Show easing pain of tax paying IS NO sach ihirg as painless taxpaying any more than there is painless dentistry but we must say that officials of the internal reven e L se vice hae lice t e droit arc are trying tr arg hard to ease the process of extrac tion the L income tax fo u rn to le distributed this year the fed federal fedral ral callec tors say proudly a e easier to read require less arithmetic and p ovide a simplified instruction booklet t Fa thermo e there v ill be no more of th ose tel tell cale eale st ra ici in mi i ked last year years s tax fo in packages accord ing to the recipient s income of course it has to be conceded that the tax forms of the past have left more than little room for improvement and simplification and no matt matt er what the form looks like or how easy it is to fill it out the tax payer still will find himself separated sepe rated from his money when he gets through fill ing in all the lines but for t yag to ease t le ie pain a little the revede reve me boys will deseve dese ve A fo fol effort unless hey get so carried away that they say in the fashion fashio i of some dentist den tista that this is going to hurt us more than it will you that we couldn coulden t take |