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Show THE WEEKLY KEFLEX, KAYSVILLE UTAH: shall take the liberty of suggest the several executive de purtment of the government tor the committee-- . of your consideration measures for the accomplishment of the several objects have mentioned to hope that it will bo your p'et-ur- e deal with them as having been fraim d after very careful Thought hv the branch of the government upon w lib It the responsibility conducting, tht war ami safeguarding. the nation will most direct!) full. While we do these things, these deeply momentous thing-- , let us be to all very clear, and in ike ver the world whu our motives and our objects are. My own thoueht bus not been driven from its habitual and normal course by the unbappj events of the last two months, aud I do not believe that the thought of the nation has been altered4 or clouded bv them "I have exactly the same things In 1 Ing, through QUICK ACTION If cross, feverish, constipated, give California Syrup . of Figs f President Asks Congress to ' A laxative today" saves a lck child Children simply jvlU not tomorrow. tafo the time from play to empty their bowels, which become dogged vp with waste, liver gets sluggish; stomach Sour, Look at the tongue, mother ! If coat, feved, or your child Is listless,-cross- Declare War Against German Empire. erish, breath bad, restless, doesnt eat heartily, full of cold or has sore throat or any other childrens allmejat, give a teaspoonful of California Syrup of Figs," then dont worry, because It is perfectly harmless, andjn a few hours all this constipation poison, sour bile and fermenting Waste -- wlir gently move out of the bowels, and you have r tbnt"i had Asserts Thar Germany Never Was mlndirow the addressed the senate last: the January Our Friend and That Americans addressed the object Must Fight in Order to Make the tfrantr the W orldSafe. and autocratic against ln-m- lnd on I same mind when 1 child again. A thorough Inside cleansing Is ofttlmes all that Is necessary. It should be the first treatment given In any sickness. Beware of counterfeit flg syrups. bottle of Ask at the store for a California Syrup of Figs," which has full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-up- s plainly printed on the bottle. Adv. that-- 1 when "Id of had In cougre-- - Her Engagement Ring that gov eminent entertains no jeal I the sweetest thing a girl can own. trltndship for us and means to act It may be large or small, bat should mu p iu and security at its be pure white set right. A veritable to stir up treasure-t- o tonvenienee That Ifm-anlast for life. Youll find tin iit our verv doors, them here to, enemies iuwm-you. Our modest please tin- intern pted note to tin- German make buying easy. prices minister at leno Fitv Is eoqut fit s - - me e nit Accept the) Challervce. We are aect ptin ; ththaltenge ot hostile purpOM he uiise we know that m sus h a gov ernim lit. following sut h - BOYD PARK j i SOUttfNtD IftA j MAKERS OF JEWELRY k(S i methods,, vve tan novel have a Blend, and that in tht- prost m e of its organ ized powtr, alwiiv s lv lm,"" in wait to iu eoniplish we know not what purpose, be no assured for there tho democratic governments ol the world . We are now about to accept the gauge oFTuti tlr illi his natural foe- -; to Uhert) and shall. If , spend the whole force of the nation to theik and nutlifydts pretensions and j i We' ate glad, now that we see the tacts with no veil of false pretense ...tin . tlx ti liL.tlni.S-f. thc .lllll . mate peace of the world and for the liberation of its peoples, tin- German peoples Included, tor the rights of na lions great and small and the privilege of men ever) where to choose their The wav of life and of obedience. world must be made safe for democracy. Its police must be planted of poupon the trusted foundation T litical liberty. We have no selfish ends to serve. We desire uo conquest, no dominion Wc seek no Indemnities for ourselves, no material compensation for the sac-- r flees we shall freely make We are but one of the chumplotis of the rights We shall be satisfied of mankind. when those rlghtB have been as secure as t lie faith and the freedom of the nations cun make them. Just because we fight without rancor and without selfish objects,-seekin- g nothing for ourselves but whut we shall w Ish to share as a free people, we shall, 1 feel confident, conduct our operations as belligerents without passion ami ourselves observe with proud upell, playful MAIN VTWXI - SALT LAX CITY - What seeds j j i shall I plant? vv j lts-pn- now, as then, principles or peace uMfnTrtTnHITe'uf se'fish powei and to set up amongst the