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Show THK Thursday, November 3, 1932 TIMES-NEW- S. PAGE SEVEN NEPIII. UTAH Sally Scz ! ilk) Diet Didn't Do This! JIM the CONQUERO By Peter B. Kyne 1 Copyright by Pater B. Kya. 'Don Jaime resembles the Chi nese, lie worships bis ancestors," Ken Hobart Informed her. "But he's never lonely here. Too much ' J , WW ' . . ' Service. ? ' '" star aiid I turn. He sen! my fa... y.. ther to the Virginia Military Insti'..:. v....','. vow t tute a and father married of Carrol WilUvea with her uncle. wha aM. Eaitora beautiful Roberto Antrim, society x , If.' Virginia and begot me." liam B. Latham, known aa "Crooked Bill" became of hie aniualaf eJyneaa, receives to do." Irom Jaime Mi fuel Hiauenea. owner as tha Raacbe Valla Verde, to "You have never been married?" a telea-raV ' .:: , violent At tha a death. Teaae, mlormine her har undo Tom Antrim haa died doesn't he get married? the nurse asked. "Why ' I Teaaa to to to bs Roberta with lava who la ' go plana her, advice of Glenn Hackett, , Mr. can afford wife. "Never." Certainly he protect her interests, since aha la her uncla'a sole heir to thousands el sheep which Hobart." the good lady queried. "Aren't you going to be?" Antrim had Impudently driven to (raze aa land controlled by Don Jaime. Don "1 fear not. The loneliness here Jaime, bachelor, halt Spanish and hail Irish, la attracted to Roberta's picture hi a "1 only look after bis cows and i macaxine. Antrim ia warned to take his sheep oil Don) Jaime'a ranch at ance. Antrim the coyote chorus on the buttes bis lands, Mrs. Ganby." After the i ' 2 am bush ee Don Jaime. They shoot H out. The youna ranch owner ia wounded and fashion of the men of wide hori- all militate against It. Mrs. Ganby." to notify Miss Roberta Antrim Antrim killed. On hia body are found instruction ! le In dancer, and ana J "The right girl." said Mrs. Ganby. In tha event of hia death. Latham telle har hia fortune zons Ken Hobart was averse to dis v k decide to so to Teaaa to (et Antrim's aetata tor Crooked Bill. In mind it Go "wouldn't least the "I've brought cussing personalities. forth and search for ber, Don the mall, Don Jaime," be added. sole heir and with the CHAPTER III Continued Jaime." "Thank you. Ken." Ftlka ef actloa, ncceesfal. aao1 eeeful. en 5 Federal Trust company, whose ex "Don't try to sort it." Hobart "Impossible," the master of Valle ' rr. Crooked ecutorship, however, may cease at urged. "The letter you're looking Verde replied lazily. "I have sheep "A terrible heritage." little girl. lust bursting Syrup Pepsin. This gentle stimulant Whs Hve far tmimf as mil w teder. HAPPY pep, The persona wha eadfet expeaeee "U. at". Rill replied, and shuddered. "WelL your option, but only after the trust for lies on top. and she has never will soon right things! The bowel I've slit all the on my hands." will move with better regularity tasted a "tonic l" "If I can credit the gossip I beard AbJ. wke know where to har and lraal we'll hope for the best, honey. You company shall have been paid cer envelopes for you.' There won't be and te pay, or your legal representative will tain loans made your uncle in his Don Jaime read his mnlL Pres- In Los Algodones. you killed the Every child's stomach, liver, and so thoroughness. sick spells or colds. You'll many HOMK INDUSTBT! I have no Information as (Briers at to owner need times. was of those bowels and have to go to Texas soon and do lifetime. looked there be stimulating sheep trying get up ently k it just as wonderful for adults, yeaT but give children something you find in something about those shetp. Now to the amount of these loans. If any. a glint of deviltry In his black rid of them." too, larger spoonfuls I all about. emknow "You will, no doubt, have to Don Jaime nodded. hat your , Dncle Tom's dead his eyes. I Follow the advice of that famous If desired herders may steal some of the ploy a local attorney. Get some Syrup Pepsin; protect "Well, why don't you get rid of "Don Prudenclo Alvlso writes me family physician who gave the yoiir household from those bilious sheep. If not all. Did he, or did shall be happy to recommend one that be has been engaged by Miss them, then?" vrorld Syrup Pepsin. Stimulate the days, frequent headaches, and that "The foreman. Bill Dingle, Is still he not make a will, and If so, who who has served the Higuenes family Antrim as attorney for the estate; that body's vital organs. Dr. Caldwell's sluggish state of is the executor?" ably and faithfully for forty years that Miss Antrim has given the living and In charge of those sheep means the bowels need stimulating. prescription of pure pepsin, active Don Prudenclo Alvlso, of Los I do wish. Uncle Bill, that you Federal Trust company a check He's a bad man and