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Show W THE WEEKLY REFLEX. KAYSYILLE, UTAH Mrs Robert Corless who is at the gatitm company asking for a franchise L. D. S. hospital suffering from cancer to lay a pipe-lin- e along a mtam of the stomach ia very low. street was granted on condition that A praperoui fainiln and rich community in the northwestern portion of Devi, M. I. A. Day of the South Datis the company pay the expense of adcounty. Kin. fame aad hocnea. wide fiehia and high grade (tock are Important stake, which was held in Centerville vertising the franchise. feature. Ha two Banning eatahliahmenu, The clerk was instructed to write arteaian wait. North Davi. High school Saturday was a grand success. and beautiful orchards. Branch of Oregon Daka Davis concerning the leasing of Short Line railway from main line to lake Mrs. True B. Hatch and family re- water chore furnishes shipping facilities. belonging to the county and to turned to their ranch at Rosette, Mon- Alma Brown statu, g that his bridge is Leo Willey spent Sunday with his day, after spending the winter here. too low. S parents. Mrs. Le Roy Petty and Mrs. Call of Salt Lake City spent Bom to Mrs. G. D. Williams on March 2"tha daughter. Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. .Willard SYRACUSE Folger Week 14 i April 9 to yymANC566sekwu !ave fifteen cents a poum ers The A. Mrs., J ul ia .Tree has been quite .ill the past week, but is much improved lib. Wfik Rnce .60 V2 lb. .30 14 lb. .25 .20 5 lb. 3.50 2.75 O BLACK TEA .75 .40 GREEN TEA KAYSVII.LE CO-O- P Butter Wrappers 1X0L WE USE THE BEST PARCHMENTPAPER depends largely on the banks. A bank that is not strong, well directed and thoroughly able to give the beSt service to its depositors is a hindrance rather than a help. Here Bring Your weDeposits can and will be of much and be convinced that JL courtesy and judicious accommodation Your business will be better for it. is" help of value. . Union State 'Bank BOUNTIFUL, UTAH commercial served by country 27,062rbanhs whbse combined resources are nearly 28 billion dollars. Thrift has done that much in ono century er Boun-tifulth- n The Strength of Business - States Today this fs COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' Miss Beta Walker, who has been MEETING pending a few weeks in Garland, recommissioners turned Saturday. Mr. Frank County meeting, is spending a few days with Monday, April 2, 1917, full board and his brother Eli. Couny Clerk Seth C. Jones in attendance. A veryTnteresting game between the John E. Dooley of the Island Imayton and Syracuse basket ball teams provement Co. was 'present and conwas played In. the Syracuse ball Fri sulted with the board on the import' day evening. The scoe was 10 to 14 ance of building a boat landing so in favor of Syracuse. people could land in Davis county from A letter was received from Elder the island. Referred to the county Imer Sessions yesterday. Elder Ses- surveyoito ascertsinjf soundings had sions is doing missionary work in been taken of the depths of the lake South Africa. He stated he was well along the shore line. An appropriation of $600 was made and greatly enjoying his labors. to the state road fund of Davis county on condition tha the state would apBOUNTIFUL propriate a like sum for the same purNine miles north of Salt Lake City, subpose. aa urban and reaideneo town, largest city ia altention was The commissioners Davis county ; hss waterworks, electric lights and power, telephones, cement sideroad-IWest walk. Surrounded by rich market gardens called to a certain end fruit lands, two electric railroads with needs repairing. Referred low tares, two transcontinental railroads, to Commissioner Sm jth with power to brick yard, two banks, good business houses, Rent-meist- Send or telephone your order today The first savings BanK in the United States was oponed in 1816. There were then 246 banKs in tho United Fackrell and en at Foltff-- r Retail 1'iu.e Mrs.-Hort- liv-in- 75c Quality Regular Mr. and . amily returned home recently from ' at the present wrrting. spending he winter in Los Angeles, California. George Thurgood has returned to g Syrnruse.