really free and self governed peoples of the world and of ne such a concert of purio-tlon as will henceforth Insure the ob servance of those principles. World Peace Involved, Neutrality Is no longer reasonable or desirable where the peace ot the world Is involved and the freedom of Its peoples, and tho menace to that peace and ficedom lies In the exist once of autocratic governments backed, by organized force which is con trolled wholly by their will, not by the will of their people. We have seen the last of neutrality in such clr cumstances. "We are at tho beginning of an ago In which It will be insisted that the same standards f conduct and of responsibility for wrong doing shall be observed among nations and their governments that are observed among the Individual, citizens of civilized Btates We have no quarrel with the GerI ! man people. punctiliousness the principles of right We have no 'feeling towards them rod of fair play we profess to be fight- but one of sympathy and friendship. Ing for. not upon their impulse that It "1 have said nothing of the govern- their government acted In entering nts alllC(1 wllh ite injperlal gov 7 this war. It was not with their pre- eminent of Germany because they vious knowledge or approval. us or chalmade war not have upon It was a war determined upon as us to defend our rights and lenged wars used to be determined on In the our honor. The Austro Hungarian of February. Our is to vimlicaje 4 a 1 1 designs of a government that did what It pleased und told Its people inching But thev have played their part in serving to conv nee us at la- -l that that gtow, ol eoune: Vogt-U- t High od Tesed Alfll, Grade nnrl Ttnintlwr iiMM sur I TfT pig-iTlvTiiTt 4 loaet See that the Seed mixture. pasture lot your vegetable and flower gardeoa are Vogeleta. AIo yout Seed Potato and Dry Land Gram. Vogelet Seed look lik other wed, hut they sever fad to 'make good.' It it FREE (ot th Send for our Catalog. tking. St-- I a!v-.n- t nv-- x- nr 1 1 - - When I addressed the congress on President Wilson, Washington. the Kth of February last, I thought in a message to the special session of It would suffice to assert our neuthat congress on April 2. spoke as .follows: tral rights with arms, our right to use I have called the congress Into ex- the seas against unlawful Interference, traordinary session because there are our right to keep our people safe1 serious, very serious choices of policy against unlawful violence. But armed lo be made. and made immediately, neutrality. It now appears. Is ImpracSalt l.aka City, I'lah which It waa neither right nor consti ticable. Because submarines are in efGerasas when I used the should fect outlaws that tutionally permissible have been used man submarines If you think yon cant Its a dnch sume the responsibility of making. It is imposmerchant I of shipping. On the 3rd of February last, against SODA WATER WELL IS FOUND you wont their atto sible defend ships against extraordithe before laid you flcially asas the law of nations has nary announcement tf-- the imperial tacks deIt It In the Philippines, and Experts A MINISTERS CONFESSION German government that on and after sumed that merchantmen would or Declare It Is Carbonized by fend themselves against privateers the 1st day of February It was its purchase craft Nature. visible giving cruisers, law Rev. W. IL Warner, Route 2, Myers-Vlllof pose to put aside all restraints sea. It Is common pruMy trouble was br of humanity and use Us submarines upon the open ML, writes: dence in Buch grltn Many queer things have been dissdatlca. My back was affected and to sink every vessel that Bought to necessity Indeed, circumstances, to endeavor to decovered Great by the drill since and beforo had. of also either the I ports took the form of lumbago. aproach stroy therti before they have nbown Colonel western Iruke discovered that oil or the or Britain Ireland, cramps be neuralgia, their own Intention. They must bo could obtained by the artesian pro the or ports dealt with upon sight If dealt with at any 9f In my muscles. coasts of Europe ' of the moat unique one is that but ' the cess, enemies Germany controlled by all. pressure or sharp 1 has That j recently In the Philippines. It Mediterranean. struck the denies ,th!n of on the top The German government pain I seemed be tjie object of, the Ger- to town of Saa Fernan- located in the all arms to at use nervof neutrals and head, my In the right earlier warfare submarine man on Island of Ticao. At th it the which sea areas do, of the within the ous dizzy spells. I of last year the has proscribed, even In the defense of since' but enormous vein tit April 