Show l iN m b END ENDI N I I I Arly of the Re Ret t Pr resents I Ir Big r b m 0 1 I f JS IS S PLEDGED i lift 1 lc tt l hy h I i Ill In a Or I u Allotment hI I Of r Oilier HI Sources H HI Hf I f t HH H We WH h her Our tur tr thanks f nd d Out our appreciation to toz X X z f the th Gri of o the 1 He lIe le representing as It H does the tho X magnificent fragment of o the thc trl tn trl X f UP Ih 1 I rl y of the he I j ISSi 1 61 ti 0 in n conferring upon X Y the the lIme distinguish I J cd ed honor hon of ot folding holding its forty C X X third a 11 with X h Iri l this tills state stater WK WE WEx F X 1 Il n D THAT X t 1 THE I Ij X AT ITS f j NEXT SESSION sSI MAKE A X X FUNDS of the tho f X t state to th extent e that Its reve lec A hues will wi end that x 1 X the tho visiting members of ot the time or 01 X i mu may be suitably and x properly ei rom the X l platform adopt x ed cd In In n a convention assembled In Salt La Lake eS SePt pt l 15 1908 h l l Jo legislature that ever met metin metIn metin in Utah will 1111 have ha so many definite d do de demands mands mantis made upon it for Cor appropriations and a on of or the tho coming ses mes session os sion llIn is s in a n request for a Grand l Army hi j appropriation 1 1 to be e used in the entertainment en of this distil distin body of oC V mer Stilt Silt Lakes signal triumph in scour securing html ing till tile with Itt Its thou thousands sands t ids of vr has hl s Imposed upon uPon the city cH obligations pf C entertainment on ona ona ona a scale 1 or found foun d ne esar l carefully careful ly pre ir spared by b the tho Commercial club place the nt needed n ded at and an nn Interesting question 1 Ino concerns It Itself self wIth from rom which this sum will The coming to Salt Lake L ko Mats has mad least two specific In hl plans fob tor f l 1903 I Iun tin un ln the place lit It drove droo Tout rout all the f the Ta Wa Watch a II beh project carried Into Int a deft nite next summer Its other Important change was va Ug In plans pl ns for at in 1912 under Underway way a when It apparent thatto crowd a re upon the legislature for Cor the funds fu ds necessary ary to attract support for Cur fort such sucha sucha a It complicate and conflict with the request of o those tho e already In the field fiell w t t ka a request for fill Grand Army Arm entertainment funds We ct llIe behind thai Grand Army Arm mid suld Secy See Horace H En sIgh when asked Grand coming w ld effect freet plans for a 1 a big in Intermountain fair tall We e would not think of asking the legislature to t back brick such sucha a n fair fait proposition when We know that the th states revenues will be e taxed to the tho limit to provide for Cor the time Grand Army Arm entertainment Salt Lake and will b th feel keenly the tho need to make this entertainment per perfect perfect feet in every evry respect and the tho th people will not tolerate lerate t anything nn but ut a II con concentration conce conce ce of all available ble energy up upon upon upon on this one event THE COMMERCIAL CLUB The ho Commercial club now has the financial nhan lal problem connected with stith the tho coming of ot tho the G A R n encampment before beCore it What Viat reliance It may placa upon ulon the legislature is Indicated In the extract given above ab c from the th Republican can state platform voted s ted the thu convention hall hail Sept 15 As Ag Agthe the legislature Is overwhelmingly Re ne Republican publican members Its come bound by bythe bythe bythe the conventions pledge Besides the legislature there thero Is the Salt Lake city council to look 1001 to and after aftel that the business men nen for COI the balance balanco ok of the necessary The great grent crowd the convention Is certain to bring wl will throw Into tho the channels of business alI od of ot money and rind this fact fiLet is counted onas ow on as a II fun fundamental fundamental one ono that will vIlI result In lib liberal libera eral era contributions from cr ni business In Interests The Commercial Commer lal club commit committees commIttees committees tees are sorting out the time funds needed in various departments and an active canvass will soon commence for tor funds I On the tho occasion of the tho December trip of Inspection of the Grand Army of officials oft t It will be necessary to t convince them city can keep Its Us pledges S Sas as to finances fl before they will finally approve of oC the encampments coming there here 1 |