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Show THE DESERET EAGLE. 34 AN INSTITl'ON AT SHANGHI. sin-cesrfull- Dr. 0. O Fay, of the Hartford tends us the following : Missionary re'a'iu a in China bate given me info? mat ion rcently of the at Shanghai lounding of an for the education of Chinese deaf-m- u es, For two years tfce subject has been carefullv canvassed by educated residents, Chinese and foreign, and an organization (fleeted, wilh a published constitution and plan of opera Ins-tlttuo- in-tPu'i- 1 io . n, on All Alaska is now Other details might, and peraapi will, be here after giver. The country bas been dep!y iLtemttd in. 'he school recently established and carried on bj Mr (Carles II. Mi Is, at Turg Cbow. Chttfoo, Chlca. in the placer mines on the Upper Yukon. Old miners who have worked in the Californiaand South African mines say that the Alaska j.trike" is the richest they have tbedi-covej- y . interest will doubtless he felt in the Shanghai Ia.titution.Tae enter- Ymon h prise 1 evidently a scild, hubtaotlal who rvo-seen- Equal life-vot- e. Britain. The country along the Upper is tist filling up with people vt- the gold fever. Exchange. FREE TRIP TO tiii; A WORLD'S FAIR t'oiiiiiM'iifiiijf.Muy I, IN9.1. The HtsuMV Company n( &m Frar.-ci-c- n, Oil (capital st ck $.")00,0rt) the oldest and ia gst iubiibiug boue on ( the Pac-liuasi, wis dn announce ; that in y will t'v inoLU' kly hkkb a ticket to th Woild's Fair and ie , turn, inclildini; niea'S e I we k (7 day ) hotel accoinn da'iini-- , ? n admission licke s to thstn two leading Chicago grounds, theatres aLd ?uci other piivileg' s as miy insure a pea ant tiip,t)desiviM! person, who comply iih their rise xi-ot-iii- 'i'e i requl-rniutL- t.. Tho-- e d-sir- aotmt; t. g to go ii the World Fiir and wbocou'd not oihe wice do s , can aridrfps us at once tor u i p rticulars. This offer d s no, ai.piy to peorif, of mean- - who aie in a position to ijiim ifie. xpeitses of suctra trip !htrm Iv s, bur. to n'erprNinir, int IHiren1 young: m n ai d wom-- n w.i can aypn cUtesuch pn oporiuui'y an i in ke the most of . Teachers, c'erirv in n, fiirien'8, farmers, nrgra son es smith's work, carpentry, and general, needlework," and in the Female Demaking, partment to "artificial-flowe- r embroidery, knitting, and general needlework," The whole annual expense, inclnd ing maintenance and salaries, is estimated at $4,000. The control is U rest in a board of five direction1, tbrte cf them foreign and twe Chinese, elected annually by subscribers; $7.00 entitles a suhsciiner to one vote, and $35.00 to a Larger donations multiply the voting power Fay pupils will be received and also beneficiaries of every class. Government aid cannot be depended upon at the outset. Subscriptions are therefore solicited from the benevolent and philantbrop-is- , very much as is done for the supschools in Great port of deaf-mut- e gld ct the nadof a committee ofsentN men, eight of tr em Chinese and fix of tbim Knulirh Fpi a) i'.g nidei.tf. IT. .C Alwajs Holgef, M.A., is the president of This Lift your nat. Be courteous. cornmitti-e- , and John Walker, Kq , Cltan your feet. General Manager of the Shanghai Bark, Count your charge. tacasurer. A substantial preliminary Do your own figuring. endowment of $30,000 is desired. The IMS yourself on the defensive. necessary opening expenses for land, Sit at the farther end of the i ew. buildirg'i and furaiture, with a begiLook in your envi lope alter reinov nning attdodanc f twenty pupil, are estimated at $5,000. A manager in ing the letter. Give your opponent ropi enough t chM from 4 merica or Europe is desired, with native assistants in the teach- hang himself. Be manly and apologrze when v u ing of language and of tradts. As elements of "a general school education, have done a wrong. Make a positive contract and watc Christian and secular," it is designed to teach deaf-mut"to speak, read, for caanges in c indition. See that every check y u lecieve s write, and calculate" by whatever mttaods are suggested by "the most properly countersigned. Ht.ve your nam in your books, in recent and widely extended experien- ce. your h it and on your umbrella. Ex The course of Instruction is to be literary and industrial, embracing Articulation Marie Easy. all subjects usually taught in similar be given in the Male Department to 'drawing:, carvixg, block cutting, typesetting, ironsmith's work, copper- of y 4 one, under intelligent, reliable contf on xpand-in- g rol, with a good pro.-ptfuure. It c rtainly appeals tc the benevolent and pbilantbiopic cf America, specially toihoft inteitited and active in the iu.--ti ueuou of draf The enterprise is at present in mule?. Annals. institutions." Special attention will at fever heat over and daughter, in fact a y find al posses irg fneigy, enterprise and Cbracte' wUh' Hiwthle the ( JiAM i; of a ui i;nm; nun or woman wio Every desires )ouug to og (lliirago an i see the wonders oi the gr slut. t xhiU'ion t world has v r kMiwn, snuld ad 1res Adult Deaf Mutes taught to speak us at oce Srtian pp rtunitv is off t th will hi"tii5 md io rarely low and voice made The rd perfectly. event of a life'im to tho-iwho g . smootbe, by cultivation. A per- address fect articulation guaranteed. AH THE HISTORY COMPANY THE IIINTOKY Hl ll.ltlXi defects in speech removed. Ine . 723 Market struction given privately or in clashes. Send fer circulars. Mrs. C. E. Lounsbury, 843-5t- h St., San Frans'sc. 'V.1.. Ave. N. Y. City. INFERENCES. I consider Mrs. Lounsbury one o the best teachers of Articulation, to be found in this country. Dr. I. L. Peet. Prin. N. Y. Inst. H i I take pleasure in recomendinir IS THE BEST. Mrs. Lounsbury, as an experienced and successful teacher of Articula- tion and ILL. lip-readin- ft.toms g. Rev. Dr. Gallaudet. No. 0 West 18th St. X. Y. City. LI JlMr FOR SALE RV JOHN cituciu. DAYNES. SALT I.AKE CIH ! i |