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Show V v THE WEEKLY REFLEX, KAYSVILLE, UTAH GREENS AUGUST FLOWER Where thonarchs bathe the feet of beggars and why hot cross bans are eaten on Good Friday at breakfast :: Impressive church services He Was Overlooked. He was talking very loudly and boastfully In the railway carriage and compelling everyone to hear they wanted to or not. "Talking about Turkey," . he bellowed, ?why I've been to Constantinople ten times at least Funny thing, now, the way the dogs are scavengers there, and eat everything In the streets. Awfully dangerous to touch 'em. They eat up every scrap of rubbish." A young lady In the corner said, thoughtfully, "I really wonder you got home alive. And presently a blessed silence reigned in that carriage. HItlSTS moment of triumphant entry into Jerusalem, when the people took palms and went to meet him, has been commemorated in the church on the Sunday before Easter, which day, therefore, hoa been called Talui Sunday." ' As this is the beginning of Holy week, it is a happy interlude between the devotional rigors of the former part of Lent and the last six days, in which all religious exercises and personal sacrifices are redoubled until the coming in of the great fenst of Easter. Palm Sunday seems also to foreshadow the coming of the spring, at least from a merely mundane point of view, because of .the great throngs of worshipers whft pour into the streets from Roman Catholic and Protestant Episcopal churches, wearing or carrying the bits of palm, green branches or willow slips which have been distributed by the priests. In this country palm Is almost always used for this purpose, but In some countries, where this leaf is not available. Its place is taken by bits of native green. Box and yew also have been used from time to time as a symbol of Palm Sun day. Generally the greater part of the palm is distributed lu the form of Uttle crosses, this being so especially in the case of the men worshipers. The women receive crosses or large or small branches, according to the fashion of different parishes. L - him,-whethe- it (tifterS I ' . . s. well-floure- Anglo-Saxo- . , Churches Filled More persons flock to the churches on Good Friday than on any other day of the year except Easter. In some of the churches in New York It . Is necessary to issue cards for the services on both these days, as - there Is noethorwayof controlling the great number of worshipers who seek admission. Despite the length and solemnity of the Good. Friday service the desire to attend uncommou 'thing to see Is sogreatthatltla-nwomen men and devout standing iu long lines In -- o iront of the Offices wberethe cardsare distributed, Jearful thatlhey may even then be too late to gain admission. ( The most popular of the secular customs connected with this day Is the serving of hot cross buns. Th$. genuine hot cross buo is rather a small one, spicier than ordinary buns, and has a brown, sugary surface, marked with a cross. It is said that the hot cross bun Is of pagan origin and can be traced back to an ancient custom of worshiping the Queen of Heaven by the eating of Sacred cakes. But the buns that existed previous to the Christian era were not in reality those of today, because they bore no cross. In very early times and side. 1 finally lost all my strength so I had to go to bed. The doctog advised an oper- ation tat I would r MBS" FOR . inelted.Jutter pver Jheni , a.ndbHa ln .steady.. minutes. When tender reoven for twenty-fiv- e Make a good cream gravy dish. to a hot move to pour over the chicken and serve with corn fritters anythin, crisp slices of bacon. :,,,. ' A savory egg dish for an Easter luncheon or To make tapper' Includes eggs and artichokes! this dish steam or cook In highly salted water as many artichoke buttons as there are guests to serve. Brown delicately In butter as many rounds of thin bread, each piece a little larger in diameter than are artichoke buttons. Place the artichokes on the rounds of bread, and then over each one drop a poached egg, trimmed to the exact size of the bread foundation. Pour over the egg a small quantity of sanee Ilollandalse, Add a dash of paprika and serve hot. To make the Hollandalse sauce rub to a cream a half cupful of butter; then add the yokes of two eggs, one at a time, beating well after each not listen to it. 1 thought of what I h ad read about Ly di a E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound and tried it. "The first bottle brought great relief and six bottlss have entirely cured met All women who have female trouble of any kind should try Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound. Mrs. Etta Dorion. Ogdensburg, Wis. Physicians undoubtedly did their best, battled with this ease steadily and could do no more, tat often the most scientifio treatment is surpassed by