Show ID r TH f fw E DAY w llan I glY in int int f t t Various of V Wh fl City ity THE l AND FATHERLESS I Salvation S f forthe 01 the 1 J I less o l r In II I Si I f 1 tlc ic lt H ln I s si sI i I i I Ith i tl U fl I f ry dt f I sleigh l bolls U o oI I rahi rai rah nih chorus of ot college yoH 1 I l d ia a sunlight t g hills f c I nel dS wonderfully wo d if l i the g V s of oY of winter inter the I I nn l it aU holiday was wasu wal u l is s differing rIn fr froth l othe I Ins InA In days dys it I Is II for tor forthe tori or orthe i the tho fact f c Ih that t jo jobbers ers who 11 had tried i to hold h ll thc thoi turkey turl o prices ll too high pet per pOl Pound found sobered Iob red by b recent hard mes Into lio a u wl s sI I to 1 ali cast ast on pork lt chops choi s sI and ee rousts Then en conies comes t the fro tru frozen I zen zon weather which early this tills morn l lug out the 1 cullers and the the fot the lile where gh th r could alt It at tt ati i table tl lc to to enjoy jo Va ia l I and l ld tell tol of ot I days gl le by b cin on n such s eh a It fann furni f li as ao oli on such Hueh ri Ii a day damy Ihl In Inow rinow liow ow Bound r Feasting Fe of ot they the thc soUl was ivas carried on on Is for would t not live Ive by bread ul no on such an ant t occasion l i In consolidated c n old t d th churchgoIng population mot met motto to t Jh tiit dI ti expositions of oC the thc d yn spirit Att eth ll t church I red the t o tho the I First FIlst 1 resl t First Methodist First Congregational Co Central Christ Christian Chr t tI I ian lan and lind Westminister 11 a 1 rn to listen to Hey He Albert 14 rt J n Ills will viI bo liD round found In un hel or of f this im un I ot tile the News Xo s sJ J As a FOR F n OU l i At 1 board hom about a Ilch as as asIU ot I IU h II ed as d In f time l q was I S b was IS that spread pI eal for fi little It lo their mothers mother at the tho Salva Salv Salvation Salvation t tion lon hall ball lal tin il mi a tSee o ot oti i i n lieu hour c l sched enough ng o o 03 e tU thc t lo i d dIt It I was that b bo boL L y 99 gs nl a nl tid to supply l or i n s lo b reb rd to t ones OleH were Invited Clean Clea white i tattle 1 table been bien arranged Fruit Fruit I and Mowers n i ls decorated tImetables s And 1 mince and were paced about t in 1 such each child i could think only oilS bf a dreamland dlo feast f ast i for f r something to compare con par to t It Iti I i At 1230 the tubes were pc oc J by relays relay and a id rafter cr that 3 they were weri kept k pt flIed filled fled all afternoon a aI 1 I large lal ge kitchen n In 1 which chickens Il l on the boll holl furnishing plenty of oC oCi J i food oll to satisfy the th appo appe i lf of nl all who applied v vi i I At Ai this th Salvation Army rm hotel and t I other th r lic 1 where free Cre reading r i rooms room are uIe aI provided d groups of homeless men menI 5 I gathered do to talk talk of r work I rk the tho possibility 5 j of oC Its s eloping lo ln fd down l so Sl s tight ro for inter t that thy they would unemployed n Ic till tl Their Thanksgiving Joy consisted td of nf the hope that tho the weather I abate find and work i J were ere held hell also at tt tho the f church and I ate I O l services ell cs at lt other othel evangelical f churches I KR r n t Separate e from t eso and d represent e re ent T r lug in the Christian I spirit t would fur Cur furi Curt i t food In If the tIme pecks f I chickens plucked and apples polished J to a It shining for Cor those who see seo f them only under the th Wire topping of J tIn the grocers barrel was vas the Salvation Salvat 11 a f Army AlI I This e service began bean it at a ax aIn I x In m and at 11 1 a in 1 when the tho last basket was wasi handed ito to a husky h sky little boy buy dressed tl In Int 4 t charge ati at out outI I 1 12 1 baskets o ot of food I 1 All Al of tie rec to the I Army Army A n lasses s wh hoer were i ie seen been e n i est rd and he day beside tho the lalu lall street kettles for forthe f tHe Ite Ila f t J k Jow do nl he h fed Ced from th ll hue i of baskets bask that Ji l went out aby the who ho wat nt l d the l s ll d girls and unc sometimes the shawl wrapped wrap d h v ono e ii peck pe k of ot pota potatoes poin iota toes was w s the answer acan I cn of f to It c n t a I kod cor cn beans l lery ery er sugar Mlp ap le enough ot oah I for ST Tl r t S CHURCH CHUI H I Special music mi lc and athla anda a sermon serm n e erector rector Rev Re by