a belter shot senna, and fresh herbs is a mild Keep this preparation in the home Besides. If 1 get In payment of the notes It held than old Antrim, would go down there and attend to Old American Biblo the system stimulant use instead of harsh cathartics that to keeps I now. to "I have state that hese matters. I'll give you my pow regret First edition of the Bible printed against the estate and that the those sheep off my range, from getting sluggish. cause chronic constipation if that where will they go? Why. to some very little confidence In the Integ- bank has resigned as In a European language in Ameri- er of attorney." don't do well taken too often. You can always If youngsters your "What!" Crooked Bill almost rity of your foreman. Bill Dingle. Old Prudy tells me that with his body else's range, of course, and ca was the Germantown Bible pubat school, don't play as hard or eat get Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin at then there'd be trouble and we lished by Christopher Saur before .veiled. "With the market skyrock and suggest that you take steps to as well as other children do, begin any drug store; they have it all 1776. I The might lose Rill Dingle." etlng and every dollar have In the count the sheep Immediately. this evening with Dr. Caldwell's ready in big bottles. So you're putting up with those coiint will have to be made by one world tied up in It? Impossible!" ASK TOUR DEUGCI8T POB 1 Beautiful New Zealand Sacred Pigeona Go Hungry have so many lovely things backed by undoubted legal right to sheep on your range merely be Not content with rivaling Switzer cause this Antrim girl Is her uncle's so. Upon the request of the loThousands of sacred pigeons of AGAR" planned, Dncle Bill. To go down do heir." to Texas now would quite ruin my cal attorney for the estate the court Stamboul, Turkey, are Joining the land, New Zealand has wonderful LAX a man in seeking contributions so fiords as beautiful and impressive as will to for do "That's the this she summer." beggars appoint proposition." protested. AN INTERMOUNTAIN PRODUCT I advise very prompt action. Not to go will probably ruin the you. that they may survive It has been those of Norway, says a traveler. "Why, Is she a friend of yours?" 'If I can serve you further, please same summer tor Jaime Miguel "No, Tve never met her. But then the custom that every good Moslem, The mountains come down to the Natural Law no Higuenes has ever quarreled on his way to pray, scatter a hand- edge of the sea and end abruptly In do not hesitate to command Bobby." Higuenes, is law to effect that Ferrers the ful of grain to the sacred birds. As precipices a couple of thousand feet with a lady." "Your obedient servant. Probably, too. It will not. He Is If a body moves in any direction to how "I see are fall I MIOUEL "JAIME to HIGUENES." Texas go accustomed you prayers are said five times a day the deep, which continue under the sea summers, on the earth's surface, there is a "Well?" Roberta queried as Crook ing to escape a quarrel with her. pigeons waxed fat The Turks re- for another two thousand feet, so deflecting force arising from the take It." Don Jaime. You killed her uncle. earth's rotation, which reflects It But not to playing nursemaid to ed Bill folded the letter and laid it cently started an eoonomy program the biggest liners can steam there Don Jaime winced. "Perhaps she however, and among their reductions In perfect safety. to the right in the northern hemi the Lord knows not how many sheep on the library table. will believe that I had no alterna has been the amount spent for grain sphere and to the left in the south "So your Cncle Tom tried to run for a person he doesn t even ern hemisphere. know. After one look at you he a blazer on an Irishman, eh? One tlve; that, not until after I had for the birds. Weak from Inck of killed him. did I know he was her food, the pigeons are migrating from might derive considerable pleasure Jim Higglns. Must be Black Irish, uncle. In fact, I didn't know I had the courtyards of the m.'sques where 'rnm his kindly act. but in the ab so Tom foolishly mistook him for a ... killed anybody until Ken rode down they have lived since the first two sence of any Interest on your part Mexican." the draw and Informed me of my were taken there by Sultan BayazlJ Be rubbed his .Ingenious bead. he may be tempted to deny your In the Fifteenth century. luck." THIS WEEK'S PRIZE STORY sh ep the mother's care all sheep "Don't like the Idea of that El Paso IRRITATION bank being with you "Well, the fact that you are being require." Russia in the East so excessively nice to her since may But I do not know that I am heir honey. We'd better ascertain how Tha harvest time la with as acsin when The Union of Soviet Republics