joseph Heck often came to visit our school. Autograph albums are going round from hand to band now. Joseph Beck took a photo of the boys one day when he was here. John Clark has got bis Natural History and is pleased with it. J jhn Beck came to school a few days ago. He likes to go to school. John Clark and Joseph Cameron's two friends came to our school. Charles Stucki's coutiu, a lady, came to visit our school the other day. The boys and girls wrote letters to thtir parents and relations last Friday. Leo Hawkins were home Friday tveniugaod r turned Monday morning. Wednesday and Thursday of last week, Jtcob and Joseph Beck visited the Institute. ;y Djuelson did not ccure tucbool for a week In cause he was sick. He stayt d at home. Anwdia Corner ai.d Julia told what I'KAXK ItONi:. spun Editors. Libbie DeLong, IIooU'r. is now located tini-hin- Earl Moore, Toe Dkskiu: i Kaglk consists of six pages of MKglen this time Brother in Zion, It is with sorrow, that we are and putting up the new building for the i qui table Co op on Ut called upon to announce the death of one of our pupils. Frank Hose Sou tli. died at the residence of his sister in The Deaf Mule Hawkeve has a thiscity of heait failure on the evecut of their main building in the ning of December ill. Frank was 17 years old. He enterlast ismie. By the way the architect of that huildin?, Win Ward, ed srhool on the dth. of Janaury had charge of the of our lS'Jl and had not been with us quite building. He is now the teacher a year. Frank was a good boy, of Architecture and Mechanical alwa doing cheer! ully w hat was drawiug in the Deseret Unversity. retjuiied of him. He had made good progress in school. We shall The has been considerable iid in all miss hiin. the various school' papers lately Frank was in school on the about Christmas vacation. Most of morning of the JSth. He comthe writers condemn it. We have plained of not feeling well in the had a vacation. Our school closed afternoon and went to bed. When on Dec. 24, and opened on .Ian. A. the doctor called the next morning S1 percent, of our 'pupils went he was up ami came down to see home. All but two returned on or him. His brother, a student at the before the 4th. These tu o are sick. Univeisity, had called that mornShould the above tecord condemn ing. On examination the doctor the Christmas vacation? bought he might be quite sick and advised hi brother to take him to his sister' residence where he could have constant attention. This was dune. He grew rapidly Cold. fur. worseand his lather was Sch)onnring is all iuv go. He received the bet of care and is rapidly fadir g away. possible w:i done for Amy Device looks like a litib trirl in everything him but without avail. His body tier new long sleeved apron. for burial. Mis Z r auirh most of ilie was shipped to Morgan since, P npilH Column Durlug be holiday week Miss Stiiller i er The bu and gir ls who coast up orr the '.rill scuiviiuii s Hide almost Iioin the top nl .ln: :ii to ili- Ir stitnle aLd oU n IrghK the pioplc. i - |