the medicinal properties of the goad old fashioned roots and herbs contained in Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound. , ' If any complication exists it pays to write the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Ca, Lynn, Mau., for special free advice. at Her A Slap 'I t Complexion. "Is it true that Mrs. Dubwajte .and Mrs. Twobble are no longer oh speak- ing terms? "Yes. I fear the breach will never ' ' 1 be healed." t J What did they fall out about?" "They met on the street eae day. Mrs. Dubwalte-saito Mrs. Twobble: Mrs. Twob-i- e look? I howdo ,My dear, kissed her effusively and said : 'My 1 ingham Age-Heral- d. ) A Druggists Experience With For sick headache, bad breath, Dr. Kilmers Swanp-Rco- t Sour Stomach and constipation. Is one of the Dr, Kilmer's Swamp-Roo- t best and most reliable remedies on the market. My father suffered with kidney . box now. Get a No odds how bad your liver, stomach or bowels; how much your head aches, how miserable and uncomfortable you are from constipation. Indigestion, biliousness and sluggish bowels you always get the desired results with Cascarets. Don't let your stomach, liver and pwels make you miserable. Take Cascarets put an end to the headache, biliousness, dizziness, nervousness, sick, sour, gassy stomach, backache and all other distress; cleanse your Inside organs of all the bile, gases and constipated matter which Is producing the misery. box means health, happiness and a clear head for months. o more days .of gloom and distress f you will take a Cascaret now and hen. All stores sell Cascarets. Don't target the children their little need a cleansing, too. Adv. APPROPRIATE DISHES FOR EASTER WEEK addition. Put In the Juice of a half a lemon, a Eggs, ham, chicken and salads figure saltspoonful of salt, a dash of paprika or cayenne In the Easter menusJthe eggs and chicken and a half cupful of bulling water. Set the bowl Is because of the Easter symbolism ; ham, since it containing the mixture' fu a saucepan of boiling standconnected ,with eggs from a gastronomic and stir rapidly and constantly until It water when Easter comes because salads and like boiled custard. Tarragon vinegar thickens point, fresh green viands are particularly enticing. may be used In place of the lemon juice, with the addition of a few tarragon leaves blanched and nere is a "good recipe for smothered chicken, Easter an cut up very small. of Item the be well principal which may the dowa Scrambled eggs with green peppers make a very chtcken the or dinner. luncheon Split Easter dish. For four or five persons at and dredge good and pepper, salt with back, season least six eggs should be used. Toast slices of well with flour on both sides. Put into a bake bread for each person and lay in a dish to keep a a quarter of pan a small cupful of stock and of butter in the frying hot. bob-to- m ..Putatablefpoonful pound of butter. Arrange the glblets oo the and break the eggs into a while pau, heating and on them lay the chicken, breast down. bowl. Allow a tablespoonful of cream or water Cover the pan closely and baste every ten or to each egg. Milk is not good for omelettes or twelve minutes. Allow about fifteen minutes to scrambled eggs. As soon afe the butter is melted and begins to bubble, turn the eggs iu, and as the the pound in roasting. When tender take out the whites begin to feet lift and stir with' a silver fork. chicken and lay on a hot plate. Wash the gibbiswith Have ready two finely chopped sweet green pepserve and cream lets, add a cup of rich bisfrom which the seeds .have been removed, or beaten buttermilk be pers should cuit. These ' the eggs begin to cook stir the peppers and after cuit through the mixture,. Cook, a half moment, dish TO make chicken a. la Baltimore,, prepare the on the hot toast, garnish with a little watercress chicken as for boiling; then cut into joints, wipe or parsley and serve at once. and and dip pepper dry, season1 well with salt crumbs. fine bread In salad to serve at Easter A beautiful-lookin- g roll then Into beaten eggs is the water lily salad, whiclils as delicious to the Place In a weir buttered pan, pour olive oil or I suffered from Ogdensburcr, Wis. female troubles which caused piercing .pains like a knife through my back dear, you are a work of art "Birm- -- . - Compound. ' The day of the Passion, Good Friday in English, supposedly from "God's Friday, s the most solemn day of the year In the church." From the beginning to the end of the three hours service which commemorates Christs agony upon the cro&sthere is no lifting of the deep gloom characteristic of the occasion- .