405 an war, of feet depth had other sympbad somewhat rights which no modern publicist baa government such a gas Imperial 'was with water struck, toms showing my the commanders of its un ever before questioned their right to restrained volume ?as thrown the pressure that Rev.W.H. Warner kidneys were at dersea craft In conformity with its defend. The intimation is conveyed B0 feet In the air. It was only by ex-fault, so I took Dodds Kidney Pills. promise then given to, us that passen- that the armed guards which we have erting every possible effort that a They were the means of saving my life. ger boats would not be sunk, and that placed on our merchant ships will be small flood was averted. The flow waa X write to say that your medicine reand due warning would be given to all treated aeJieyond the pale of law finally checked, however, and the wastored me to perfect health." DO DOS other vessels hlch Its submarines subject to be dealt with as pirates wan, were provoked ,nd waged in tie Ineflawless submarine ter directed out and downward KIDNEY PILLS, 50c box, any store. might seek to destroy, when no resist would be. Armed neutrality is interest of dynasties or of little of the reckless and cirIn such now fectual at without disguise through two small pipes, through1 warfare enough best; adopted ance was offered or escape attempted, Dodds Medicine Co., Buffalo, N. Ye of ambitious men who were acIn the face of such groups which It continues to rush with cumstances and were crews German government, the their Imperial as taken care that by and Adv. customed to use their followmon In worse Is than it neutral; force. been not save to and It has therefore pretensions possible given at least a fair chance pawns and tools. once what to at Is it Count to receive The produce likely this for boats. government In their open Samples of the water taken show, their lives Infested With 8plcs. Heights of Extravagance. It was meant to prevent; It Is practiambassador and the were recently It Is heavily charged with carmeager Tarnowskl, taken that smiled So yon think you love her?" precautions nations do not All accredited to this government by the in cally certain to draw us Into the war was as proved bonic acid gas and appears and tastes enough: set haphazard or the cynical friend. the rights or the effec- their neighbor states with spies after Instance In without either soda water, but analysis like ordinary I know I love herl" swore the In- distressing Instancecruel but that government Is not yet completed. and unmanly tiveness of belligerents. the progress of the fatuated youth. cannot we one choice There Is of re lias not actually engaged In warfare The man In charge of the drilling, Are you sure that yon love her as business, but a certain degree make, we are incapable of making: citizens of the United States against observed. was straint subwho do? has had 40 y pars experience In' of think as We will not choose the path much you you on the seas, and I" taka the liberty, new policy has swept every mission and suffer the most sacred The I more artesian wells In many part that. Pm than sure of drilling Say, for the present, at least, of postponVessels of every of maintains that he ha the world, love her as much as she thinks I do I" restriction aside.their flag, their char- rights of our nation and our people wltfi our relations of decision Ing a whatever kind, The or violated. to be to lends or one seen never heard of the equal of as ignored And, of course, thing the authorities at Vienna. We enter their cargo, their destination wrongs against which we now array acter, affection Ticao island the of are we story that phenomenon, this war only where clearly nother, height their errand, have been ruthlessly seni; ourselves are not common wrongs; emlnds us of the conversation beforced Into it because there are no without warning and they cut to the very roots of human bottom to the Avoid "Movie" Eyestrain. other means of defending our rights. tween two fellows who were talking without of help or merey lor life. will be all the easier for us to It about a third fellow, who was by way those on thought Many persons cannot attend motlpa of vessels friendly the solboard, sense of the "With of being a spendthrift. One fellow neutrals along with those of belliger- emn and a profound character of the behind the carefully guarded coifl-- 1 conduct ourselves as belligerents Inbe-a.