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Show - i TTTZ Sljr Drrkly Ilrflrx 7 zmrz, be bought at any price of war the only way it can be obtained. War furnishes the only means by which the German war god can be curbed, and curbed he must be. In the final struggle the people of Germany must assist or all the blood and treasure will have been spent in vain. Democracy must triumph over despotism and if the people of Germany are not equal to the task of throwing down their war gods and erecting a free government on the ruins of militiarism, Germany as a nation must perish from the earth. The die has been cast, free dom has grasped the ensign of hu manity and the world is answering the call to arms. Peace must come, freedom must reign in the hearts of the people through dire calamities am blood red war. It is passing strange to the modern mind that this end can be attained only through war, but so it seems. This is as true now as has been through all the ages. Dreamers had hoped for another road ant sang of universal peace, but as ever since the dawn of history, war has again proven the only road for hu manity to travel in the achievement of justice and freedom. The United States is but a national ized colony of the nations of Europe, a nation in which the best thought of al of Europe crystallized and expanded and became a controlling force for the betterment of man. In this great work have had a ful! and is hard to believe tha it part these citizens will be found wanting in their devotion to those principles which have contributed so much to g their and happiness. Loyalty to a ruling dynasty will hold many, but if America takes the field, in the ranks of her legions will be found thousands of Germans who renounced monarchy for democracy, despotism for freedom. It ndw seems that war cannot be averted and if it comes the men ant women of America will face it with the same spirit and determination which they have in each and every crisis in the nations history, and victory which has ever rewarded her efforts will be with her, In this crisis as in all others America has chosen the right, ant right, combined with her hight wil prevail. ILlTHTILLa UTAH country has reached the stage of de- history, 14,000,000 pounds, and brings Simon Guggenheim, bead of Ameri- special Administrator of the Estate of all deceased. Defend- where the transcontivelopment can Smelting and Refining Co. and Samuel L. Jones, highest price known. , Summons.- ants nental railroads should be double-trackeSalt Lake D. & R. G. to build $240,-00- 0 heavily interested in several Utah The State of Utah to the said deproperties, says: Our policy is to co- fendant: freight station here. With this and ths greater need of We need the You are hereby summoned to appear Provo Salt Lake Route to build operate with the miner. within twenty cays after the service coal oil and we electric must and saving need us by using miners and they round house and terminal here. of this summons upon you, it served power comes the hostile attitude of to be built assist each ether. within the Salina in which this action 415,000 hospital the government towards developing Park City Judge Mining and is brought; county otherwise, within thirty here. the unused water powers of our Co. turning out 30,000 lbs. days after service, and defend the Utah-Idah- o Co. increases Smelting Sugar above entitled action; and in case of PnblUkW country. zins per day with new electric plant. 7 to $20,000,000 from your failure so to do, judgment' will be $10,000,000 capital The Commerce Interstate commisthe C. D. McNeelay is new editor 'of TEE INLAND PRINTING CO. rendered against you according to the a & Power Co. Utah Lake Salt light sion and every department of state and W. P. Epperson, Editor American Fork Citizen. demand of the complaint, which ha tenlets contract for C. A. Eppenon, Aaeeciate Editor high national government should be aroused Idaho and Utah expect increased been .filed with the clerk of said court. to the need of active and friendly co- sion line from her to Grace, Idaho, 'ad- sugar production in 1917 dye to new This action i$ brought by the plaintiff e Entered m additional. The commatter February 11, against the defendants and 'each of operation with our railroads to make ding 130,000 volts factories and Increased beet acreage. 18U, at KayavUle, Utah, under the aet of them to quiet title to lands described also completing the pumping pany is hlarah A 1878. them efficient. Salt Lake New photo playhouse in the complaint in this action and for lake and the flume from plant on Bear planned to be most magnificent in the further purpose of removing Advertblnc rates on application. Grace to the Cove plant. cloud upon the laftds so described in THE LIVE STOCK SHOW west. said complaint Never in the history of this counSubscription 11.25 per year when paid In ad' Uinta county voters approve $130, vanes; 91 AO per year on overdue subscripEvery farmer and stock grower in try has there been so much money Willey &. Willey, Attorneys for tions or when not paid In advance. 