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Show THE TEN MILLS NEWS Local News Levan News Grand Champion Calf at Baby Beef Show Th ursday, NEPHI, UTAH. TIMES-NEW- S. Miss Deon Belliston of Salt Lake Mrs, Vernon Johnson and little Harold Belliston, who Is daughter of Idaho Falls are enjoying City, and the Brigham Young Unl uttendlng a visit with relatives friends and ..... V '"A' verslty in Provo, were Sunday guests here. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Next Tuesday aftemon a special Belliston. Thanksgiving program will be giv- in Salt Lake City. en In Relief Society meeting in correction with the work and Mr. and Mrs. Clair Mortensen and family returned to their home in Salt Lake Sunday. Mrs. Mrs. Ezra Hawks of Salt Lake Mortensen has City been visiting here City is spending this week at the while her husband has been deer home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. hunting. Niels Lundsteen. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Chrlstensen The annual Road Show of the M. entertained at a family dinner on I. A. given by the five wards of Juab ! " Covers were laid for ten. n f ; Stake will be presented in the Levan Sunday. Ward Amusement hall on Saturday A splendid program has been arnight, Novmber 5th. ranged for Conjoint meeting next Sunday evening In the Levan Ward Mrs. T. J. McClure returned to her home here last week after an Chapel. extended visit in Provo with her Mrs. Maria Peterson returned to daughter and son-i- n law, Mr. and her home here Saturday after Mrs. Allen Johnson and family. the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Manglson In Mrs. Christina Christiansen of Nephl. Moroni has been enjoying a visit in Levan at the home of her daughtThe Gleaner Girls and the M Men er. Mrs. E. P. Peterson and family of the Levan Ward M. L A. enjoyed a social In the Amusement Hall afS. P. Taylor was a Provo visitor ter Mutual Tuesday evening. last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Nielsen enterMr. and Mrs. Christian Winters tained at dinner Sunday. From out to motored Mills Sunday where they of town were Mr. and Mrs. Clair -! ?..'., v.- v" r f v if- ' visited at the homes of Mr. and uiortensen. ."V " 1 .v' V" Mrs. Embro Bendlxlon and Mr. and o Mrs. Edhardt Bendlxlon. Meadow View LIndy, an Angus calf owned by Marion Syrcel, nineteen, of Slloam Springs, Adams county. P.th.tic "Uaknowa" of the serv More than Hd., was chosen grand champion of the ninth annual Bahy Beef show at the National Stock yards In East Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Armstrong "Hib event that attrnoted entrants from Illinois, Missouri and Arkansas. The St Louis. The show Is a returned to their home here after Ice men who are burled In national i visiting with relatives calf weighed 820 pounds. The photoeranh shows Ryrrel and his grand champion calf. and friends cemeteries are "unknown." ...... "if - en-Joyi- ng vvv r '. - - - - one-thir- d 4-- H Mr. and Mrs. Embro Bendixon and family were Nephl and Levan visitors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd McPherson were in Nephl on business Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Hanson and children were in Nephl Thursday. Miss Jennie Howard returned with them or a short visit here. Jamea A. Ivie of Sciplo was Mills on business Friday. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hanson and children visited In Nephl Sunday and Monday at the home of Mrs. Hanson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George E. Howard. John R. Hanson was a Nephl itor Tuesday. The following Nephl ladies vlsKed Mills Saturday In view of reorganizing the Relief Society there. Mrs. Oerald Cazier. Mrs. T. W. All-re- d, Mrs. George McCune and Mrs. A. V. Oadd. in o Rvlatlontlup Explained British evolutionist has traced man's ancestry back as far as ths The relation-sihi- p lowly was suggested when he noticed that mankind Is still generally In A 1 REPUBLICAN PARTY TICKET For President For President For President For President HERBERT HOOVER NORMAN THOMAS WILLIAM Z. FOSTER FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT For For nt JOHN N. GARNER For Presidential Electors MRS. C. CLARENCE NESLEN For President Vice-Preside- nt o C1IALES o SOCIALIST PARTY TICKET CURTIS For Presidential JAMES For H. MAURER o For Presidential Electors Electors . MRS. FRANK A. DRLRY o NATHANIEL STEIMLE ANNIE MRS. W. S. GREENWOOD ROBERT D. YOUNG IDA FOSTER V. JOHN F. WELSH M. O. PACKARD A. W. CLEMONS For United States Senator REED SMOOT For United States Senator JOHN O. WATTERS ELBERT D. THOMAS For Cong. Representative, 1st, Dist. lst.Dist. IstDist. DON B. COLTON For Cong. Representative, EARL M. WEBBER For Justice of Supreme Court W. MOFFAT For Justice of Supreme Court GEORGE S. BARKER For Justice of Supreme Court D. C. DORA DAVID ' B. AUSTIN For United States Senator WATTS JOSEPH For Cong. Representative, ROBERT A. MOWER A. For Attorney General JOSEPH CHEZ For Attorney General GEORGE P. PARKER For Attorney General GILBERT L. NANCE For Attorney General For State Treasurer CHARLES A. STAIN For State Treasurer IVOR AJAX For State Treasurer BERT WESTOVER For State Treasurer JOHN HURST JULIUS C. ANDERSON For State Auditor FRANK M. OPENSHAW For