- pictures because of tbe annoying aft' evemfraglcal j dences of a narrow and privileged high spirit of right and fairness on the eyes. Borne Buffer said: ents. step I anytkklng and of thdvgrave re- clash. They are happily Impossible cause we act without animus, not In carBill lives beyond his Income, eyestrain and others are subject Even hospital ships and ships sponsibilities which It Involves, but In where public opinion commands and j enmity towards a. people or with the fromsevere headaches. The relief. In and, to he?" bereaved I doesnt rytng relief to the sorely unhesitating obedience to what deem insists upon full information concern-j- . desire to bring any injury or disad-Inconsists In perfectly-fitte- d most cases, Llyes beyond his Income? Why, stricken . people of Belgium, though njyconstltutlonal duty, I advise that affairs. In armed all nations the but only them, upon vantage wltheafie course to the Popular SciCongress declare the recent pill lives beyond the Income he wishes the latter were provided A steadfast concert for peace can opposition to an Irresponsible govern-neve- r glasses, according area In be to 0f The the the ence conduct through proscribed picture may not be hadr Imperial government Monthly. . he maintained except by a part-- raent whtch hag thrown aside all conthe ltselfand war than less fact this is more than but so German against government the nothing be No sharp, by quite nerehip of democratic nations. siderations of humanity and of right Increased comthe were distinguished by unmistakable government and people of tbe United autocratic for trusted he could by compensated Filling Up. government la running amuck. and with the It sunk that been accept' have formally of States; Its marks with Identity, very sensitive to keep faith within It or observe fort. For persons What will we put In the magazine Friend to German People. lacked compassion status ot belligerent which has thps covenants. same reckless of the ft either a be must colored amber, league a month?" glass, this eyes, that It take been thrust upon of opinion. In- We are, let me say again, the Bln- - yellowish green or amethyst, may af- -, a honor, partnership About forty pages concerning what or principle, I was for a Urtle while unable to immediate Bteps not only to put the trigue would eat its vitals away; the cere friends of the German people, ford immediate relief. It Is also ad.we had last month.". of believe that such things would In fact country In a more thorough state its plottings of Inner circles who could) and shall desire nothing so much as visable for those who are liable to sufYes." to exert all also hut ,, defense, of Intimate and render ac-- j the early done byhy government that had to avoid to plan what they would be resources "And forty more about what we will be Its all and power employ humane a corruption relations of mutual advantage between fer after viewing the pictures the to would one count toxso hlthertoxfiubscrlbed. is it where necessary In German s of the the place have next month." government bring seated at its very heart. Only free ns however hard It may be tgr thfcm, sitting practices of civilized nations. Interwar. to look upward, as the additional 'And then?" law bad Its origin in the at empire to terms and end tbe peoples can hold their purpose and I jor e time being, to believe that this , national Men. of this to for 500,000 That ought Army beynough their honor steady, to a common end ia spoken. from ..0ur hearts,We . have strain becomes very tlresoma. la via get up some law which would the ls""clear.Tt observed will month.' involve this upon and prof or the Interests of mankind J home with their present government J majority of cases, however, u glasses What be respected and co- - to of bad utmost the Involve will right practicable notation where any narrow Interest Of their own. j through all there bitter months be-- are correctly fitted to a person, he or seas, with In free and action council high- operation Does not every American feel that cause of that friendship exercising s Bhe stands a good chance of enjoying Bad temper Is its own punishment, dominion and wbere lay the ' "Gerwhich"" motion war with now at has been addetlbo our hOpCT patience and Torebearance assurance Us stage the vic world. not governments the does painful By but that appease pictures without any attendant ways of exworld of the to the by as built incident for the future peace would otherwise have been.lmposslble. ill results. up many, and, that, after stage has that law been tim. shall, happily, still have an op- with meager enough results. Indeed, tension to those governments of the the wonderful and heartening things order the within in could financial Jben most liberal credits, that have happening portunlty to prove that friendship In You miss gettings many good things after all was accomplished that as so In Russia? a posfar resources our few weeks last with that may, our daily attitude and actions toward but always be accomplished, .