- Altars and celebrants are drfiped in black In the Roman Catholic , v the cross was placed on the bun to exorcise its nuine Easter feeling. Ui ortunately, of late ' ears the spring hat no longer plays a leading part ' PUgan spirit. as an Easter symbol, for, as It insists on appearFor twb dozen buns scald one eupfifl of milk, add to It a tablespoonful of butter, quarter of a ing with the New Tear and wont stay in its shell until Easter time. It can no longer make an Easter cupful of sugar and a saltspoonful of salt When entrance with any dramatic effect lukewarm add half a compressed yeast cake, softened In a little warm water, and a pint of Those who complain that It is difficult to reflour. This should be mixed early to the evening. member the date of Easter should glance over the Beat well and let the batter rise until foaming records of the troubles of the early Christians and double Its original bulk. Then add a half In this regard. It was many, many years before cupful of sugar, quarter of a teaspoonful of it tfas possible to settle upon the method wheremixed cinnamon, nutmeg and mace, a half cupful . by the date of Easter should be determined, and of currants, a tablespoonful of shredded candled so violent were the disputes over the matter that, lemon peel and enough flour to make a dough different schools of Christians arose, some followthat can be kneaded. Knead well and set In a ing one decree ras to the Easter celebration and warm place overnight. In the morning turn out others obedient to entirely opposite pronuncla-mentod on a board and divide Into pieces ' weighing about three ounces each. Pat them out Discrepancies In Dates. round, let them stand for a few minutes, then foil There was such difference in calculations as to into obloag shapes and lay In a greased dripping for the far time of the feast that Bede records that In a enough apart expansion. pan n are certain . and Jewish supyear Queen Eanfleda, who had received' pascha myth her Instruction from a Kentish priest of the Roposed both to have played a parfln the construcman obedience, was fasting and keeping Palm tion of the Christian Easter. Whether Easter was named from the Anglo-Saxo- n Eostre, goddess Sunday while her husband, Oswy, king of .Northof spring, or from another root which signified umbria, following the rule of. the British church, was celebrating the Easter festival. In 825, at "the rising," the meaning seems much the same, most as the the council summoned by Constantine, it was deand today the universal use of flowers cided that Easter day was to be on Sunday and to the testifies token Easter general appropriate g as sjmbollz-lothat it was to be calculated at Alexandria, the their of recognition appropriateness home of astronomical science. From this arose a rising from the dead. the present method of calculating Easter, which Why New Clothes Are Worn. sets the day as the first Sunday after the first on new clothes The Idea of Easter, thought by full moon after the vernal equinox, provided that ome to be a mere vanity, is in fact as truly symfull moon does not fall on Sunday. Should It do bolical of the festival aslne Easter egg or the In so. then Easter Is the following Sunday. New Easter flower. To burst afresh upon the world York Herald. of festival attire is an Instinctive (Jemonstratlob - long. Woman Thought She Would Die. Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable agreeable to others. In the years before the war the Holy week services at Rome drew thousands of persons 'from all parts of the world to that city. These ceremonies begin with the beautiful Palm Sunday proeesslonat St. Jeters. In all Roman ''Catholic churches 'everywhere the Palm Sunday procession, In which palms are carried In imitation of the first Palm Sunday procession, is a stately and picturesque spectacle. In the churches under the care of the religious orders, such as the Society of Jesus, the services of Holy week, including those of Palm Sunday, are usually very beautiful and: elaborate. "Maundy Thursday," the good old English name for Holy Thursday, was so called from the Frencli "mande," from the Latin mandatum" ln allusion to Christ's words spoken at the Last Supper, "A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another." In commemoration of Christ's act of humanity In washing the feet of his disciples on the occasion of the Last Supper one of the most important ceremonies of the day, since the early middle ages, has been the washing of the feet of 12 or more poor persons by some one of higher worldly standing than themselves.' - In the very early church this ceremony is not known to have existed, but from the fourth century It became yearly more popular. Finally the rite came to be performed by the pope, all Catholic sovereigns, prelates, priests and nobles. At Durham cathedral Until the sixteenth century every charity boy had a monk to wash his feet. When years old she perQueen Elizabeth was thirty-nin- e formed this ceremony for 9 poor men and women at her palace of Greenwich, 11 being then the custom for the sovereign