exmitigate the affair, although one can wait until much money the estate owes the barne, bina and eeUare ara being filled to those sheep. Can't you never predict the attitude a woman tends much farther to the east than with the rood thinga produced an tha a will Is unearthed or the absence bank, pay them off and get rid of I Imagine it Isn't a great will take. A woman is usually guid China does. The Russian port, Vlad farm. Now when so many thing! have one established? them. Relieve all dryness and definitely to be bought for aehool and replenishing of ed by her heart, not her head, Don ivostok, Is practically ns far east as No sane bank would loan enr household supplies la a jcood tima to Olenn brought up that point yester deal. irritation by applying the Master of Valle Jaime." the easternmost part of China. Much of another harvest, that et the Mentholatum night Is no will I shall, f Tom Antrim very much. Of course "Impossible," "I Have satisfaction and aarinra made ay tha Baa day. If there Verde Replied east Lazily. north lies and Siberia" Don Jaime appraised and morning. the old of "old course, as Uncle Tom's next of kin this Dingle Bell" Iniermoantain Pradacta. on Hands." My Sheep nurse with kindly Interest "1 take of Vladivostok. "Bill Dingle," Roberta corrected. petition for letters of admlnfstra ELEANOR PENDLETON, I have a letter from Signor Higuenes doesn't trust appointment he received a retainer it, Mrs. Ganby, that you are old Parawan, Utah. flon, but until Settled Senor Higuenes It seems to me I him." of a thousand dollars and instruc- enough to be guided by your bead. So Grace told you that you in tions to secure a good man to count You told me yon are a widow. Have "Senor is Aviation Hotel in Desert Reggy Higuenes evidently mark time." can but do nothing Branch of Metallurgy the cattle business. If we may Judge those sheep. A hotel for air passengers has been you any children?" might hope? time mark Such well. then, generosity "Very of branch is Metallography that "One a boy of fifteen. He has Ferdy She did. As a sheep-opened at Rutbah Wells, In the what I'm doing and it's driv from his letterhead, so naturally he overwhelms him. metallurgy which pertains to the That's I been quite crippled since his twelfth trust wouldn't you needn't bother Well, Reggy any sheepman. old leath me Syrian desert. The spot is the onljj be counter you, or suggests alcrazy." ing structure metals and their rm going to propose to her myself one within 200 miles having water. wouldn't be In too great a hurry to er face, and I second the nomina- birthday. Infantile paralysis."' loys, as revealed mainly by mi Don Jaime considered this. "Sup- tonight Brooklyn Eagle. oust Dingle Bell I mean Bill Din tion. When British troops were taken by An honest count of those croscopic examination or polished It was a week before the expect pose you had a comfortable home air from Irak to Port Said recently or etched sections and by the ap ed letter arrived from Jaime Miguel gle. If I were you. Bobby. The qual sheep Is most desirable. Ken." I where you could be with your hoy that go to make up a good ties No Lie they stopped there 18 hours to rest to pearance of the fracture. have have "I'll help." Ro It. Higuenes. Having perused always not necessary to hustle sheep foreman might not appeal to th races) Let me back "Yon will a court order." Hubby (at berta handed it to Crooked Bill. I one more a cattleman. However, I think I Back Home Don Jaime lifted some very ex- hither and yon nursing people? horse I promise you It'll UTAH WOOLEN MILLS 'Rancho, Vaile Verde, Las Cruces should For be the last , Trade engage Senor Prudenclo Al pensive stationery to nts aristo- should have a hostess here. "Trying to mend your fences, SenCo Texas. vlso as your attorney. What we cratic nose and smelled It hungrily. some time I have felt tnat Flavto's ator?" Wife (gloomily) It usually Is. for "June 28, 1925. now Is action. We must have "Attar of roses." he murmured "I wife Is too well, elemental, for the Vancouver Province want -"Can't find any fences." i' Your Dear Miss Antrim: Salt Lake City. Utah those sheep counted. We'll engage dare say that's as close as ID ever job This hacienda should know for Bampla Wool Excellent Valuta-Sen- d Supplementing my telegram of Prudenclo management at by night letter tonight get to Miss Roberta Antrim. The a gentlewoman's a week ago "I regret to report that are always him we're forwarding a nurse's There and tell wages. to leave she's says going Thomas 21st or lady Inst, your ancle. the Little Change in Glass some we his will for around and your thousand here, puppies retainer; in her hands, lawyer's Glass dating back 1,400 years Antrim, as the aftermath of a dls also suggest that he consult with everything