Show 4 YIN CAL CALr r lH OF S J Special Correspondence i Vina Cal Cn Nov 18 On the Ie October tho the little colony of ot Mormons 1 Sear ar Vina Cal suffered 1 a severe loss ios In the tho death of ot Elder Sam Samuel uel aol A Wilcox VII COX one of ot the founders ot of the time colony colon and ono one ot of Its strongest supporters Samuel Sumuel Allen Wilc x was born b rn in county Iowa March 9 ot of p parents belonging to tho lie Church and he has imaS been active and r energetic cne ama both In temporal temp and anti spiritual He Hc crossed er eross cl Tho the plains In Captain Cannons company In and settled In Iii Cedar Fort Tort Utah Janu amy al 2 1111 he Julia Julio Lauch auch I and from front this union there are arp all four sons and six she daughters nine of whom together with his wife survive Hurh him himIn himIn him himIn In G he with his hi fatally family moved to Dingle Bear Dear Lake Inke count where ho ic presIded as aH bishop from from till I moving mOhl from there to Lyman Irm ll Fremont county Idaho timid and was wag a called to preside as a bishop from 1007 till J resigning his position to move mayo to Rex In the thc of IMS 1500 he lie was umie r n 11 a II mIS a nt member r of the JUri I of M the th Premont stake and amI served sered In lit that capacity until 1002 1902 when he moved to In Canada with wit h his hI family making his hl home In Hav Hn mond On the organization organisation of the Taj Taylor loi lm stake In 1904 1104 he hc was wal chosen ns os n a member ot of the th high council of that stake In itt 1907 he ho removed from Canada C to Vina and nan was unanimously sustained t as nM presiding officer until the tho branch was when he was honor honorably ably released and his hili eldest son was called ralie to the position po of presiding old eld elder cider er or Ml Mr h life has hns hn been one filled with energy and activity Early Earl EarlIn In life he manifested ted those tho sterling finalities qualities r of manhood l that have made him hint one of or Gods noblemen and he leaves behind him a II a fatally and a mm re record record record cord which are art a n solace and anti satisfaction fac thin tion to those who are aro bereft of ot his hiSs love hove and services service were held In the tho Vina church Sunday Sunda Nov Nos No 1 1908 1900 presided over oer bv b by President Billings hilling ot of the tOme San Francisco conference the time speakers being heln Elders C George Cole and Ind C L I French alt all of whom hom spoke words of comfort to the thc arid and friends of i r the thc deceased and amid bore boro testimony te to his nobility of 0 character timid and his faithfulness In time discharge J of all labors and duties as ns assigned assigned signed him Too much m ch cannot be b said 1 in favor ta lr 1 of the good people of Vina who noti J I I 1 offered d the U e use of their lr church churchIn I 1 JI In t which h eh to hold services serI I but ll furnish ed cd flowers In profusion andin an lr lrI ivay I t J tIme in or OI 1 lows CIs t the h J bei caved t L Ai |