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Show Thtfrsday, November 3, 1932 THE John 'a Mother Praises Doctor There Isn't a mother living who won't agree that no balf-icchild should be the subject lor an experiment with medicines of uncera- When 1 1 n NEPIII. UTAII S. THE OLD CONCORDir STAGE COACH k tain, mqrlt i t TIMES-NEW- PACE TIIRE3 I II. Ill 1PLUII 4 ",. - ?nif Jtw!&V - X A STAGE STATION I Beware the Cough or Cold that Hangs On hy ARTHUR BRISBANE Eleven to One, Wet Ladies, Squaws, Fights Around the World, New OF mrWEKOLAND Penistent coughs end colds lead te teriout trouble. You eta stop them nuw ith CreomuUion. an euiuUiued creonue that i pleasant to take. Creomultion it a d new medical discovery with ac tion; it soothes and heals the inflamed membranes end inhibits germ growth. Of all known drugs, creosote is recognized by high medical authorities as one of the crealest healing agencies for per tinent coughs and colds and other forms of throat troubles. CreomuUion contains. in addition to creosote, other healing ele ments which soothe and heal the infected membranes and stop the irritation and inflammation, while the creosote goes on to the stomach, is absorbed into the blood, attacks the seat of the trouble and checks the growth of the germs. CreomuUion is guaranteed satisfactory in the treatment of persistent coughs and colds, bronchial asthma, bronchitis and other forms of respiratory diseases, and is excellent for buildinr or the after colds or flu. Money refunded if any cough orcold, no matter of how long stand ing, it not relieved after taking according to direction. Askyourdruggist (Adv.) two-fol- Way No More Revivals, Too Bad JSrf feverish, rest hIuciy, less, with coated tongue, bad breath, no appetite or energy, you know that nine times ont of ten it's a sign bis little stomach and bowels need purging. And when you know that for over fifty years leading physicians have endorsed one preparation for this condition, there doesn't seem to be any reason for trying" things. Rich, fruity California Fig Syrop clears the little stomach and bowels gently, harmlessly and In a hurry. It regulates the bowels, gives tone and strength to them and to the stomach ; and helps to give yonr child sew strength, energy and vitality. Thou sands of Western mothers praise It Mrs. Joseph W. Hill, 4306 Bedford Ave., Omaha, Nebraska, says: "I'll never forget the doctor who got me to give my baby boy, John, California Fig Syrup. Nothing else seemed to help his weak bowels. That was when he was just a baby. He suf fered a good deal before I gave him Fig Syrup, but it stopped his trouble quick. I have used it with him foi colds and little upset spells evei since. I consider him a Fig Syrup boy." Insist on the genuine article. See that the carton bears the word "Call Over four million bottles fornla." used a year. half-sic- This Week .. Statistics gathered by a woman's organization show that candidates for Congress, both Senate and House, number eleven wets to one may have some connection with the (act that the "Welfare Inland," a dismal prison in the East River, New York City, has bad a serious riot among 1,700 men locked up there. The United States Government, says the rioting was investigating, a am lav av, 1 V I not caused lack ot food or by CARRTTING THE MAIL. ACRQS3 HE PLAINS ? cruel Jailers. And you may be interested, as the government is. In By ELMO SCOTT WATSON the fact that two sets of dope pedHE old stage coach days In this dlers among the convicts were country are long since gone, but In fighting for control of the profit many places throughout the United able dope peddling, and that started Barter That Satisfied States relics of that romantic era the riot. All Concerned in Deal In our history are still preserved You can imagine how successful Forty-fiv- e years ago I owned a i as object lessons to us Americans prohibition must be when it cannot lumber business in a little country even keep narcotics away from mis town in Manitoba. We were all deswho live In the automobile and airerable criminals In their prisons. plane age of the hardships endured perately poor; a $10 bill looked as by our pioneer ancestors In their as a bed sheet A charming young lady, name large Journeys through the wilderness. One day a farmer asked me to sell a is she that Is most one of familiar these "prize him, on credit, $10 worth of lumber, omitted, says Perhaps the old stage and battle-scarrethe weather-beatefight fan" because she enjoys it that he bad sold some women A number of other say explaining coach which stands on the lawn near the muto the butcher, who could not bogs seum at Mammoth Hot Springs In Yellowstone they go to prizefights because they pay him. The butcher would go good like to see men fighting each other. National park. This old Rocky Mountain mall for the lumber bill, he said. I exAnd a to seemed them satis this In coach, the first Montana, once ran between to the farmer that I would Helena and Bozewan and at one time or anothfactory explanation of the presence plained soon as him as the butcher and trust of women at prize fights. er carried such