I supwith Instructions to consult with boy could play with them. B. C. has been found in Egyptian pute that arose due to your ancle's Higuenes when selecting the men me. and whatever we two decide pose you could carry on with his toombs and this glass has prac Hlleged trespass with his sheep on to count the sheep. The court will to do will meet with her approval. schooling you know, it does get tically the same chemical compo lands not owned by him. engaged In appoint the man nom She says she dreads coming down lonesome here sometimes." probably as modern sition a duel with rifles. His antagonist glass. "Oh. Don Jaime I You mean it I" me Jim Hlaelns. emerged the vie Inated by your attorney Meanwhile here in summer and she has acHe nodded. "I'd like to be able we will have to arm you with proper cepted so many engagements of a JOSEPH WM. TAYLOR, Inc. kor In this sanguinary affray. From credentials am social to Invite nice people to visit me birth certificates, cannot she that I renature, It just as appears, much BUI'S Lsadisg Morticiaas testimony davits and other proof that you are contemplate abandoning her plans." Mrs. Ganby. I should like to hive gret to say so, that Mr. Antrim was the identical Roberta Antrim men Funerals on Time Payment Plan "Who is Roberta Antrim?" the my friends from the surrounding very much the aggressor. In fact tioned In your uncle's will, (llenn country come to dinner oftener hut nurse inquired Mr. HIgglns was wounded three Tm never satisfied with the appear will attend to that, of SaR Uki City, IUk 'Paoot Wis. 321 : Hackett he heir before sole of the rimes by your relative "The niece and ance of my board, the menu or the course." I man Antrim killed after he'd bustround himself In position to return I have no time to train 'Must 1 dash down to Los Zoo's Distinction Few Minutes, This Way Ended She doesn't service. me. Mrs. Ganby. the fire. "The coroner's Jury reed immediately?" Roberta que- know I'm the bright boy that maids and housekeepers and If I The Washington park zoo in Mil turned a verdict of justifiable homidid I wouldn't know how." ried complalnlngly. 'waukee. Wis., is said to be tha cide. bumped old Tom off. I wrote her take "Yes. a man Is very helpless. I take "Oh. time, your your only "one in the world where polar It has now been discovered by tele'In accordance with your a chap named Jim Higglns bad should he glad to come. Don Jaime." thousands of rheumatic sufferers bears have been successfully raised Dingle Bell. Pruden done I have seen to time, honey. instructions it" graphic TAKE to maturity. "Yon are very kind Ken. you run that the pains of that distressing and Jaime Miguel Hit that your uncle received Chris cio Alvlso, Ken Hobart chuckled. eased in as little as be can disorder J can El to handle Paso and Mrs the the situation, gel hoy rlan burial In Odd Fellows ceme- iguenes "That's his gringo alias, Mrs. up a few minutes . . . relief and comfort 2 BAYER Ganby will arrange that detail with imagine." in almost as little time as it takes tery. Ganby. The first Higuenes to be yon. now clear out and let me to tell! heard of in Spain was called James "Being at this time confined to Doctors advise two tablets of CHAPTER IV Michael Higgins. But the Spaniards sleep." my home with a slight Indlspost Mrs. Ganby, with tears of happl Bayer Aspirin taken with a full glass TABLETS With a It I twist. the tion. directed my general manager Spanish gave of water. Then a rest of a few minIn her middle-ageness fol eyes, of assistant manager general of time James Michael to call upon your uncle's foreman THE passage is is . . . all. Pain and utes that lowed the assistant general manager Rancho Valle Verde walked, MOTOR OIL in charge of some 40.000 sheep on eased quickly sometimes almost Higgins. the big Mick, developed into the ranch office. a jingling of spurs. Into the into with When it him and inform Jaime that the Miguel Higuenes. unbelievably. range Sold with a Money Back Guarantee known "How Don have you long veranda where did that happen. Don Jaime?" Relief comes so fast because of was your . wish, as the probable cool, Jaime?" she asked Hobart. in ease at bis Jaime Don chaise the peculiar lay propM. married a "When the first J. ONE FULL heir to your uncle's estate, that be Police Clubs Went to the state "A long time. of Genuine Bayer Aspirin. The while a nurse, almost old erty longue. woman In who on to with the continue carry sheep Spanish INPoliceman's billies are made of dissolve tablets almost him. take with father and My you In university an be to bis GLASS mother, sat sisted on spelling the name as it I had a cow outfit down in eocus wood, usually, the wood of until the arrival of you or your enough STANTLY in your stomach. And the Rig chair knitting. was