Show r I PLAGUE Q COAT COATIs 7 a aIs Is Much Improved in Last pew Few Months Officials Encouraged In Iii Work of Suppression I Is s OUTBREAK WAS RATS to Trace l lulL Source Crowned Cros With Success Hilling During time of ej 1007 Washington Nov Nl IO The situation on the coast Is saul said to greatly Improved within th lust feu fc months and the officials who been most active In the thu work of ti its su pre arc encouraged to bo Cl ci that mat with continued vigilance Its complete eradication Is probable Lr e Walter ot o thy public I c health and marine ml no hospital tal set sen vice liCo Ina iii ti report to the secretary of timo 3 treasury concerning human plague anil plague Infected rats In lii San Francisco Oakland Contra coun cout county ty and Iol Angeles Cal and in Seat heat Seattle heattie tie tle Wash covering time the period by months from May 1507 to Oct Ott 1 iOs shows sio that since this last named tint dato no case ot of human or of Infected rats tins been discovered in inthe time the Pacific coast report shows that hi Iii May 1907 there was vas one ease case of human in n San Francisco and this resulted fatally In June and July there iut In iii August of which six resulted Ct tin him September 5 the of hr cases hind had Increased to 41 11 with it deaths in October there were cre I vases oases 21 I fC l and In the thO cases case hati increased to 36 with 17 For many months mon this the physicians lii I charge of the work hail trapped ly y from lo to rats which were eur j xii with ith refer J t once to infections as many w v i t found dead but It was not IS 1007 1507 that their efforts to hi J he lie plague outbreak to t rats were en emm entirely j successful fi fr r luring that month 31 i nits score I mm ase eIght and 43 Infected found January 64 llague rats were found lint but the had fallen to one In emily of hull to Ill month not a single human case n at any of ot the th coast points uh till tier observation rats tat fal tati i ti oft elf with 58 55 In ii Match March 21 24 in 32 In itt May one in km In two In gle gb Infected rat i i m ms s to Oakland the report during the last In therO were 12 human cases deaths but no cases have developed then During Durin the same period Infected rats were all of these however with thc I I of f one taken last October Were Wele cap captured prior to lust last May i In Berkeley was wits one Ole September 1507 hut but mu since shire s have liaa any inflicted rats been taken there theme thereIn tit In Contra Costa were tv x Plague deaths in tim July 1 nh 1907 ami amione out one recovered case In lIt November but 1 lii since 1 lice No plague rats mitt a have ha o In that In I Los os Angeles tinie was luas olmo Mingle case reported in lit August but since I A infected ground squirrel was taken at tU Los Angeles lit Ut the the human ease caner was reported hut bet fio iio squirrels or mr havet beSim taken to luni since then In Iii Seattle turn three fatal tatal human were liC repotted repel il in hut but the Ity has imas been that date entirely rue from final cases An occasional bearing rat was vat taken from rein time to time time the year 21 in all Sep Sp and aimi int then limen no lUm dip mes es have been made |