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Show THE WEEKLY REFLEX. KAYSVILLE. UTAH STUDENTS OF PENNSYLVANIA UNIVERSITY OUT FOR? MILITARY DRILL W. L. D'OUGLA-- S THE SHOE THAT HOLDS ITS SHAPE S3 S3.50 S4 S4.50 S5 $6 S7 U S3 .fgVSKe Save W. L. nnr Money by Wearing For sale by over 9000 shoe Douglas shoes. dealers. The - Best Known Shoes in the World. 'WT L. Doughs n:ne and the retail prve is stamped on the bot-The value u guaranteed and The prices tor inferior shoes retail-pricare the an.' everywhere. They cost no more in San hranosoo than they do m New York. 1 ney are always worth the . price paid for them. The quality of W. L. Douglas product i. guaranteed by more than 40 years-- esrperirnce m ticking f, w shoes The smart styles are the leaders in the I idiion Criu-- r of America. wrl! equipped fsrton at Brockton, Mass., They are made in by the bighest paid, ski'led shoemakers, under J.rootion and supervision of espenen.vd men, a!! working with an honest determination to make the best shoes for the prue that money can buy a Ask sour shoe ! for W. I DuttgU hvr7 If he ran- - f not upnlv voir With the kinil you smut, t.ilio nuolhnr ' turn of all shoes at tne tanorv the wearer protected agrmst high e, President Urges Immediate Organization of an Army for Defense. Congress to Declare State of Existing Between United 8tates and Germany in Address-in- g Agkg War Special Session. make, Write for Interentlng booklet ornJ.iioliict how to ret alioe.ot the highest alaniianl of quality for the price, by return mall, postage free. ' LOOK FOR W. L Double name-am- i the retail price lrvei!nt " W. tamped on the bottom. 183 Siark President Wilson has . Washington. asked congress to declare a state of war fexteting between the United States and Germany. While the news' f on America. The president said war with Germany would involve practical with the governments now at war with Germany, Including liberal financial credits. The president urged the organization of an army of at least 500,000 men, chosen upon the principle of universal liability to serNo action was being taken vice. many. The president reached the capitol about'8:40. As his big motor swung around before the east front of the big building two troops of the second regular cavalry on guard, sabers $. r- - . we e' S ' A Mi itirr J 1 Si- - a, g.?. 1 1 yf When the British entered Peroune the other day on the heel of the retiring German they found the place a mass of wreckage. On every hand wits found eldence of the systematic destruction wrought by the Teutons. The picture was taken at the time the German first took possession of the town. is. Representative Caldwell of. New York first rose to his feet and yelled. Every one of the supreme court judges ' stood. Chief Justice White smiled and vigorously clapped his hands, as did Justices Pitney and Clarke. - Should Assist Allies. Flower lovers from all' over the country attended the recent flower show In New York. This beautiful picture uhows MIss Maratr Cotlter sud and some prize lilies, one of tie pretty uttrnctlons seen at the show. TO MARRY PITCHER nd Sensitive him." -- i of Constipation Biliousness, Hid- - fjfjr ache, Dizzi- - & Sleep, Mothers Rest After Treatment -- With Cutlcura Trial Free. 9 mmM Bend today for free Bamples of Cutlcura Soap and Ointment and learn how quickly they' "relieve Itching? "burning akin troubles, and point to speedy heah ment of baby rashes, eczema and Having cleared baby'a akin keep it dear by using Cuticura exclusively. ""Free sample each by wait vrtfK Dock; Address postcard, Cutlcura, DepL L h itch-lag- s. bv-- . inis iTe Boston. Sold everywhere. Arj - ness, and Indigestion. They do their duty, SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL IHiCE. Genuine must bearSignnture s3 fttcesaarr TYPHOID Any the almat aurvcrUon efft. BABIES SKIN-TORTUR- jr BUFFALO, N. Y. Can quickly be overcome by CARTERS LITTLE UVER PILLS. Purely vegetable act surely and gently on the liver. Cure " WOMAN INVENTS NEW SUBMARINE - CO FOSTER-M1LBUR- v Barber. You cant please my barber, Wouldnt you . buy kla hair re Btorer? I did buy his 'hair restorer. And now because my hair wont grow he seems to think Vm putting up a job on ta Ids swamped Dag makers with orders far beyond their capacity. Inquiry among Adv. OCT, tad kaxBlesenees,cf Aatltyphokl VeeclnxUca. Be vxceiaatsd MOW by roof physician, yea so yoorfamily. It U wove vtul than house Inrrtoce. Ask yout phystetan, Sragglst, or toad tot lUve yen bed Typbesdf telling of Typhoid Vtcclne, aeenlts frees as , end denget fren Typhoid Cenlen, the arnrx labcsatosy. BKnanf, cal pneeecuo mccmu s eenens eeeen s. a see. octet --IF YOU CAPS Invest S25 cauh and a few Jo tiers Bootki, you een become aeancuited with a company that should return big proms. You er .U roc og. um tho truth el thle rUitemoot when M to you. This to not oil. nuaing nr a scheme. Yoor banker or (merer cenO.K. our busuMM. Adtoeet P. 0. BOX ITS, fmabertb. Bo. new eta pcnosorj laud to to VI, eertlvoe end wulnos livii Indian wsr w tdow, also formoroidoossooITsin-- ' S,-'0- i mo i, il 0 I d,orvlelMS I, aerni spfl tkia F ht VVe.hlM.i) It, 1hmiNSSlO, To remove Ink from white clothe, Hi Aforaadnock Glkn Lhltmgo, as soak spot in aour milk, then wash eri va mts usual. 