pronounced. So the tribe of Rend reinstant thus the granadilla tree, a species of representative here. The foreman, adjacent how's get you practically WATER OF we went broke country but our boss. Mrs. Gan"Well, Tbe family lief . The fastest, safe relief it is said. in a man named Rill Dingle, mentioned Higuenes was born. pomegranate, which grow post-wa- r the deflation Ken during Hobart pe queried. Brazil and the West Indies. migrated to Mexico early in the having a contract with your uncle by?" "His wounds have all healed by Nineteeenth century, and my great rtod. Jaime and I enlisted for the to participate to a certain extent World war and spent two years Remember it is Genuine Bayer In the latter's sheep ' "GRAINS OF GOLD" business, first Intention.'' the nurse answered. grandfather married the daughter At that we the border guarding should he'll "I and be which claims this say FOR ECONOMY up Aspirin of an Irishman who owned this and stated that be was not taking quick-actin- g THE WHOLE WHEAT CEREAL orders from anybody. around again In a month. Probably rancho. Thut brought I he Celtlt-strat- dodged more lead than some of property. My manaBottles of 100 those who went to France So be careful that you get the real After "Makes Cream Taste Better" up a little My grandfather ger thereupon showed him your tel lame for a month or two there See when article In that any on hank closed the the buy. Hoharts you At any rate he loses me added to It Western Made For Western Trade egram to me, conveying your re- after. week by marrying a girl who I loined the box or bottle you purchase is clearly now I've left " rangers; next I he looked act as your representwas half Irish, and when marked "Genuine Bayer Aspirin. ' quest thnt Ask Tour Grocer "Why don't you remain here, do at his offspring he was glad ne'd them to work for Don Jaime" And that any tablet you take has This written ative temporarily. Is "He in magnificent Jaime Don congenially the eye for another done lt He noticed the cross had the name "Bayer" stamped on it in of authority had little or Ken FOR Hobart POCKET re Living laughed "Always the form of a cross. Then you will no effect on Rill Dingle, While Jim month's salnry and take a nice, Increased the height, breadth, gen PURSE OR he's members ntuy caballero. Mrs get quick relief. Merely to breathe freely does HIgglns Is recovering from his quiet vacation?' Hobart suggested. era) appearance. Industry and tern-peRemember that when you buy. He does things with a flour Tin Boxes of 12 not mean to live. Goethe. . We Ganby "I'd like to. Dul It would be lak ol the Higuenes tribe. wounds Bill Dingle continues to And remember, too, that Genuine ish. It Isn't nose. Ills have Ing money under false pretenses. looked much more like Black Irish trespass on the former's lands Bayer Aspirin Does Not Harm the always done it His father died Heart. per week will be paid "Suspecting that your uncle inltht I like this ranch. It's so peaceful than Mexicans now. and were when he was twenty. He's twenty fi r-'or the brat Tl "Kvery prohHhly a little more than halt have made a will. I suggested to the here." Mrs. Ganby said. now. His mother died giving article an "Why yea I bear a from Celt, But we had Spanish customs eight chorus look he administrator that night coyote public made Intermeantain sheold a him birth, so you see he's man those buttes yonder. It's thrilling and a Spanish outlook on life and raised " Similar to above. Send Goods" into the matter. Three days ago ; rear atery In pros or versa le I n- received a letter from this unVlal I dare say. Don Jaime, you find If Spanish was our mother tongue termoantain Products C'jlomn. P O. do he you suppose "Why engaged Bos IKS, Salt Lake City. If vow informing me that the Federal rather dull here such a young Also we had no reason to be other me. Mr Hohnrt? Do you think he the) than proud of our Spanish Mood, suspected he was doing a Trust compHny. of El Paso, had for- man as yourself." atory appear very column THE TABLET WITH THIS CROSS (BAYER) DOES NOT DEPRESS THE HEART yon "1 do nut." Don Jaime replied, so we never mixed it wirh Indian. warded a will to be filed for pro reive ' check for wotiderful thing for my boy and V E bate at Los Algodnnes. From this almost curtly. "It Is the home of w hen we nioven to I exas my me?" Copr. 1332, The Bayer Co., Inc. I 1241 UWeek and under ancestors Lake the love No, Bait City it appears that you are the my t" WJJ , will grandfather fought (TO BE CONTINUED.) FOR BEGINNERS OF THE STORY - pOOOQOor fcoonOOer( "inv y -' 'A half-heal- th APEX . ' NASAL X , BLANKETS I What Can You Do For The Pains Of Rheumatism ? Algo-done- j In Pain s ' NEW ASPIRIN V ICO d DRINK d quick-dissolvi- ng " quick-dissolvi- ng, -- T'-e- ff 'A r $5.00 |