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Show TIIE PAGE SIX TO vdoooM,r 'M LA PnercoIizedWax Fanny Scores One S iiW6tv.eMiu -- 'l I U.wVJ J SWELL HAPA Thursday, November 3, 1932'- - NEPIII. UTAII S. '.i?zr THE FEATHERHEADS rZ TIMES-NEW- ' wi W weret l Th.k U W B?Fo "p.p .tha- t- how ' VoU V s ,m CONv.AflW?? ON A Yountf Keeps Skin nyMrti4iii4 CM Ml mmm md w ' M 4v4m1. f MMHk hMi a4 frt m4 twiv. Vuw I J llWIH riiia p kM fmmsm Wfrtofc Puifi POITTECHHIC nilf Urn if 11c tf '3!; l r. i imi m! ymtMm. tJir nit H DF EKG'KEERIHS COLLEGE uul Su, la COME TO OAKLAND ftUUuoa FINNEY OF THE FORCE SWOOP UOAJ-Mf- ?S OKI XOM'f "TAKe llfLjZtim M lk . . ($l WOUKJC5- - FROM THE COUPLES ) couK.rttJ&iJ PARK EVEKY OFFICER AMD IT AWV HARM roAARM TO STAV 5 BELIEF rJO HARM IT? 1 OFFICER. FiMME, VOU ACTUALLY KIIjrMT ARE? T- -r tHsy NOT FPOM ME, ANy WAV S J fr- EnCOUKA&E them i : - :" P ilJ Ci PON'--f NEED MO IN CO U K A3 E M I Kl T not poim- q- THtWRe INDOORS I SHURB AN' - -- ) NIGHT ? WHAT YT1 KttJD OF-- AW so- -- rADtvJiilCC THETRE' wicc iijv and ihi II Sparking . r jrw ' . PROSABLVllVtV -- : rm'-- THey S xi HuGAfMi are 1 x U cU, " Tf in the Park .rp. i V f t 1i ALL. . . " CWkljad, Calif. W I" vile jrouni Bra to com to Ihtt coU W ith UMirsac of tkt bal Ud hues ia Um West f tj.jmeennj SpccUliudoa. Ovil, Elactrical, Miainc Macbwical, Amuuiical, Klio, Aicluuctural iW Air Coadiuoainc, Bfrifrauiic Caiiwnii. I Hi coilK buiiiuim cualact with lrmdin etxiJoLioaj uul cmincrn who employ out graduate. Moiif atudeau (an part of penaea whila atteadinx. II you nt ibocougb work, yoa caa art It at tba Folyuchnie OiUme. Kaowa and te ecauol a lb leading school of its kiud ia LUe Wt. Studrau may enroll at any time. Send for lie catalog of inlormatwa and blank application for enrollment befora tba toitiu Is advanced. We biva a Bfe memberablp or an unlimited cholarthip for line who deaire that plan. Degrees awarded in all tba above counes. Recommended by many high school men. Ofleri cbanca for boy who think they have failed. W. E. CiBfOM. rrei. W. I. Wood, RttUlror World's Largest Organ The organ In the convention ball at Atlantic City Is now virtually complete and Is by far the largest organ In the world In number and sizes of pipes, wind pressure used and horse power employed. This was necessary, due to the Immense size of the auditorium, which Is the largest building Of Its type In the world and has a total seating capacity of The organ Is being built from the general bond funds Issued by the city of Atlantic City for the building of the auditorium proper and Its equipment, and Its cost Is $308,000. 41,-00- 0. THE "FALL GUY" KNEW THE SIGNS LIMIT OF CLOSENESS POLITICAL RULE MODERN USAGE ILLUSTRATION Plan Honor for Insect Premier Moore of Queensland, Australia, proposes In all seriousness to erect a statue to "cactoblastus," an Insect which destroys the castus and prickly pear. Cactus was spreading over millions of rich acres when the Insect was Imported. Now farmers are returning to lands which the plants had made unfit for crops. "The 'cactoblastus Is the savior ajff our state," says Moore. -- Tm afraid Mary Is going to marry a very stingy man." "Why so?" "She suggested a morning wedding but he said to make It after lunch so that she could get one more meal at home." Did you Visitor SBSSaSBESEli Mrs. B. I think you the dearest, have a man that was practicing law "It Is the unexpected that hapsweetest man that ever was. to defend you In your case? Mr. B. (suspiciously) Well, what Prisoner Shur thing. He was pens." "Yes. Adam had ho idea of mardid the hat cost? practicing law, an' I was de feller rying Eve." he was practicing on. Kind-hearte- d IN HIS CASE HIS DEFICIENCY THAT'S THE QUESTION ."It Is customary to seal a pro" "In politics you must begin posal with a kiss. Is It not?" "It nsed to be, but nowadays It Is bottom of the ladder." "In what manner?" considered best to have a witness." "Well, as