- will inby failing to ask for them. Russia was Itnowa "brbose who the millions of men and women of clear view, at least,of "What the heart sible: he added to theirs- itmobilizaknewit best to have been always in Qennan birth and native sympathy and conscience of the mankind de- volve the organization and of resources material of all tion fact democratic at heart, in alirthe who 1Ive am0ngBt ns and share our the manded. to raw tears from the judge b of materials the to vital habits of her thought, in alL the the supply country an(j we gall be proud to prove ftSe Bights Swept-Awator whom old he was pleading.-H- is of -needs to incidental war serve the and intimate Tf berpeople tlwardg n who are in fact loyal "This minimum of right the Ger- the nation In the most abundant and that spokerelationships their In criminal Mr. Instinct rival natural cases, many F, their Lhelr to the and government I neighbors man government has swept aside un- yet the most economical and efficient habitual attitude towards life. GUI. K. C., never achieved this feat, of most are, test. of Jn bour They necesder the plea of retaliation and f The autocracy that crowned the way possible. It will Involve tbe Imag true Bnd loyaj mlcans as although a supreme master of ths sity, and because it had no weapons mediate full equipment of the navy in summitTJf herpolitical structure, long er known never harrowing methods formerly followed had which tt could use at sea except these, all respects, but particularly in supply- as It had stood and terrible as was if they oe wm 7 py counsel; jnrruui was once caueq or 4 as Tney to faitT allegiance. employ Those Hems! which it is Impossible it with the best means of dealing the reality ol Its : j ing in us with rebuking upon by the Judge at Lewee assizes to It is employing them without throwing with the enemys submarines. It will -- 1 Wend of urn, 0.r,ed ,uj xmin humanity Involve the immediate addition to tbs SSUSTEi to the winds all scruples and his wife. mind His eloquence," relates aa purpose, different a of Russian or .of respect for the understandings armed forces of the United States off and the great, generous had such an effect upon isreshould be disloyalty, it will .for by law In case of thatwere supposed to underlie the i of with with seven of them buret into dealt If ltV caffeine the 3rug forceB jUTythat be to world, the of who the tercourse should, naive majesty and might pttte war, at least 500,000 men, If It Ufts Its J tears. Af this moment the but. In loss the stern the freedom the In of chosen be repression; are for upon now that not 1 prisoner my opinion, km fighting thinking in coffee thats causing of universal liability to ser- world, for Justice and for peace. Here) head at all, it will lift It only here ana j omigej a warder sitting by him and of property involved. Immense and principle shaky nerves, 'the remedy b0.a that bloke? .as that Is, but only of the wan- vice, and also the authorization of sub- is a lit partner for a league of honor.! there and without countenance except Ml( Why, said , from a lawless and malignant few. Never Our Friend. is perfectly plain ton and wholesale destruction of the sequent additional Increments of equal t,c warder, hes the finest mouthpiece One of the things that has served it is a distressing and, oppressive oq th drcult; youre very lucky to- lives of noncombatants, men, women force so soon as they may be needed to convince us that the Prussian auto- - duty, gentlemen of the congrew. which haye got 'Mm. Dismal beggar I said end children, engaged In pursuits and can be handled in training. It will Involve also, of course, the emey was not and C0.uJd "Jer )e t0 have performed In thus ad( Quit coffee, and for a which have always, even In the darkprisoner."-Mancbe- ster Guardian., or to f.he gov- friend is that from credits of been There are, it may be, manje adequate granting modern of history, you est periods pleasant, healthful table so far as the present war it has filled our un- months of fiery trial and sacrifice deemed innocent and legitimate. Prop- ernment, sustained, I hope, Leverage, can be sustained, by suspecting communities and even our ahead of us. It Is a fearful thing to of equitably they the lives. bet can paid., for, erty con- offices of government with spies and I Oratory- - may thrill with Its elo-wwell the by generation present cannot lead this great peaceful country Intopeaceful and innocent people so sustained disI ceived taxation. quence, or convince with its logic, but set criminal