distinguished passengers as Gen. If those ladies could have gone told him to get the butcher, who conJames A. Garfield (before he was President), to an Indian battlefield after the firmed the farmer's story. President Chester A. Arthur, the first PresiI asked the butcher if he sold Apaches bad finished a fight with meat dent to visit Yellowstone park (In 1S83) and to the Grand Central hotel. some of other tribe Indians, they General Sherman, during his inspection trip ' AN OLD .STAGE COACH, AT A. Scientists on Trail of would have seen Apache squaws where I was boarding. He said he Into Montana In 1877. TIESTA. CALIFORNIA, Fire Secrets of Indians bending low, each holding In her did and that they were owing him Although the paint Is scaling off and the band an ugly little weapon with money. I told him to go to the hotel One of the oldest scientific mys curtalnless windows stare sadly at the passer headbeen we have pitched might them, and which she smashed In the skulls of and gel me iwo $5 meal tickets on of the where savage by, there Is a certain pride about this old relic terles, reputed ability long down a precipice of 1,000 feet; account of his meat bill, which he to men makf of the early days and well there might be. With priests and medicine all the concern that could have been picked any fallen enemy that seemed not did, and I furnished the farmer with dead. themselves immune to fire, is to be General Sherman aboard and a " skin up afterward would not have been worth two quite If you had asked those squaws the lumber. Investigated this summer by agents ner in control of the six horses that provided bits per busheL" So the hotel paid for its meat, the of the Smithsonian institution. Dr the power, the distance between Fort Ellis and Mark Twain, who was supposed to have why they did this, they would have butcher for the hogs, the farmer for are we "We said it,' fans, enjoy Truman Michelson, of that Institu Helena, Mont., 108 miles, was once negotiated authored the Monk anecdote, declared that he have made their the lumber, and I for my board withtlon, has been studying the sacred in the record time of eight hours by this coach, had heard it either 801 or 802 times in six but that would not out any money passing. W. J. Palm more pleasant beliefs and folk-lor- e of the Fox tribe There were frequent changes of horses but years, but that It never had occurred, and was occupation any er, in Wall Street Journal. of Indians In Iowa. Among this lore P. B. Clark, proprietor of the stage company, editor Joe Goodman, a poor thing anyhow. Years column this ago suggested he found the habit of medicine men drove the entire distance. was of the Virginia City Enterprise, going air travel A year or so ago another of these old vehl conducting certain ceremonies to East in 1S69. Monk's parting words to him that were: "You tell Horace Greeley I want to would be conducted as follows: will plunge their bare arms into boiling cles attracted nationwide attention through the "Giant lighter than air ships water or to take up and handle following press dispatch from Washington: come East, and ask him to send me a pass." around the world making rego memran firebrands. Educated Goodman One of the first acquaintances burning Two of the country's most widely known in the air, rarely coming pairs "Mr. Fox bers of the tribe ascribe this across in New York was the editor. Breath Will Rogers and Fred Stone, have down. They will pass over New AH EASTERJTSTAGE Coach trick to the previous bathing of the comedians, the dignified from a nank for have I message you Greeley, understand couldn't Smithsonian Institupresented California, York, Europe, HE Japan, Muds and arms In the juice of an tion Monk " he began Innocently. nothing helped something for which It has long been passengers for the big cities will until a friend suggested, "It it on a stage line out of Denver. About the unnamed weed which grows profuse searching a rare old Concord stage coach misht be your stomach! Greeley glared. "That scoundrel!" he broke step Into small, heavier than air time of the excitement In Deadwood the GreeAnd it woj clogRed intestines ly In the prairie country. The juice. In. "He has done me more injury than any planes attached to the built In 1825. ship, to thatinvariabl)' spread poison route a on went giant service into coach temley It Is believed, protects the skin was And ous wastes tnrouga iw America." that man in that museum Jourother arrived at after the It has and sail down with their luggage; Elkhorn. system ami lead to upporarily against heat. Pathfinder we commonly think of the stage no need to stop the ship or interneying from San Francisco to New York by set stomach, colds, lack Although In 1873 bandits held up the stage, riddled of enerffv.biliousnesai Magazine. fron- fere with its of the vehicle course as a way of the Panama canal on an army transaround coach stately when he took NR a It killed difference and What three with etc. bullets passengers. f old Concord coach, the use of which the earth." port, thence by boat down the coast and up the tier, Regular bowelaction Remedy). (Nature's the