Show URANIUM NEWS jesse james there was a lot of speech making at the american mining congress convention last week in las vagas nevada and it seems that most of the ones that wanted to speak had an opportunity to get up and say what they wanted too A lot of the complaints were dir acted against the in regard to their future buying program after 1962 at which time the present pro gram expires but with all the hot blast directed at the there was no answer as to what to expect after 1962 so it looks like congress will have to give an answer at their next session in january as a good many congressman that were speakers on the program indicated that they were very much interested in a def mate program to be worked ct c and made public in order that the mining industry could go ahead and work out a long range program of explore aaion and development in order to maintain a good reserve of essential metals of all kinds that the amer ican industry wail wul have to have to carry on business and not have to depend on foreign imports espee lally in tunes times of trouble most of the mine ope operators raters and workers are not looking for a band hand oat but for a stable mining program whereby they can contina the oper allons of their mines and obtain a decent living the year round it will be interesting to see what congress does with this problem next year W H myers associated of canada has opened up a nice roll of ore in their operation approximately 13 miles mile sou beast of floy this is in tre tle morrison formation and open cut mu mining aing bulldozer work was done by don mcdougal McDo the denver exploration co of boulder colorado has moved in a nother drilling rig for ve aghy caughy in section 3 twp 22 so barg 14 east this makes two rigs for them on the job and mac mae drill ing co has one core drilling rig foil foll owing up the plug drilling the vagabond mining aiming leasing ro 0 o has opened up some good ore and have shipped two tho car loads in their north temple mountain prop erty the four corner uranium corp area west of town 15 n ales miles continues exploration and mining at a fast pa ce several rigs are running and work on the monogram and macdou gal bros shafts are in progress caid nd they wid soon be into ore sev eral other deals and operations are pending and it looks like this area will be one of the most active in the state for a long tune time there is no definite de finate word on the green river mill only a report that it i is still in the negotiation stage and something should be worked out in the near future in the meantime other mills miu are operating on green river ore which should be milled here the new uranium office build mg ing will soon be ready for tenants and several uran m and drilling companies have already leased off ice space |