to l time the th at nt ll church corner c pf of Fourth South anil ancl Main The offertory VO 0 Lord Lod HV Manifest are arc tre Thy Th Works W was vas was Ir I dered by b I tho ln n t I Ine ner no ne and und oth s H were w wAUn AUn uris T W Wr r MK Mr r Perkins P took as n Ills his te t verse vere of the tro II that tha r This days day dl said speaker I HIO ic lonal and Ind holiday holda of year It has haM set t a 0 fittingly been be ns s apart as l belm clay fluy dl of thanksgiving f Ite returns i it feed ed eer tm he t and anC bene J fits of nf GOR mer mer y and providence pr GIt l ls Ys ob op lell Mr Mt na by hy word and by I I deed In ini lil s rl c of ot prayer praise Trl c men m n render d l thanks t with their ti doing to his t l win ha h expresses ex i tilde tufic tOh Creator t r Jn in d a I acceptable tt Giver G bf oC dip t ST M i CATHEDRAL The he n t at st Mrk al preached l d tho Jo tex Be yo J doe f Ith word not hn ls nily rl m a f d tIn n tie he thid eh chapter of the of Cail s rh Fp aske I Ills hIs l rr to think of pl taa a 11 it lt le n fop f fI a I Thanksgiving I g tien for f 9 r I IJ l I in I the ot tt ai religion to not ba to th C thc tl Scriptures S r t r s merely m rei but ut I It t i ti f con e naturally expect expect pa pall I pie Il ll to tot carryout ea carry out t lives their pol TO re i 1111 l 1 his of I l e written i sto le Oge after ancl time the th writings and n t cr II l 1 I N epistles to demon demonstrate d demonstrate rn strate to men the need neel ne d of o their h Clod Clodi C anc rolf olt Ai e d tho t CIda iu l ele elements ments of C faith effort cr rt per pr ii work eric People le pJ h ha e often c l been betl I flone to hIt hold of religion In iii l Imagining God has for Cor us n nee sary sar COl us to It U fm hIm t Is the ti j by faith d l fM T il tImer but t It It can can nl i that we e Ii Iii no to II i sit si Ill t uc we rc weare mime are titis d theme im no occasion for C or I our nul effort along the ICi f t work for n 1 11 Ills Is c I h and anil hi In li general rl I Christian fomE The h Savior tl us u yi VO Ihl t twi win wi VOI lc k l 1111 work WI In Ii this liCe for Clr the like alien him no n man work and aim thi accounts Ilc mt of tim bk II to are arc a re closed us I Si Po vye wd Y m tot for the good ord or ui our din oil m mali h aswell as 1 to tu lh exp Ill feel fei log Ing that wu Wl w are imo jUHt h 1 ln specially tim tho t I that daig good JI Is i n nb fol fil lowing sudden Impulses H Time The ral lal docs Ht mean spasmodic ae tic aCton ton That t n must be methodical method i al continuous to realize the persistent II tie hR lh s I O by ly thc upon 11 01 the hut Prat l ll Furthermore man lilan Inn I I tilot II not HIlt It my lily hand or mj kb that th brought u ht t me Inc my ny wealth It I as a that Ihal did It ItHe I He lit humility study the law of oC Attention to 10 a I ton of il 01 ord glass later hier m ln In tho time tlc tIe text where It speaks of f a f cm mans looking at nt himself In a Klass and then rOIg what hat manner of r man lal he h is The fhe preacher sail said the GI pk was I a 1 polished f url a IL I ic 0 as nM tI H glass gi ass Tiis mIS s we C It was WIS not lut known Imon In tiloi lays days ln N The ho apostle teaches t us us we w are not hilt Inheritors of lC mf the best he things H unless vo wo put Into effect the tho Il t and tI nIl do not for Cor forget Corgel forge get gel ge then lint Hut lint whoso lh Into Inti tho thop perfect p law Jaw 1 he Is I not Ilot a a hear hearer er who isito but hut a doer doC that antl ho hl shall be Ime blessed The Thc Lh Greek Greic Gr lk for COl into her here means to stoop down dol n gazo gaze Into l to The Thu TJ lox love of or God G l teaches us UH to lu love out our 01 l neighbor r along the line Inc of or the tho highest law It I Is time the perfect law tt of liberty Seek icek Se k I temperance r nce In all 11 timings things things if It we wo e would bo ne doers loers of the word WIld Let Lt L t us UI Ie thanksgiving to tn t God Goti Gol for Cor for 01 revealIng to tous tl us UR the law Jaw of or liberty Ib which is II Isitt in itt Christ dus Thu Tho musical part orthe service was very VIn melodious well wel played and well isell el sunA The hc el l showed sh ud training trin In and ll did vork ork GROVES L L D S HOSPITAL J A dinner was tho only feature at LD L D S hospital today toda the IO persons In tho thu institution Including Including nurses being served with a abill I abill