a rule, the first you do Is to shake the ladder HE KNEW HIM effort to dislodge the fellow of you." at th yiitQuiJzdWcy thing In an ahead KIP THAT COLD! ' TO At the first symptom of cold, clear your system of oa congestion. Colds bantf sod thrlv on waste -- c loft fled cup or two of intestine).TeaA cleanse thor Osrtteld oughly, stent ly and tones up tba system In general. iAt yow druggist') TABLE TOPICS mil SAMPLI OstflsM Tsa Co.. P. O. Broohtim. fl.T. "Yes, sir, I'm married. But I had to leave my wife, she kept me In hot water all de time." "Il'm I too bad there wasn't a little soap in It." Editor 1 like this poem, It's capital. Toet Tes, I hope so, but how "Say, Hicks, do you really believe love Is blind?" "Well, all I can say Is I've never been able to duck my wife's swing. much? I'rofessor I am very glad to hear you spent your vacation with a tutor. You were surely deficient In English. Soph English don't bother me none. What I'm back In Is football that NUB -- W pMPf- Just tried to borrow me, said he had some very urgent bills to meet." "There's going to be plenty of "Don't you believe him. That fel- talk at our table this fall. Ma and low never met a bill In his life If sis are moving picture fans and pa there was any chance of dodging It" and Brother Jim are football bugs." dollars from By Charle Sughro MICK1E, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL lb RAW "DeShort fifty TUS WWV, HO, IfHES JEST VJET tJ . ALL) poWM OU US' P yLkk r Detour! Wet Dogl CAWT CTAVIO PEBFUW8 Tt) DOOSB SPEMD IT cam take. him vurrH, UIM HOME AMD 6PBJO TUB MOWEV A8 SOO PLEASE, BVJf r!P-- r "MAT DOG OUT OP W,7 Mil I HERE AMD LEAVE TUB. j NOUGOOOT ifei Bronchi. Lyptus for Cbanca for Trainers If people can train fleas to pull wagons and selves (Fla.) Y to the Times-Unio- Backache Bother You? ( By Jame W. Brooks & vzt-i- them- Jacksonville dogs? 1. GEORGE WASHINGTON'vS TRAVELS over poles, why hop can't they train them to confine 5 AS Dooa-opek- i i Aivrr So bao, eh, pup fifteeu VUOR.TW OP PeAWUTS AWO CAMOV FOR. MS, AWO A DIMES WORTH ex "vueEwies" for. nou awo ui&s ATTIC TO EAT 'OA IM m 1 READ - w wamat- - A VUHILE. APTER. I'M QOIU' TO kiK HtKo MUD LET TH RAW PATTeftllJGr) TH ROOf" PUT Me TO SLEEP i k mi w im fahifi f eougha and colds." At your For FREE aample 737 Ceres Ave.. Los Angeles, write to oruggist's. a orvou ""'''I " f CEWTS CAM "My birthday party was spoiled when my cough got to 4 bad that I had to go FLi bec1' Molher aays V 4 i to after this she'll al- - fyjj&f1 LlTi-kyi- this THlS,1Mwi Closenesa "Mr. Dustin Stax says he Is a close friend of yours." "One of the closest ever," replied Senator Sorghum. "lie Is so close he won't give up $50 for my campaign fund." Washington Star. v; SAi'- - - BMtiMx?JXA- It May VVarn of Kidney or Bladder Irregularities A persistent backache, with bladder Irregularities and a tired, nervous, Jepressed feeling may warn of gome dis- 11 ordered kidney or bladder TTaaaawaa H J .a t r II GEND2AL H005E WA5HINCT83N AND H IMMEDIATE STAFF IN CW1&C10GE., MAP5ACH0&ETT5, AS it F OCCUPIED HEADO0ABTE123-H- rOOHOVEC THE BUILDINGS OF HAEVACO COLLEGE., THE CTUOEfTO BE1HO TCANSFECBCO TO COHCOBD WASHINGTON AT THI& pECiOP THE ABSOLUTE NECtWITy OF ONENESS AMONG HIS VEOOPS THE PC1CEU&S 5TAT0E 6V H0OD0M IN THE Oprroi- AT ClCHMOND, VlGGiNlA. TYPIFIES THIS THOUGHT OF UNITY - on Doan's Pills. Praised for country uruggisis. by 1 than 50 years by grateful a more users the over. Sold V, THE WAOeWOtZTH &OlXIEB3 I5 con- - aitae-ntka- ft ABTEMA5 PHIUO ecHWLEB WACO CONGCE55 AP001NTE0 A3 MAJOfi- - CHAW.E5 Lee. GEMEEAJS UNDEB. WASHINGTON, ACTEMA3ABD IBAEX PUTNAM A FAV0E1TE. SON. ALL SEttVEO OF MASSACHUSETTS, PHIUP CXUYLEC, CHAtkEO WEE. AND l&CAEL PUTNAM WITH DISTINCTION WITH THE EXCEPTION OF LEE WHO WAS NOT DE5ECVIN0 OF HI5 HIGH COMMAND-HWA LATEC COCT MABTlALLEO AND DISMISSED FCOM THE E mm A ills Diuretic For th AOlV W. N. U, Salt Lake City, No. 45- -1 Wi |