with The driver, Jack Quinn, escaped He up, remade. And Why Not for Daddy? felt thereafter. pepped the Potomac. on lines of the all the stage became so general A few years ago that seemed breath became pure as spring air. That s mail and his exploit is mountain country hisTo Reid there Is no one quite like ever intestinal tract no entire other coach the West It that stimulates Under orders of the quartermaster genNR supplanted fanciful. tory. The bullet holes are visible in the old was a New bis daddy. Thus when a surprise normal func It was made by the Admiral W. A. Moffett of the to old relic, with paint peelthe England creaking eral, product i n cr. Safe, de tion rounded body. in was birthday dinner for his father company of Concord, N. II., Navy Department Bureau of Aero- pendable, al ing off the wheels and red leather upholstery table. At drug Nobody knows when the old stage made its a firm that had its progress Reid was extremely Inter was handled as carefully as worn, beginnings in a wheelwright nautics, mentioning that "the United egists badly only :jc. first overland trip from Leavenworth. At the ested In every detail. In 1813. States now leads the world in Lewis founded It were a Jewel. It came uncrated and by Browning business, though relief for add indura Civil war it was in service betime of the "And when are we going to hang was rolled ' Qu.ck Back in Colonial days coaches at first were lighter than air ships," writes: proudly through the streets, of the TUMS tion, neartum n. " 7 to tween Previous and Denver. the out the flag, mamma?" he asked. river that, from England. Coach building had be"We have shown that there will Capital to its final august abode. it went over the Santa Fe trail and was no Imported "What flag, dear, and why?" come an accepted English tradition In the Eight- be no difficulty whatever in the Industries secand arts some the time For were Fe. shot eenth Many buffalo stranger in Santa g School Favors "Why, the flag for daddy's birthand the few colonial coach build- next airship, which I hope will be tion of the Smithsonian Institution has been from Its hurricane deck, for it served as the ers hadcentury, g day !" should be taught, not old of 9,000,000 cubic feet and a com in the served their of few apprenticeships a coach. Concord for Very hunting original "rubber neck" wagon In the South- country. mercial airship, carrying an air learned by experience, declared Prof. these early vehicles are left as most went to west, when the tourists from the East went to Paper From Pine Pulp The close of the Revolution brought Independ plane that can land passengers and 4. E. Heath, of Swansea, Wales, in from hard use. pieces In the wide open spaces. sample the thrills Taper thin enough for newsprint ence to this country not only In political, but mail without the slightest difficul in address at the social hygiene About a year ago museum officials saw a Mention of Horace Greeley in connection with In Industrial domains. This was evident In the ty and without has been made from pine pulp, the was of which coach the interfering with the council summer school. "We should property picturesque a stage coach recalls the classic story of Hank experimental laboratory at Savannah. The of fine of Engthe to asked transportation. later Stone operation development Stone. give airship or any loss not dare to play the violin without Fred They most famous of all western lish coach was not well adapted to the Ga., has announced. The laboratory of time." knowing anything about it," he said, rough coach to the museum. He replied that Monk, perhaps the the of was the driver Is experimenting with pine pulp as a The imagination of a few years "and yet we do not seem to think it and often precipitous roads of the United his friend Will Rogers and stage coach drivers. Monk had been It given the coach in which the famous editor once rode States. means for making paper, to assure a was in necessary to learn this Important art ago is a reality now. Beverly Hills, Calif. over the Sierras to There would be paper supply from the great southAs a preliminary, Congress should of states as Vermont, with her Green In The Smithsonian Institution began writing from Carson City, Nev., such ern pine lands. Placerville, Calif., The story of that famous mountains, and in New Hampshire, with her pass the McNary-Crosse- r bill at the more hope If appeals to the younger and wiring Rogers. A month ago the comedian briefly stated through his secretary that trip is told by Wesley Stout as follows: White mountains, once one colony, the demand beginning of the next session, auth people are made on esthetic rather It takes a good deal of Uncle Horace was the most generous of grew for a vehicle which wou'd be as safe and orizing the government to make than moral grounds," he added. old carriage which once sheltered the high to undertake to reform others. hoop skirts and poke bonnets, was theirs. men with advice. Thousands of readers held comfortable as possible on the steepest and contracts for carrying mail in air their breath until he gave them the signal rockiest grades. The coach