State Auditor WILLIAM T, McCONNELL For State Auditor ADELAIDE FIELD For Supt. of Puplic Instruction CHARLES H. SKIDMORE For Supt.. of Puplic DR. C. N. JENSEN For Supt. of Puplic Instruction FRANK CONNOR EDWARD For State Senator PATRICK J FENNELL For State Senator WILLIAM BAILEY For State Auditor For State Representative For State Representative. THOMAS E. CHATWIN For District Judge GROVER A. GILES For District Judge LeROY H. COX For District Attorney ELLIS J, PICKETT KXAUDE For Co. Commissioner, RUSSELL HAWKINS For Co. Commissioner, EARL F. DUNN 4-- yr 2-- yr For Co. Commissioner, JOHN HENRY LUNT Term For Co. Commissioner, GEORGE GOURLEY For County Attorney 4-- 2-- yr Constitutional Amendment Joint Resolution proposing an amendment to Section of Article XI of the constitution of the State of Utah, A 8, relating to Municipal Corporations. YES o NOQ For Secretary of State CORNELIA B. JOHNSON For Secretary of State For Attorney General For State Treasurer For State Auditor For Supt. of Puplic Instruction HULL For Supt. of Puplic Instruction For State Senator For State Senator For State Representative For District Judge For District Judge For District Judge For District Attorney For District Attorney For District Attorney For State Representative Term For Co. Commissioner, 4-- yr Term For Co. Commissioner, 4-- yr Term For Co. Commissioner, 4-- yr Term Term For Co. Commissioner, 2-- yr Term For Co. Commissioner, 2-- yr Term For Co. Commissioner, 2-- yr Term For County Attorney KENNETH WEBB C. N. LEATHERBURY For Governor For State Representative For District Attorney , F. BAKER Term For Justice of Supreme Court For Governor For State Senator WILL L. HOYT IstDist. M. P. BALES For Secretary of State ROBERT ADAMSON Instruction For Cong. Representative, I For Justice of Supreme Court For Secretary of State MILTON H .WELLING For Governor PORTER For United States Senator lst.Dist. For Governor WILLIAM W. SEEGMILLER For Secretary of State EDSEL CHRISTENSEN For Presidential Electors BRAUNING For Governor HENRY II. BLOOD A. L. Vice-Preside- nt 1ENOCH WALLGREN ABE MURDOCH. For Cong. Representative, President o For Presidential Electors GEORGE JOHNSON FRED RICH For United States Senator For Vice-Preside- nt JAMES W. FORD . RUBY L. WEBBER MRS C. P. OVERFIELD For . For County Attorney STATE OF UTAH, COUNTY OF JUAB ) ) For County Attorney For County Attorney ) I, J. II. Vickers, County Clerk of Juab County, State of Utah, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of the original lista of nominations as filed in my office to be voted on by the voters of Juab County at the General Election to be held on Tuesday the 8th day of November, A D. 1932. SEAL) - 193? J'-hl- Constitutional Amendment BEtATINO TO MUNICIPAL COKPOKATION A lolnt rxolutlon pruposint mn mndmnt Im BU t, ml Article XI ! th conU-tutio-ima ml lb But of Utah rtUting Municipal corporations af th B II rnolvcd bj th coof all th Stmt ol Utah, Hio-lhtrta each of tn Iff houaoa here votinc in favor thereof: BKCTION I. Section propo4 to b That it ia proposed to amend amended. section ol Article XI of the constitution of th State of Utah, so that th nam wiU read as follows ; BECTION I. corparaUona Municipal eras ted by central law of lecislstur Incorporated cities or towns ma frame and adopt charier manner prescribed charter la be submitted to electors copies to be distributed citr recorder lo file with seceon. retary of State amendments powers erred Corporations for muf upon cities. nicipal purposes shall not be created by The legislature hj general apecfal law shall provide for the incorporation, clnssification jf cities and and ritaaiiation towns in proportion to population, which saws mar be altered, amended or repealed. Any Incorporated city or town may frame ad adopt a charter fur Its own government fc th following manner: leKislative authority of the city Th s vote of its members, may, by and upon petition of qualified electors to th number of fifteen per cent of all rotes east at the next preceding election for th office of th mayor, shall forthwith provide by ordinance for the submission to the commislectors of the question: "Shall charter t" Tha sion be chosen to frame the that shall ordinance qusstio) squire b submitted t th ejectors at th next eon. regular municipal election. Thealsoballot contain taining such cnestion shall members of th name of candidate for trt proposed commission, but without part nomSuch candidates shall be designation. inated in th sane manner a required by law for nomination of city officers. If majority nf the electors voting on th question of choosing a commission shall vote In th affirmative, then th fifteen candidates receiving a majority of the votes east at such election, shall constitute the charter commies ion, and fchall proceed to frame charter. Any charter so fnuned shall be submit. ted to the qualified electors of the city time to be t an election to be held at determined by the chaster commission, which shall be not in than sixty days subsequent to Its completion and distribution among th electors and not men) than on Alternative proviyear from such date. sion may also be submitted ts be voted The commission shall upon separately. of make provisions for the distribution