Show alien allen no 2 shows good ore face moab utah oct 19 new drill ho les on etaco uranium s alien allen no 2 claim in red canyon show a 22 foot face of ere ore averaging 28 23 per cent uranium oxide on the basis of chem ical assays of drill cuttings etaco officials said today D E kivett of salt lake city co mcany vice president said the alien allen no 2 ore body now might be infera ed at 20 tons this doubles a pre estimate of 10 tons made after fter the first 14 holes were drilled findings of the new holes kivett said include eight feet of ore aver aging 51 per cent uranium oxide on the basis of chemical assays results of the latest alien allen no 2 drillings were announced following an inspection of the property by uta co president george burck vice president kivett secretary treasur er william T hines and mining engineer everett blackburn black burn who wih will direct all future etaco mining operations formally was wi th the vanadium corp of america ati preparations now are being made for mining the alien allen no 2 claim the etaco officials said A foot in dine cline shaft will be driven to tap the ore body limaco holds a operating lease on the al en no 2 and on 12 adjacent claims owned by mohler bros and jack turner of moab preliminary drilling has found on the other claims company officials said and additional drilling is plan 1404 A aa I 1 A S A mab mines inc personnel assembled in chow line at site of christ in uranium mine in east canyon southeastern utah left to right mine fe an charles aplanalp miner frank love moab mines inc pre s id fen illiam J owen company cook james thomas and miner frank krainc X 5 44 0 we 4 A A IM ulm A slusher sled moves out of mine tunnel with another toad load of w waste aste fr from M incline drift to uranium ore body the foot drift on a 20 degree i i dine cline is being tunnelled tunnel led by moab mines inc on the christine mines no one humbug claim in east canyon southeastern utah ned officials pointed out th that wt the alien allen no 2 has not been explored red co mple tely etaco will have two important op orations erat ions underway with start of work on the red canyon property miners already are stockpiling ore on the company s coyote wash holdings in lisbon valley where two loads were eady for shipment today |