000 school bond issue. P. O. address, 707 Walker Davis county should visit the live Plaintiff, seeking legitimate investment in metal Bank Salt Lake City, Utah. building, stock show which is' now on at the mines and metal mining stocks as TELEPHONES Salt Lake stock yards in south Davis there is at the Office, No, 10 LAYTON present time, says IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND-FOW. P. Epperson, Ns. 70 The show is said to be the William II. Child of Salt Lake. county. Located in the midet of fertile field. DAVIS COUNTY, STATE C A. Epperson, No. 4w tomato of milk, Excels in production greatest of its kind ever held in this Franklin county, Idaho, Citizen: and OF UTAH sugar beete. He the factory of the and is daily favored with a The country needs willing hearts. Larton Sugar company, cannary, roller region Statesent of the Ownership, Managenulla, creamery and concrete section of O. A. Parmley, Plaintiff, 'vs.' Err large attendance. Men of loyalty and worth. Men who tat road. Good opportuniUeu for those ment, Circulation, Etc Required by for fruit growsuburban mett acreage F. Annis, Jennie V. Anrtis', Sand The also seeking is of the Act of Congreas Cudahy packing plant August will .stand by the country of their ing, truck gardening, chicken rawing and Land Company (a Corporation) Ridge 24, 1912, of The Weekly Reflex, Laka in is one of features and Salt of the Ogden 9 line On operation men who realize that the dairying. adoption, Davis and and Weber Canal Extension-Compa- ny Has electric light and Lin. Short at Oregon Kaysville,- Utah, weekly show. Killing and packing opof the Commerthis nation of 3 be Write .to the Layton aM destiny eiunirki (a Corporation), Defendant for April 1, 1917. erations are now being carried on in leaven that will quicken the whole cial club for Information. Shenifs Sale. State of Utah, County of Davis, bb. To be sold at Sheriffs Sale, at 12 the most scientific manner and within world. Before me, a notary public in and Morrison-Merri- ll Lumber com- oclock, noon, on the 31st The for the Btate and county aforesaid, pera short time the product of the plant Moab to have $100,000 building and day of is now doing March, 1917, at the front door of the at branch Layton panys sonally appeared W, P. Epperson, who, be will offered in the stores of this loan association. .Court House, in Farmington business and a large stock of lumber County having been duly sworn according to Davis imcounty. State of Utah, to the of county, Ogden plans $1,000,000 city law, deposes ana says he Is the edl is being placed in the yards. Conditions have not been favorable bidder, highest at public auction for tor of The Weekly Reflex, and that this year. provements lawful money of the United the following is. to the best of his for staging this show but we are inWestern Union Telegraph Co. will William Simmons and brother John cash, States; pursuant to the decree bf said knowledge and belief, a true stateformed that notwithstanding this fact put work day into effect in tiB will ship a car of emigrant movables court m the above entitled ment of the ownership, management, case, that " the show is all that could be desired. to Burley, Idaho, where they expect certain real property (land situated etc of the aforesaid publication for principal offices. in - Davis county, State of Utah, deThe show Is free and the people are the date shown in the above caption, Magna New laundry to be estab- to make their future home. scribed as follows required by the Act of August 24, 1912, cordially invited. . lished here. A Part of the northwest " Dee the to rushed embodied in section 443, Postal Laws was Green Zilla quarter Lake Adams Express Co. to Salt W. K) of Section Twenty-fiv(N. e and Regulations, printed on the refor and apupon operated hospital here. T. McCLURE PETERS ON PA operate (25), Township Five (5), North, of verse of this form, to wit: Monday. The next day it Range Two (2), West, of the Salt Lake 1. That the names and addresses of Twenty western railroads will ask pendicitis TRIOTISM discovered was that she also had Meridian, U. S. Survey, beginning at the publisher, editor, managing ediincrease in freight rates due to ina point 80 rods west of the southeast Editor Reflex, scarlet fever. tor, and business managers are: creased wages granted and enormously comer of said quarter section, and ' . Publisher, Inland Printing Co., Kaysville, Utah. of cost fuel increased thence north 4314 rods; materials, taxes, runningChris Willie Robins, Simpson, Royal Dear sir Patriotism is a natural in Kaysville, Utah. etc. Freight rates have been sta- Morgan, Roy Kilfoyle, Reuben Kil thence