Show ENDOWMENT OF LINCOLN MEMORIAL New York XO 25 A committee with Frederick own elt Maitin Martn as president and Gen O 0 O Howard as IS was Wl organized here today lo to forward the movement nt for 0 en endowment CI nt of the Lincoln Memorial as to tt erect a I monument lo to tho memory Ot of Abraham Lincoln The Tho committee committe Intends Intend to take tulla nd ad van of the thc Lincoln centenary Feb fob 12 1009 1909 to raise for tho benefit henet of the tho Lincoln university near Cumberland Gap enl chartered 11 1 years elrA ago ugo agoA A letter tetter from the president to Gen Oln Howard was read In It I the tho says sas I hope that the on hundredth anni annl anniversary of Mr Ir birth will wi see you yon with the tho full endowment for fo thc tho university which you need neel antI and which In II the Interest of the people at large lanc lancIl It Il Is so desirable that you IU should have hao |