bill bi of or fare as the Ion demanded ed edThe The Time to bo be served to pa nt 1 tra wIth each be being belag lag ing carried to rooms later the nurses num Iber ber sat down jo t a n s JR eal In Inthe Inthe the tle lr m ther l being f the Ule l liu th otlie Institution Uon crisp wafers d olives roast turkey wIth la c bak potatoes le custard pie Ie it di nuts tl d t t s f ST MARKIS I HOSPITAL If Thanksgiving dinner aSt If rf st r Marks I ks jh was s preceded by a 1 spiritual feast lle being attended b s many of the patients ns were able to leave their rooms A short sermon sermon appropriate t J the occasion was Id Ide livered by Rev Hev Re Mr Burkley and a musical program waa rendered In I the covers COerR were score laid for the tho the medical al l staff 15 IE In number and Dinner r was served to t tho the p patIents of oC who whom 1 there thero fire 10 In their rooms r the themon memi be being beIng belog ing log as follows Green Creon aux raux au Quenelles QuencHes Utah celery Queen olives oll s shrimps au In ow erg en calfo calfe mash mashed ed potatoes and nd June une pens roast young turkey oyster o st I dressing cranberry cranberry sauce browned sweet potatoes cauli cauliflower ca h flower Bower In cream English plum pudding hard and brandy brall sauce pumpkin pie piea a In la frappe cream cram cheese salted sprays s tea coffee milk mik t HOSPITAL An Au extra good god was enjoyed by 1 the th four foul nurses ai all d 11 1 patients patents of ot the tio l hospital today and the hour dt at t Which It was partaken of was 2 rather than thau the usual 1 time two hours earlier Our numbers are arc not many observed ned one ono of the attendants when asked what depart departures departures ures ores the thc day would witness in tho the mat matter matte matter ter te of celebrating Thanksgiving so we concluded to have Just about such a ameal I atneal meal as a would be found the ta table t ble of at the average on such s h oc occasions OCr ca Dinner over the afternoon will wi bo be passed In n the usual manner manner with no cessation from work s ISOLATION HOSPITAL HOSPITALs HOS we are comparatively forbidden C r to leave leavI th get away on account of ort snowbound wo we o aie az riot riot to go hungry h by b any means today tola This was waR shouted over ovel tho the telephone from op hospital shortly shorty ore noon POOI today r rh h speaker i went elf on Just r rIa tit lt Ia a dozen of ofiS UI iS bh I by th ay wo we y expect three more patent time well wel there thiele willbe plenty for 15 anyway I wo have hn o apple pies I M IcarI jalU allf kinds of or pies cranberries and cake ck W e a ag good od though the te doors are ace loc a s surrounded ded by f v The Th id lt provIded som pf things thing tings that to toU U els r Hospital l for dinner buC lut lutt and a were re not t ro forgotten by y Iii iri the tho city and to several days d ys parcels been p Into o top to he h fl Stol those tho shut shutout shut shutout out from th v because b i se they the are ar area a contagious contas us disease y tY Special 1 was made by b the board b arll r of tl Ute the Home H r a d D y t Thanksgiving li dinner for Alo the boys bo and girls ho a a Home at that Institution ton Many M n anonymous packages received d during the th week w ek con Iwer II r I n sweetmeats s and rs WIS suf Ruf f Jl t I r nn day have t to mong th the by b the t em matron tn that ta would adorn the ta les were the fol foI following followIng lowing n Roast ast turk turkey y swee t potatoes Irish mashed potatoes celery celer cran beriy b sauce gravy bananas ami nd I I creain ry p l J pI crea n nS S NN S ORPHANAGE 1 I b is St uns 20 ir p s s dinner pro 1 d In l l its ty by b 1 JIrs Ii 1 J K i ith Of Of th nu meal e lb i d h I I gI i mes me at the orphanage sand n of tiEt remainder 10 sisters II the tho children In n charge rg and the r t tro ct n 4 I iq ro Turkey Ii Iio IiI IiI o I I I berrY sauce m p t s c made malc cup u of tur fir I a k It y yb b th things con con tho d il r ft r the children n aus d themselves ves by byI byI I I singing and and an nd the tho ti day has br pl ern d dIo r E Eh Io F h co of Method Methodist d bIt 1st Third l and amli Ph Congregational CO gT Churches hurches hurch i unIted In rIng Ipg set at t th the Third attha o oc corner c r of Eleventh East ts neP Simpkin pas tor lOr of Pr the Congregational Con rt tonal al church c urh preached l the tJ se sermon which wits WI delivered Iri In n his hia usual lc I |