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Show .9 R M ARKS & CO. the leading Ls -- Institution ri ii -- r- - of this Territory for all kinds of ERCHA NDISE. AL GEN CM OPPOSITE TEMPLE. - i taMaMMMB j J-- Cheapest Furniture House in Utah. It Both Wholesale and Retail. carries the Finest Selection Co of- - GENERAL FURNISHINGS. GENTS' CLOTHING AND to the Ladies in Dress Goods, Garments, lubbons, Hosiery, Gloves, Laces, Jewelry, Watches and a Thousand Notions, It aims to nlease all its customers, and it invites the patronage of every buyer It caters Q T. G. WEBBER, Supt. SHKLLKY & Co-o- i J.1 i j BURCKHAKTT DEALERS IN Specimen. Mannact urern of the lebrated Ilocky Mountain Diamond Jewelry. Ml Main Street. o im . i Urjtf CjACKEff Factory STATIONERY C2MPANY72 Main Street. ! a, t (INCOIM'OHATKD) Go to i Hard ware and Jlef(tls, Stores, J. f , JJIli If If-If- p - O itiS Main street. For Furniture. Young Bros. Co. Domestic Seiriia Machines c c f r I FINE MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Salt Lake 38 Main Street. w CEACKEES. 67. Fine Dry Goods Utah. - ! TVPnft'Pl la UU I 7TPQf II the establishment Largest 1 6 H CALLAWAY, HOO0K & hiiiQ, Q , assare. LAMPS, Lie 35 w AV. Si Verlare, . First South Si, I E like CO Wholesale and Retail Dealers in li j ; -j in I s , world, vtvvso t examine, kxchang-toSI'KCIA LTY. Wlu.Iesale mimmi. IN(1 A -v- i j w ,-.a..- HEADQUARTERS) , v . IS Main 1 OiT LfKt OL vi.-.i-,..- .i : i prices dealers. Illustrated catalogues free. , s... n I T r ilWnl I Crf iroam lilHi 1 M,n , second-han- d JJfmhrfn'f street. ,M IE ARUWAPtE ,.i d. wok., -- Pn 2 UU.z.? S E i P SimrtilUI GtunhtK- Jlnuw i rUIIUSIHIH. I Jf Id ratKtlC. Wabash ave., Sk;xok hiu (Jrx. Chicago. ; H.2 y. jxanyc s, j - - ; Uc Cloaks, Trimmings, Hosiery, Knucy (joods. -- 1 instruments at half new pries. Unprejudiced adviee triven on all makes. Macjunes sold on montjily pay- ments. Any instrument manulactured First-clas- H3 Coln $rotfers, MaiuifiH'tnrers of OHGANS, PIANOS AND -- rH Barratt .. Bros. I I.. E S- - Itqys, etg., etc. Drillers in g O Main Street. 3 UTAH BOOK AND ! i o Company, Furniture, Carpel'?, Curtain?, !2j Window Blinds, Kl Dry Goods. Ce- Furniture 11-1- LAOE HOUSE Fine Mineral p. 4241 W. Secon GREEN GROCER. 24 W. FIRST SOUTH. Sout tz'l x t F 8 a - - |