to wash the feet of as many persons as she was years old. f Emperor and Beggar. On 'this occasion, history recites, the feet of the honored beggars were first washed by the yeoman of the laundry., Afterward the subalmoner washed-the- m and then the queen herself, kneeling, after washing each foot, made the sign of the cross upon It and kissed It. In' Continental '"countries this practice Is still kept up. The late emperor of Austria never failed to carry out the rite. The devotees of the Greek church also use this ceremony at Moscow, Petrogrnd and churches. In the Lutheran churches also the altar and pulpit are dr$ped in black. The three hours' Service Is used In the Episcopal church, and In this church, jis lnlhe Roman" Catholic, the hlstory of the Passion according to St. John Is part of the Good Friday ritual. This is followed In the Roman Catholic church by the adoration of the cross, an ancient ceremony, and the mass of the presanctifled, so called because the elements have been consecrated the day before. In the Greek church also the Good Friday fast is extremely strict and the mass very HDD STUBBING His Memory. Do you remember," she asked when they met after the lapse of years, she having become a widow and he having remained a bachelor, do you remember that evening long ago, when you and I walked In the gloaming?" I remember the swamp we walked Into, but I don't remember the gloaming, he replied. ' Then a fond hope died in her breast and she turned away to make herself Rome In Holy Week. v PillllB SHARP Few persons can be sick who use Green's August Flower. It has been Used for alL ailments that are caused by a disordered stomach and Inactive liver, such assick headache, constipation, sour stomach, nervous Indigestion, fermentation of food, palpitation of the heart from gases created In the stomach, pains In the stomach, and many other organic disturbances. August Flower Is a gentle laxative, regulates digestion, both in the stom-ac- h and Intestines, cleans and sweetens the stomach and whole alimentary canal, and stimulates the liver to secrete the bile and Impurities from the blood. Try it. Two doses will relieve you. Used for fifty years In every town and hamlet" In the United States and In all civilized countries. Adv. suggests.To make this d salad cut the whites of eggs into pointe a out petal-llked, couple of yolks, strips. Keep but mash the rest Mix with mayonnaise and fill the calyx of the arranged petals with the mixture, Put the remainder .over the petals to give the appearance of pollen. Cut lettuce leaves in fine Served on points to simulate the a low glass dish this salad appears at Its best is better served on Individual glass dishes than on a larger platter. Green pepper, lettuce and tomato salad. Crisp the lettuce leaves by laying In cold water for half an hour. Then shake dry and lay on the Ice. Take the sweet green or red peppers and with a pair of scissors cut the peppers In lengthwise ribbons Slice the tomatoes. Arrange the tomans on the. lettuce leaves and sprinkle the pepper ribbons over all. Dress with mayonnaise or French dressing. New York Herald 10-ce- nt to-nigh- - 10-ce- nt la-sid- es trouble for several years, at last getting bedfast. He took treatment from a physician for several years. Two physician diagnoaed his condition es Brights disease ana beyond recovery- - Re began taking Swamp-Roo- t and after two or three bottle began to feel better and after taking SO bottles without missing a day he was completely restored to health and for thirteen years has not needed any medicine. It is a preparation that has universal satisfaction and we believe it ie one of ths best and we recommend it. Very truly yours. - " E. R. BOGAN, Pharmacist. Juno 21, 1916. Luxora, Ark. Wifi Do For Y Provo What Swamp-RoSend ten cents to Dr. Kilmer k Co., Binghamton. N. Y., for a mmple aim bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable information, telling about tho kidneys and bladder. When writing, be rare and mention t and this paper. Regular size bottle for sale at all .drug atorez. Adv. ot ar fifty-ren- An Optimist, He Good heavens, the clock just struck one, and . I promised your mother Pd leave at twelve. She (comfortably) Good I Wev To cut new bread try using a knife which has been dipped. In very hot eleven hoursyeL water. Not until the undertaker gets busy-. defied the a man does ha cease to be nnhave with,, lightning,' Ajax may ut he never bumped Into a U boat. popular with his wifes relations. i' v For Infanta and Children. m.,- - UlflO&ll Llottars Itnov; That Genuiiij Gastoria jOC0B0l-3PERC- 't AYeelabteftcpafafowarM s imilatinS iheFood by fogtteStnaacfaafldlksmscjj 1 ThaebyPromotintJ. Cheerfstncss aether 6dura,MTeIJ Mineral. NotNahgotk Always Bears tho fP of ETST hard-boile- outer-leave- For Over s. Thirty Yoars pnsfiw Exact Copy of Wraypct. |