Intrigued say everywhere Into the most terrible and be. of taxation national be our It Is an example which gradually molds as afoot unity far by Itself equitable may civilization astrouB of all wars, The present German submarine because It Beems to me that it would council,against and within without, our the character. No matter how per But peace balance. in the warto be seeming warfare against commerce is a be most unwise to base me credits our Industries and our commerce. than suaslve the message of the tongue, the peace, more war Is Is a precious It fare. against mankind. which will . now b necessary CBtlrely that .Its the right it Js Indeed,, evident, jhW thethings, for csRftge of the dally,, life, continually against all nations American snips on money borrowed. It Is our duty, 1 spies were here even before the war and we 'Shall "fight nearest carried we outweighs have it It Is of little use to always have been sunk, American lives tasen, ;)Bj08t respectfully urge, to protect our began; and it is unhappily not a mat- which Postum is a delicious for point out the blessedness of the In our hearts-- for to ways which it has stirred us very people so far as we may against the Kbmit ua, vmless our-feecly-roa- d ileeptyttrleara'of,''fcut',tbech!paR'd v e'ry 'seri 6 u 9 S a r dahl p a n e v ITs a fi Ich ' our cofrtB ahuifelWlntrlgues' KghY"6ftHdStrwhutoifewuttty own govern are'' in their seen Inand. voice a neutral come friendly to have traveling it which have more than once" would be likely to arise out of the people of Other nourishing and absolutely byfor,. the. Xlghta, Und liberties of have been sunk and- over- flation" which would the nations" meets, peace to disturbing pertlousiynear dofree from any harmful whelmed in the waters In the same vast loans. and dislocating the industries of the small nations, for a universal Architects In th War. ina- discrim no been has Allies. There to the way. country have been carried on at the minion of right by Buch a concert of . A French society gives the names efi Help tlon. Tbe challenge ia to all mankind, In carrying out the measures by instigation, with the support, and even free peoples as shall bnng peace and architects, painters and sculptor j Each nation must decide for itself which these things are to he accom- under the personal direction of official safety to all nations and make the have djed for their country. This BUC Theres a big army of t how it will meet it. The choice we plished, we should keep constantly In agents of the Imperial government ac- world Itself at last ft6- considered ample proof that make for ourselves must be mads with mind the wisdom of Interfering as credited to the government of the task we can dedicate our lives and our .q,,. Postum users who are enare tot specialists. Clove tem-we are aud of counsel and a as possible in our own prepara- United Stated. that little moderation a everything fortures. Dealer. and Even in checking these things joying better health and tion and the equipment ,of out own that we have with the perater.ess of Judgment befitting our we"- have everything to na a as for it them, motives our with forces extirpate comfort since joining the the trying and duty or character military those who know that the day , - Small Pocket sup- sought to put the most generous Inter- pridecome when America Is privileged of excited a be will must feeling duty very practical We put tion. ranks. has because A girl created a sensation et rut 1 re- plying tbe nations already at war pretations possible upon4them blood and her might for away. Our motive will not be her to spend in not source we their Bench that knew lay, materials by wearing a bathing suit v . of wtth Germany with the her birth and that gave venge. or the victorious assertion the of principles the How could a I' ' 1 or or any hostile feeling in it. purpose the physical might of the nation, but which they can obtain only from usthe the peace which she pockets and were, us happiness toward (who German le Mg eno h suit In are hupeople Beach bathing by our assistance. They only tbe vindication of right, of as we has treasured. God helping her, she have pockets In it? CloVvland 1 of them no as in should doubt, we them Ignorant every field a and are help we only man right, of which ourselves were), but only In the selfish can do no other. way to be effective there. Dealer. 50-ce- nt e, Vogeler Seed Co. ! s I I Self-governe- d tria-llungar- I y I 1 g 1 , It,-an- d J 1 1 J r ; 4 t i I I 1 ,e y. a ! Steady ! I any-oth- I . rr.r.taln tt. eye-witne- -- - I se-riou- s - POSTUM -- ar J - - I sw & ijKjwisu f - -- demy te-th- W ed I - 1 Theres a Rcaioa , et |