developed Lest the treasure slip from them the museum early In ships. Try Lydis E. Pinkhsm's Vegetable Compound to exhale; and if governments blundered or the last century by the Abbotts of Concord a bill of lading officials met dispatched promptly not was was lack Methodist for The It AT THE FIRST SNEEZE Church the rainfall excessive, Episcopal on an with instructions to load the coach this want USE of New York decides that "the of Uncle Horace's omniscient counsel. Accusarmy transport with all speed. The body of the coach was built of stout In Monk saw to tomed cosmic affairs, Greeley camp meeting has ended Now they are trying to get from Stone or white oak, braced with Iron bands. It was sus its usefulness." It will use its camp one more of horses. Jehu smelling only so have a far of but the relic, history Rogers pended upon two leather thoroughbraces ex meeting grounds at Ossining, for' Leaning out the window and peering over had to be content with the small brass plate --A NIGHT AND coach of the and attached at lengthwise his steel spectacles, the editor informed the tending I M0RNINfiVO; Sing, for an orphan I V I VI attached to the coach and Inscribed: "G. Gereach end to a standard protruding up from the merly Sing or a home for the aged. driver that he expected to be In Placerville asylum ald, Blacksmith, Concord, 1825." were These axle. made of thoroughbraces means enthuThis that on the dot, having promised to speak briefly religious The coach is of the type used to carry straps of leather placed on top of each other siasm, at least In its physical as- there before going on to Sacramento, and to AND Air Again passengers over the national highways In early of a thickness three leath- - nfir.t. In wanlner. It was a cheerful Inches. about This Up in PUT wishing to catch the connecting coach. Its railed top Is reminiscent of the days. er swing was used in the absence of steel Blent In davs cone bv. to see earn- - Those she loves first to suf. are Monk I" and said started sir "Yes, blandly, armed guardsmen who perched above the fer when monthly pains shatter her "A with a lurch which upset all. The early miles springs to absorb the jars, and It permitted the est Christians jumping up and down on the lookout for robbers In the passengers nerves. Lydia E. Pinkham't Vegetable ON YOUR HANDKERCHIEF were upgrade and the pace moderate, but coach to rock slightly forward and back. Be- at a revival meeting, confessing then Wild West. hind the body was the triangular "boot" for their sins, professing their faith, Compound would ease that awful agony. AND PILLOW the the once he Monk Sierras, Lindtopped opened Colonel beside now takes its place It or baggage, and at the front, and enjoying themselves. Jazz and li s ntw mail, express down The normal throttle. this alpine gait bergh's famous plane, "We" and a "hobby under the driver's seat, was another leather speakeasies are poor substitutes. as a corkscrew was as breath-takinJoan of Arc Flag Flies horse" presented by Buster Keaton. The latcompartment (the front "boot") for the car betmust this have been is what Once more the flag of Joan of Arc ter Is a quaint mode of early transportation similar of articles. NorDid read what riage you Montagu ter left to the imagination. Greeley made Is somewhat resembling a modern kiddle car In Rhelms cathedral, where The coach had three Inside seats, capable of man, governor of the Bank of Eng- sheflying three attempts to get his head out the winand propelled by the feet ended her mission. It was a bannine passengers. The front seat faced land, said at the Lord Mayor's At about the same time another old stage dow again and was thrown for a loss each holding tn London, recently ? His words member of her Scottish bodyguard middle one and the Quet a often backward, wag Hotel On fourth succeeded time. he the down, fewest and, coach was featured in a press dispatch from who designed her original battle flag, contrivance that could be expressed deep pessimism and his wreath of white chin whiskers bristling mere bench-shapeLas Animas, Colo., as follows: a reproduction of which has been events He are thinks when floor of the the coach was certainty. needed with anger, he shrieked a command to slow One of the famous stage coaches of the for mail or express. There was room for an-- now "outside the control of any presented to the archbishop of down. Southwest has been sold to pay a storage bill. and Engby Scottish man and anv government and any Rhelms "Keep your seat, Horace," Monk called other passenger (sometimes still another was The old coach which once operated between lish friends of France. The de on box country. with the the In) and driver the squeezed on back. "I'll get you there time." Leavenworth and Denver and whose passensigner of the original was Hamlsh He says also: He did. This Is the story, at any rate, still messenger ; and on some of the coaches a furthgers Include Horace Greeley, President Grant Polworth, who after serving with so are "The difficulties and vast, set was er seat and above behind up the driver, told as gospel. An admiring populace preand other national