copies of the proposed charter and of any alternative provisions to the qualified lea-to- rs of the city, not less thansixty days before the election at which it ia voted upon. Such proposed charter and such alternative majority of provisions as arc approved by th electors voting thereon, shall become an1 such time as io of such law organ city at may be fixed therein, and shall supersede laws any existing charter and all affecting the organization and government of such city which are now in conflict therewith. Within thirty days after its approval a copy of such charter as adopted, certified by the mayor and city recorder and authenticated by thm seal of such city, shall b mad In dupllcat and deposited, one in th office of 'the secretary of State and th other in th office of the city recorder, and thereafter all courts shall take judicial notice of such charter. to any such charter may Amendment be framed and submitted by charter commission in th same manner as provided of or for making may b procharters, posed by the legislative authority of th two-thirvote r thereof, city upon a numby petition of qualified electors to ber equal to fifteen per cent of th total votes cast for mayor on the next preceding election, and any such amendment may be submitted at the next regular municipal election, tand having been approved by the majority of the electors voting thereon, shall become part of the charter at th time fixed In such amendment and shall be certified and filed as provided in cms lct! la. of charters. Each city forming its charter under this section shall have, and is hereby granted, th authority to exercise all powers relating to municipal affairs, and to adopt and en. force within Its limits, local police, sanitary and similar regulations not in conflict with the general law, and no enumeration of powers in this constitution or any law hall be deemed to limit or restrict th of authority hereby confergneral grant red: but this grant of authority shall not Include the power to regulate i'Jblio utilities, not municipally owned, if any such regulation of public utilities is provided for by general law, nor be deemed to limit or restrict tho power of the legislature in matters relating to State affairs, to enact general laws applicable alik to all cities of tha State. The power to be conferred upon the cities by this section shall include the following! (a) To levy, assess and collect taxes and borrow money, within the limits prescribed by general law, and to levy and collect spe? ciai assessments for benefits conferred. (b) To furnish all local public services ; to purchase, hire, construct, own, main, tain or operate, or lease, public utilities local In extent and use; to acquire by condemnation, or otherwise, within or with, ut th corporate limits, property nece. sary for any such purposes, subject to restrictions imposed by general law for the protection of other communities : and to grant local publio utility franchises and within Its powers regulate the exercise thereof. (c) To make local public Improvements nd to acquire by condemnation, or otherwise, property within its eorpnrate limits necessary for such improvements j and aiw to acquire an excess over than that need, ed for any such improvement and to sell 01 leas such excess property with restriction, In order to protect and preserve the im provement. (d) To issue and sell bonds on th of any such excess property, or ol ny public utility owned by the city, or of the revenues thereof, or both, including, ia the case of public utility, a franchise stating th terms upon which, in case of e, th purchaser may operate such utility. 8ECTION 1. Duty of Secretory of Stat ermr t Stat is hereby directed to i? submit the proposed amendment to the ctore of th Stat at th next lection in th manner provided by general law SECTION 1. To Take Effect. If ,doi& by th electors of this Suit, th'. "h" t"k 'f''tCt r,nuar - UU S3: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and affixed my official seal, Juab County, Utah, this 31st day of October, A. D. 1932. vis- 3, Blindfolded Judge Missouri's James Hawkins P-tirst L'uited riiau JuJe, diupeuiied Justice literally blindfolded like tha, allegorical ngure of the goddess of" justice, in the days when St. Louis was a were trading-pos- t of only 5,000 population. Judge Peck always sat on the bench blindfolded, affecting this coveriug because of fear thut light would cause hlui to iose his sight. Whenever he left his home t he donned the blindfold. A serve to his carriage and assisted InUr to hla place In the courtroom. The clerk of the court and attorneys appearing before hiru were forced to read all essential documents to him. Detroit News. Jack Kelly and Rex Peterson were In Nephl on business Monday. LIST OF NOMINATIONS, General Election, Nov. 8, 932 DEMOCRATIC PARTY TICKET at Nov. at my office In Nephl City, Juab J- - H. VICKERS, Juab County Clerk I. M. H. Weill,.,, B. i a.... the State of Utah, do hereby certify that full, true and correct ,"oin copy of the Constitutional Amendment pro. posed by the regular session of the legisla. th same appears of reeors In my office. In witness whereof. I have hereunto set "and affixed the Great Seal of IsJ ' thl 5th d"7 01 8eDU- - " mo |