-,.Mr- . Thurgood has been Ariel, the small son of Mr. and Mrs. in Bountiful for some time past. I. D. Wenger, waa operated on for at the L. D. S. hospital Henry Christensen has purchased a appendicitis Thursday. farm at Mosida on Utah lake and exMiss Lyle Moss will entertain at pects to move there in a short time. home this Thursday evening in Miss Pear Bodily and Mrs. Julia ler of Miss Edith Eldredge, who is ree will give an oyster supper at the lonor to be married on the 18th of this home of II. C. Walkef Tuesday evenmonth to Glen Hatch of this place. ing in honor of the basket ball team. cups cost about one cent. You can afford to drinkW tea Tin 100 Years of Saving Mrs. John L. Fackrell and family Gilbert Barton of Syracuse and Miss and Mr. and Mrs. Stahle Wicker reuella Baird of Huntsville were mar- turned from several months viMt in ried Thursday. California. Try it and be convinced that it is better than other Tea. One pound makes JW cups . The claim of the Mountain State Publishing company was not allowed. the same not being ordered by the county. The usual list of claims was allowed. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Eli B. Barber is' quite ill with measles. , Robert N. Watts; Syracuse, William Beazer; West Layton, William L Lay-to- r. Carr. little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Holmes Cook. TEA club, graded and high schools, lodges. A good place to live. at but there is much greater worK for thrift to do. Help youi self by becoming indo-pendentHelp the country by helping yourself. Dollar Starts an Account I One BARNES BANKING COMPANY y ' ', KAYSVILLF UTAH ,X act The clerk was instructed to notify has quite a sick baby. the rpefd supervisors of their appointto give a ment and-ththey Laura, the little girl of Mr. and, $300 bond. Mrs. Irvin Wicker, is suffering froln County Attorney Layton was inheart failure. , structed to look up the franchise M. B. Mann are-eac- at h Neva Maury returned home from given the telephone company to see if Tennessee Friday where she had spent he county is getting the service it is entitled to under the franchise. several months. County Clerk Jones was instructed y Cheridan Sniith of Salt Lake City to write to the state utilities commisand Annie Harrison of this place were sion asking what is to be done in the married recently. matter of transportation of the county sheriff and $20 was appropriated to Mr.' and Mrs. C. H. Hesser returned a railroad book for this ofpurchase home Monday from a twelve days' ficer and his deputy. . visit to the coast. ; The commissioners dcided that laborers employed on the state highway Lulu Davis went to Dora, Mary and California Friday where they intend hall be paid 25 cents' per hour and team work 50 cents per hour for man to make their home. t and team. Sarah A. Buringham of this place Gilbert Parker asked that a drain and Elias R. Kendall of Roblin, Idaho, ditch be made down Wobd street in were married decently. West Point precinct. Referred to Mrs. Nicholas Krause of Pocatello, Commissioner Parker. David Stoker asked that drain Idaho, is visiting with her parents, be made in West Clearfield to ditchea Mr. and Mrs. Seth Day. take care of the flood waters. Referred Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Knighton are to Commissioner Parker with - power rejoicing over the arrival of a son to act. born Friday at their home. The petition of the Bountiful Irri- - LET PS-SUPPL- YOUR SPRING DEMANDS Quality unsurpassed: S. W, P. Paints Charter Oak Ranges, Cratk - a - Jack Suits, Carden Tools. Headquajters (or Shoes-Stoc- k and Varnishes Garden Seeds bigger than ever. Our chair premium still holds good. Get a punch ticket a ' SSh FRAK HYDE, CONTRACrOR BUILDER. BREEDER AND GROWER. OF BARRED FLYnOVTO ROCKS AND JPVROC iIERSCr BED -- Ksvill, Vltb Hats E-astfe- r , ;j MYRON W. PHILLIPS l - Co. Stcwart-Burto- n V . i AlivUL A 4a CEMENT STAVE it, .jji BAKERY and CONFECTIONERY POTTER FARM NORTH OGDEN NEW DESIGNS FOR SPRING i 100 Tons Capacity of Silo has provan 4 antiraly aatisfactory ? to owner, who says i Its aasa and ocon- omy art vital fae- -l i AND SULIHER TCAYSVIELETUTAH A tors. - Known Everywhere As The VERY BEST , Will meet all requirements of good taste in dress. We, will be glad to show you what we have or take. your, order for anything you wish in millinery. -- i PrioesAiways Right :r wfflnfiii aai , Made of Choicest Utah Wheat Milled in the most modem mill Packed in the neatest manner EVERY DEALER HAS IT. aw . mounlam 7--- V . 7j .i) , ni Rogers is quarantined for measles, David A. Thurgood is moving into their little girl is suffering from the the farm he recently purchased from disease. Golden Gate 75c Tea La-mo- -- IwoiuLaupendborts were appointed as follovW For 'Wfo't South Weber, aysvle fflliierv 1 loncrotc Co. Ogdem trTH Seed Please II AM C. Ha ..aw, Odzlojn m aaw aa f t Thera are many siloes of this con-- I struciion ia Davhi-- J county, all of which are giving satisfaction.- For information as to uses of concrete, tear c 11 the coupon and mail. b a 1 ,o w , |