east 37 rods; thence Bouth 43 4 Editor, W. P. Epperson, Kaysville, herited instinct in civilibed man alaf rods; thence west 37 rods to the place Utah. while everything else has adfoyle, Wilford Mitchell and Ron Swan of beginning, containing 10 acres agous to love of family. Loyalty to tionary Managing editor, W, P. Epperson, vanced. left Tuesday for the Home ranch of more or less. the clan was gradually evolved by the, Kaysville, Utah. erect to Elks $25,000 gymOgden the Ellison Ranching company in Ne - Also a part of the northwest quarter Business managers, W. P, and C. A. fact that it was those dans whose nasium here. of said Section 25, bounded as follows: Utah. Epperson, Kaysville, vada. They twill later be assigned to had the who were most members loyal Beginning at a point 27 rods and 11 2. That the owners are: Inland Salt Lake New silage system for their various stations by Resident feet east from the southwest comer of best chance of survival. Loyalty to Co.W. P. Printing Epperson, Henry beet tops found which makes them Manager said Ellison. finfollowed quarter section, and and Parley course the tribe this H. Blood, John G. M. Barnes, John It. 1 valuable cattle food. thence east 52 rods, 5 Mi feet;running thence nato the or Barnes, C. A. Epperson, Ileber J. loyalty ally patriotism Salt Lake Indications are that Paul Whitesides returned from the north 43 4 rods; thence west 52 rods Sheffield, Leanora A. Epperson, all of tion. Patriotism is thus a strongnat and 5Mi Utah E. and P. Ellison of Copper Co. passes to control of Eastern States Saturday evening to the feet; thence south 4314 rods Kaysville, Utah, aB sentiment ural instinctive of beginning, containing among where he has been willing a mission 14 acresplace Layton, Utah, stockholders. more or less. normal civilized people, a sentiment Guggenheims. Utah-Idah- o 8. That the known bondholders, Salt Lake Sugar Co. for the L, D J5. church, lie was sta CHARLES E. NALDER, founded on our inherited race .exper-ieencmortgagees ,and other security hold$2,300,(S00 spending building two new tioned in Pennsylvania. Ther are still ers owning or holding 1 per cent or Sheriff. ... Dated the 10th day of March, 1917. one at North Yakima, five missionaries in the field from Lay more of total amount of bonds, mortfactories, sugar Man owes the greatness of his ai Volney C. Gunnell, Ogden, Utah, At- gages, or other securities are: None. Wash and one at Shelly, Idaho, and ton ward, there having been eight in in vance scale life for Plaintiff, the toraey tjo largely WP. EPPERSON, Editor. pf communities. renovating and repairing plant at Fal- the field from this ward at one time. , First his publication, March 29, 1917. Sworn to and subscribed before me to ARBOR organize ability DAY Last publication, April 19, 1917. lon, Nev. this fifth day of April, 1917. he when was a time there Probably Monday, April 16th, has been desigHOTEL FOR RENT . Seal Ogden 10,000 acres of land purJOHN W. GAILEY. lived a life similar to that of the nated as Arbor Governor by Day old The commission chased in Iron county for $350,000, ad My Kaysville hotel at the corner IN THE DISTRICT COURT, PROexpires March 12, 1918. Bamberger. Arbor Day is a legal hol- other mammals, but there is no race joining 15, 000-ac-res and Locust street is for road of State BATE DIVISION, IN AND FOR owned - by the iday in this state and should be gen- of men on the earth today so primi- same company and now DAVIS COUNTY; colrent. STATE" OF" for ready The Hague seems to be about the erally observed. The Reflex suggests tive. Everywhere he has learned rto onization. Owner will repair building to con only place on the face of the earth that advantage be taken of the holi- some degree the necessity or organiSalt Lake Expenditure of more form with the wishes of a suitable ten In the of the Estate of where it is safe to hold a pacifist day, not only to plant trees and zation. There was need to organize than $8,000,000 planned by Oregon ant. Experienced hotel people would Charles MatterDeceased. Secrist, Notice of offense defense for other W against meeting. Berlin will perhaps be the shrubs and beautify the home in Short Line and Salt Lake Route for do well with this property.' For fur- Sale of Real Estate. tj still need to communities and greater The next place designated for such a gath- general way but that it be set aside improvements during spring and sum- ther information apply to W. P. Ep- sale theundersigned will sell at privat to and order clean-u- p as also peace a organize preserve The hard of following described real prop- day. long ering any consequence. mer. person, Kaysville. Adv. erty, winter has left much trash and gen- at home, for without such organizaSalt Lake D. & R. G. R. R. to Comencing at a point 13.465 chains -life would have been continual For Sale, Trade or Lease Twelve west