personages, was sold at roan's warriors, became a monk and so I unlimited the that approach sented Mrmk with a heavy gold watch upon capable of holding three passengers. An occassheriff's sale for $4,500 to E. L. Elder. This not only In ignorance but died at Dunfermline abbey. seat ional at subject the rear of the was Inscribed which "Keep your seat, Horace," Is Just another chapter in Its Interesting hisand thereafter Hank was the commodore of top was not unknown.; and on such a stage 1? in humility." tory. When the governor of the Bank be found. Years ago the coach was purchased by the the fleet. For fifty years after, any far west passengers might of England approaches any subject was not to as was as ern There be crowding, anfrequent likely when impatience When especially the Bent County Fair association. one or more of the passengers happened to be "In humility," you may be sure that squelched with this quotation. nual celebration was discontinued the old happening. unusual girth. Raphael Pumpelly, who trav- something serious is account of to advise had time the public Greeley ample vehicle was stored In the barn on the L. G. for That speech helps to Kurtz farm. A few years ago the coach was of Placerville from the veranda of the Cary eled over the Butterfleld route from Tipton, Mo. the drop In sterling. house. The name of Monk did not appear In to Tucson, Ariz., in whnt was presumably a used in a celebration and then was parked This earth Is about twenty-fivthis speech or In Greeley's book, but the latter Concord coach, gives as this picture: backed of Elder's garage. Later he cleaned thousand miles around, and eight mere to does "Yet the this refer ride: coach was fitted with three seats, and thousand miles through. Those are "The along the coach and kept It In the store room. shelf, with hardly a place to each mile where these were occupied by nine passengers. As also the dimensions of the depres According to prairie tradition it is the coach are one of the millions who must two meeting wagons can pass" Greeley Is the occupants of the front and middle seats sion. But the world has recovered If you several 200 Tile Baths 200 Rooms used by Mr. Greeley in 1859. It Is known as times a night, your trouble get up 1859 was mail "the as driven of was was old built faced each it coach The writing stage coach. other, the Greeley necessary for these from worse depressions, will re a probably due to an irritation of the bladRadio connection in every room. In one ten an hour of miles at rate der. Just the n. the N. abuse In spite of its try taking Gold Medal Haarlem six people to interiocx tneir Knees; and there cover from this one and forget It. in Concord, Oil Capsules. During 237 years this fine, RATES FROM f 1.30 instance eleven or Just as fast as four wild behig room Inside for only 10 of the 12 legs, old vehicle Is sturdy and much of its equipold preparation has helped millions. Why horses could draw it Our driver was, of outside of the coach was graced by a foot, now ment is serviceable. The trip from the MisIn the second quarter of 1932. not you? Insist on GOLD MEDAL. 35e & 75c Juti opposite Mormon Ttbmmado course, skillful, but had he met a wagon sudsouri river to Denver required six days and dangling near the wheel, now trying In vain deaths Increased and births fell off FREE A generous sample, free, if ERNEST C ROSSITER, Mgr. on rounding one of the sharp points to find a place of support An unusually nights 'and horses were changed every 12 denly heavy in France. The surplus of births you print your name and address a were fearful crash we mall In the boot, by weighing down the rear, over deaths for the quarter was constantly passing, across this ad vertisemem. and mail hours. was unavoidable. Had his horses seen fit to kept those of us who were on the front seat 11.9S9. A year ago it was 13.202. to Department "H", eare of one time was operated at IOONO MtH oqullt? old The stage for pu.lltons in radio. did once on as run the In was & the bent on This away unhooking Sanderson. they French qualBarlow the forward, early thus, and l.leerapof constantly rely However, by by taking away GOLD MEDAL taiiflbt tr actual practice of a trace, but at a place where he had room all support from our backs, rendering rest at ity, not quantity. 'COs. Spottswood & McClelland were the next Opportunity to earn tnl HAARLEM OIL COMPANY of on In out the road the v to thera rein S. upper W, out uu. In the "70s, of vehicle. owners of the all times the question." tlon Practical rrainine; ior early Itit ot Kin. rt.rum Svndictu 220 36th Street, Brooklyn, New York Western electrical CoHega. 131 Reseat St, Salt Lake side I know that he could not have held Nott purchased the old conveyance and used (S by Wasters Ntwipaper Union.) m n mW ml M d - Ny" Xs's- - " "he-man- around-the-tworl- Garqlcd Constantly.. A Bad " Still ..:m trans-Mississip- 9e Abbott-Downin- g . Love-Makin- Love-makin- love-makin- Mista yffftray J fcT She's j Essence ofMstfcl g V' ri& fi the ... shoot-the-chute-s; Salt Lake City's d three-passeng- DON'T HOTEL e C SQUARE WANTED alno-trtcl-tf inn t. (SET UP At Might |