1. revealed .Monday. VTvv i J . f I DOANS t Get Rid at Tbaa Lair no longvr the allahteat There of faaling ashamed of your freckles, aa the ta double strength prescription othlne these homely spots (uarantssd to remove Simply get an ounce of othlne duubla strength from your druggist, and apply a little ot morning end you should soon see that sven the worst freckles havs began to disappear, while the lighter ones have vanished sattrely. It Is Seldom that mors than one ounce Is needed to completely eleur 'the akin and gain a beautiful clear complexion. Be aura to aak for tbs double strength othlne, a this la sold under guarantee of money back If It falls to r move freckles. A petty officer explaining to a farm hand how he may he of help country by serving bn one of Unde Sams great fighting ships. A - corporation, aanouncid at a patriotic meeting of employes that a general increase of wages a' the plant was being arranged to gc Into effect Jane 1. Tnghram, 3402 m rtTtiht E. Main Ht., aw " 1 waa so Idaho, says: rheumatwith crippled ic pains, that for two years I had to hobbla around on crutches. "Life waa a burden and my back ached all the time. My system was filled with uric acid, my sight was my kidneys foor r and i b ly disordered. I When had almost given up hope Doan's Kidney cured jne. --The cure hag lasted. Cat Doeae at Aay Stare, 80c Cos Adv, - Xww IW D. & a never considered Thou- An Id&ho Case Now la ttaa Tim sion. Granted Increase In Wages. Quincy, Mas'3 Pres'Jant Joseph JPowell of the Fore River Shipbuilding Use Doans Kidney nils. sands recommend them. FRECKLES The Wretchedness 3i the president's reference to German here I is the 1910 census story. In 1800 fast color, Tyou know. But 1 can show you something pretty swift In stripes." after ware of applause met local manufacturers all-da- y you Blnck Back? Morning lameness, sharp twinges backwhen bending, or an ache1; each la cause enough to suspect kidney trouble. Get after the We cause. Help the kidneys. Americans go it too hard. We overdo,' overeat and neglect our sleep and exercise and so we are fust becoming a nation of kidney more deaths than sufferers. 72 Adv. edge. -- for American Hags of all sixes Why Thai Lame Pnnderine Immediately doubles the beauty of your hair. No difference how dull, faded, brittle and scraggy, just moisten a cloth with Danderlne and carefully draw It through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. The effect is immediate and amazing your hair will be light, fluffy and wavy, and have an appearance of abundance'; an incomparable luster, softness and luxuriance, the beauty and shimmer of true hair health. Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowltons Danderlne from any store nnJ prove that your hair is as pretty and soft as any that It has been neglected or Injured by careless treatment thats Couldnt 8ult Her. guarantee these colors fast? asked the customer at the hosiery counter. Certainly not, madam," replied the now elerk in the fullness of htirknowi-- ' hand-clappin- Sera y I)o 500,-00- Flag Makers Swamped. I with a cloth soaked yotr sculp wll not Itch, but whut will in Polish mirror followed alcohol, by a soft dry please you most, will be after a few cloth. new see weeks use, wken you hair, reat-lfine and downy aTflrst yeH-h-ut new hair growing all over the nlL Declaration by the president that this country should help the sillies until the end of the war also was pro-- , ductive of cheers. By far the greatest outburst, however, Came when the 0 president declared for an army of men selected on annlrersal service basis. Chief Justice White was --one of those who Joined most heartg in the at this point, ily which lasted nearly a minute. Applause also greeted the declaration for supplying needs of the allies and also the statement that principles of peace and justice should be vindicated against autocratic power. We have no quarrel with the German people, -- was another remark which received an enthusiastic reception.- Mention of the recent overthrow of the Russian monarchy brought loud Yt5Tfc--Unpreced- Dr. Pierces Pellet are beat for liver, bowels and stomach. One little Pellet for a laxative three for a cathartic. Adv. -- gan. New Every statesman Is just a politician Girls! Beaut?y Your Hair!' Maks It till he hinds the office be goes out 8oft, Fluffy and Luxuriant Try after. tho Moiat Cloth. acalp.