Now thatn&e western part of these eral delapidation in its wake and there tion, $3,000,000 on improvements acre and 19.07 chains south from the writh-- spend east Mountain of from farm .on without road, or is much physical strife, be to attended to cleaning up United StatWnas bejn ceded to Mexseason. southeast comer of the NEl4d)f Seccoming station. Suitable Layton Bamberger Sacrifices were necessary. Ths inLet the day be Tset aside in every ico and Jajan by Germany, the Ameriwill spend $6,000,000 in' the for hogs and chickens and truck farm- tion 11, Township 8 North, Range Utah dividual had, largely, to sacrifice, in Salt 'Lake Meridian, running can people are awakening. True it community in Davis county as cleannext five years on state highways. ing. City water. Under Kays Creek thence west 4.70 chains; thence south to in his which self ditch. peace, imHome, barn, right hdp, company took quite a jolt to shake the eagle up, day. Appearances will be Fillmore gets a new garage 50x100 Irrigation and 5.25 chains; thence seast 4.70 chains; Seven other he war' to had to outbuildings. a grainery abandon, greater feet. by a genfrom his perch but he has spread his proved and, health conserved acres in cultivation. R. E. Barber, thence north 5.25 chains to place of " or less extent, his ordinary pursiuta eral clean up. commencement, containing 2.46 acres, Salt Lake Oregon Short Line will Layton, Utah. Adv. wings and is preparing to scream. and put himself at the disposal of the more or less. from 100 its volunteers send employees as govits Commencing 1.00 chain east and represented by to Fort Douglas camp through efforts IN THE SECOND JUDICIAL DISPresident Wilson has at last come MAKE THE RAILROADS EFFI community 718 chains north of the southeast corthese who He ernment. did willingly COURT OF DAVIS TRICT and V. H. CIENT to realize the true condition of affairs of Superintendent Platt, ner of the NE4 of Section 11, TownCOUNTY, STATE OF UTAH. things came properly to be considered counsel George 1L Smith. and has taken his stand against Gership 3 North. Range 1 West, Salt Lake Following the concessions of the by his community, to be a man of thence Deseret "Mountain mines in West Meridian, man aggression, that has long been railroads to of a W. Danley, Plaintiff, chain; thence N 46 north 0.75 George organized labor and the peculiar excellence and finally earned Tintic district degrees 50 minutes ores. vs. Mary A. Marker, Janet J. W 4.44 shipping expected of him by millions of Ameri- big' increases given to common labor, he title of patriot, while he who administratrix the W 2.70 chains; thence S 64 degrees of cans. It is perhaps well that a break the railroads now Parowan, Utah, Times: It is com- Barton, ask advances in chains; thence south 34.00 or actually worked against to be recognized as a most ob- Estate of Samuel L. Jones, Jr chains; Whence east 1.115 chains; with Germany has thus long been de-- - freight' rates of from 10 Guardian' to 15 per lis community earned the title of ing aJnet deceased;. J. Barton, north 31.50 chains; thence east vious fact that if we as a people are of the Persons and action.has been justi-fie- d cent. Estates of Frank thenee lyd, but,.the or 'one nearly as base. The pat to traitor on an equit- Lane Jones, Blanche J. Jones, Maurice 4.55 chains to place of beginning, ouy put country again ever since the sinking of the LusiFair minded citizens know thatwith riot, naturally, aa one Who had "vision 5750 acres. able living basis we must educate more Samuel - J ones - and - Ralph Meredith containing tania. The invasion of Belgium all other advance the cost of .Also 2.91 chains north commencing railroad enough to work for the community farmers. Not educate more fanner Jones; the Kaysville Irrigation Commarked Germany as a pirate nation, service has and 3.39 chains east from the south- Simsuch as cost of ajiove or beyond his own private in advanced, corporation, and John east corner for professions, but educate more pany, aalias of NE14 the of Section 11, boys and she has insiduously cultivated that fuelmaterials, John Symons, and Annie mons, Jumbeiv. steel equip- erests, received the affection and farmers. 8 North, Range 1 West, Township Simmons Martha from and J. Weaver, Salt Lake that day to this. The ment and even higher cost of E, reputation Meridian, thence east 2.7S capital, honor of that community and its Zeppelin raids over the homes of the equipment of railroads, restore their chains; thence north 1.60 chains; in peace as in war. The nations thence N 67 degrees 4 minutes W English people, the sinking of unarmed needed in new capita) to keep up the m which these sentiments prevailed County Highway No. One 3.51 merchatn and hospital ships by sub- equipmnt of along railroads, restore their are those that have lived and uplifted chains thence south 3.42 chains to be marines without warning, the execu- tracks, enlarge their terminals, build the human race. The most thoughtful ginning, containing 0.70 of an acre. ' tion of , Edith Caveli, the hospital new 'Also commencing 4.665 chains west stations, and build needed exten- and most conscientious men see and from the southeast comer of the NE nurse, the bombarding of cathedrals, sions. always have seen that, for the great of Section 11, Township 3 North, "the murdering of "Belgians andthe The newspapers talk glibly of loan- benefits that' they enjoy In peace and Range 1 West, S. L.' M thence north sacking and burning of their defense- ing a billion or five billions of Ameri9.68 chains; thence S 64 degrees-Oowe undivided and un security, they less cities, are among the crimes which can minutes W 1.98 chains; thence south capital to belligerent nations of selfish support to the means of that call for putting an end to the Hohen-zolle3315 chains; thence east 1.78 chains; Europe to destroy each other with, but enjoyment, their organized community, thence north 24.32 chains to beginThe time is near when have not a word to say about the the nation, its reign. representative, their ning, containing 5.97 acres. the nations of the earth wil larise with needs of our Also commencing 6.445 chains west transportation system. government; and its symbol, their flag. justified wrath and sweep Prussian from the southeast comer of the NE14 The big cities have outgrown their Thus patriotism is a sentiment, militiarism from the earth. Peace must of Section 11, Township 3 North, yards and terminal facilities and the founded alike on instinct, morality and Range 1 West, Salt Lake Meridian, reason and one of the highest and thence north 8.83 chains; thencelS 61 loftiest emotions of which humanity degrees W 2.314 chains; thence south .. S' 32.07 chains; thence east 2.08 chains ; is capable. that thence north 24.23 chains to point of The nation Is, today, as far as man commencement, containing 6.78 acres. has gone in organilation. It he goes Also commencing 13.465 chains farther it will be by 'the sustaining, west and 3.28 chains south from the southeast comer of the NE of SecJurifying, uplifting, by their patriots, tion 11, Township 3 North, Range 1 of those nations that are to organize Shabbiness means deterioration and decay. West, Salt Lake Meridian, running something higher. thence west 4.70 chains; thence south Good paint will increase the value of your prop.The titne is at hand that should stir 5.00 chains; thence east 4.70 chains: and add many years to its life by protecting erty thence north 5.00 chains to point of the of time to pay patriotism every ? it from rain, snow, sunshine and the influence of commencement, .containing 2.35 acres. his debt to the nation; of every relig the elements. Also 10 shares of the capital stock ious man who should feel that now is of the Shepherd Creek Irrigation and the hour to do his share for humanity Water Company. jgrt t Also' 7 Bhares of the capital .stock The Jones place, consisting of 29 acres, at' and of wise anysacrifice every house, ef the Saight-EessWnter Company. man who should see that the moment stable, orchard, good water right, first-claAlso 1330 undivided interest in and land, will proPAINT HOUSE has come when all must work together to the waters of Hall Creek reservoir, duce any crop that will grow in this climate. Located less . the future is to be assured. if on or after theth-Ja- y of April, A. D. than- - 0ns .. protects youf property better, because it lasts 191 F, and written bids will be received n eeeond-clM- d. 135-mi- le -- - pub-'liah- ed -- German-America- -- 8-h- ns ; well-bein- - e. , DAY-CLEA- N-UP -- n i?V to-w-it: n. 1-- West, ma-inger- -- , - of-ic- es B ra Paint J- Shabby House f -- a ss m'Emmr. h Quick.-salyonly- $4400. iongerr lt" costs less bccauseeach-galloAcme Quality iKnd covers more surface - UTAH INDUSTRIAL REVIEW Wasatch 2S89 Salt Lake City ments. Utah Copper Co. plans to increase capacity in next 15 months to 60,000 tons daily. The 1917 Utah wool dip largest In I . . of the - Ask at our store for a free copy of the Acme Quality Painting Guide Book. It tells&ll about paint and painting, what to use, how much will be required and how it should be applied. Ogden Anouncement made that Ogden, Logan &" Idaho Railway will spend $1,000,000 this year for improve--1 7C3 Walker Bank Building .. a j rannsrs Dnica of Layton residenee-- of -- dther-of-the,. un wnei4ia6TiwwBy cereined administrators, in the City qf Farmington, State of Utah. Terms of sale: For cash, ten per cent of the bid payable at the time of sale and balance upon confirmation of sale by said court. WELLS HE.SS, GEORGE LEONARD, ' Administrators of the Estate of Charles Secrist, Deceased. Dated March 17, 1917. First pubi'cation, March 2, 1917. Last publication, April 5, 1917. f i j r . |