- A little "THE LILIES BUILDING UP UNITED STATES NAVY Tommie ell, then, I guess its true what teacher said about history repeating Itself. Try as you will, after an application of llnnderlne, you cannot find a single trace of dandruff or falling hair and hri. a.- These words drew shouting and hand' clapping. No attempt waa made by Speaker Clark to curb It Scarcely had the aonnda of this demonstration died away when the president declared that the congress should declare that a state of war existed and a second demonstration be - ask? VH 1 i. A Turn Down. Natural Sequence. The late Jack London ome arranged Tlio teucher hud exjilalued (hut u namarchy I a country ruled bj u king with a ningn'.lue editor to do a short The pupils got that. storj for $t,fi4M). "If tho king dies, who rules? the "And," said Imndon, hopefully, the leueln r eontlmnsl, leal being concluded, "can I have the The queen, someone suggested monej now, before I write the stuff? The editor gave a laugh und a shrug. "Ves, under rertnin elrniinstanee which I shall explain Inter, that Is true. "Your stories, my dear London, he Now-- , If the queen dies, Mm takes her said, are Immortal, hut jou, unfortu' . , plnee?" nately, are not. Only one bnv ventured to reply. The Jack," he said. The Web. Had Evidence. Tommie Grundmu, did you used to lick datldl when he was n boy? Grandma Yes, Toiumle, wby do you FW K will. The most noticeable interruption came near the end when. In the midst of a declaration that it was a fearful thing to lead this great peaceful Mr. La Fonette people into war, cleared his throat twice sharply. Persons on the floor sad in the galleries were quick to note the interruption; but the president read on steadily. As the president finished person on the floor and in theevery gallerias , and- about fed. 'Most ti the sen- -' unfolded flags they wore in them upper outside coat aad waved them vigorously. pockets 0 dalr. I??. J glittering under the src lights, swept the plaza clear while the hundreds of people cheered. He was taken Immediately to the speakers room and then Into the house chamber, where the senators - were Just - filing in. Six members of the supreme court who had taken seats In front of the speaker's stand, stood and faced about. The presidents entered amid deaft ening cheers. Both sides Joined with spies infesting the country and his suggestion of a partnership of democratic nations In the cause of peace. A particularly vociferous outburst -greeted the declaration that if there should be disloyalty it will be desit with by a firm hand and stern repres- $2-0- Mine Co., or delivered hy dniKKiHt hnrnraa SPOIIN MEUICAI, PO., Cham lata, Ooahaa, IaiL, V. 8. against the Austrian government and the other nations allied with Ger- cheers. Wave $ $3.00 $2X0 ltougla. bor Couichs Cold and Distompar. and at the flrat symp-o- f uni u.li ullni'nt. srlvo small dnsaa of that won dii ful rvnifilv now tin mHt ns-- In avlatcnra. tOUIOl'ND spoil VM IHSTKttPKH BO cant and fl a hottle, and 110 th doin. of any lYnii,vlvaniu Unit peronnT ' ' Shoe Boy Watch Your Colts i The president spoke slowly at first, then faster than usual. Ilia voice was clear and grew stronger as he pro' ceeded. It was a very serums and quiet audience. Not until the president declared we will not choose the path of submission did his audience applaud. f ft . L lyf forts If 4 T )j , Sr., Hrncktnn. Mae. of the submarining ofthe steamer Axte-the first American armed ship to sail Into the war zone was being told from mouth to mouth In the CapSo strongly ha the proparethieas ldi:i spread among the studtMit of tlx Inlverslt.v itol. the president, appearing before - in senate house session and the Joint training corps has been organized and daily drills art hold on the cninpu. ob April 2, asked congress to recognize and deal with Germany's warfare a 9 a -- str Mrs. Anna Stanley holding a model of the Stanley safety submarine which will submerge in eight second. Ordinary submarines require ten minMix Alice Julinwm, a pietty Brook-!jutes to submerge hy taking on water 'ba lin'd. There H a propeller on each eud of the submarine; when the boat submerges a lever cause the rear progirl whose engagement to tnurrj filer to rise to perpendicular and the front propeller to dew end simultane- A1 Manmux, star pitcher of the Htts bvrgh Pirate, has been announced ously. -- L. CP If you have a little success dont camp on It for the rest of your life. When Your Eyes Need Cere Reined? Try MurineKy Eye Co J acctt at Smarting or malL Wro fur kre lr LtLxU.SK JSXh. LgUXDX CO., CUJOA6. rt 0 J fu "Ta 9 t J USrH r.i.en AMP oci ysw jSokl b f fsasiM r:s:1 1 jlST Bor to d.rkro xftrr y.m ::a feel I'etwywww 95. b.ro tried Vh. - K.f -j ) r- - ijhlluiWwfotoef.. W. N. U., Sait Lxi J c: -::y ' |