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Show Me Habit Fill Your Needs I In Nephi t A A. A. A. A A A. A "WHAT NEPHI GROWS w A. VA A OR MAKES- - -- Nephi, Juab County, Utah, Thursday, The Times, Vol. 22, No. 44 Republican Rally Set n For Saturday Night EXCELLENT MAKES NEPHI GROW" Nov. 3, 1932 The News, Vol. Bagdad Celebrates Iraq's New Freedom Democratic Rally To Be Held On Monday TALK The final rally of the campaign the Venice Theatre Monday evening by the Democrats of East Juab County, and ihe speakers will be Dan B. Stiields of SaK Former Governor Charles R. Maboy and James H. Devlne of Salt Lake City will be the principal speakers at the Republican Rally for Saturday evening at Supt. Owen L. Barnett scheduled In addition Venice Theatre. the Gives Interesting Talk to these speakers, an excellent musical program will be furnished and On "K" Standards a free picture show will be given to the voters of East Juab County. Former Governor Mabey is an Supt. Owen L. Barnett delivered a very fine address at the reg outstanding speaker and the people ular meeting of the Nephi Kiwanls of East Juab County will have an Club, held at the Forrest Hotel opportunity to hearing the princiWednesday noon. Miss Florence ples of Republicanism explained In Chase gave two readings, and J. A. a clear and concise manner. o Whipple presided. Supt. Barnetfs talk follows: "In these days of mechanical achievement ve are much absorbed by, the machine. In, and conii&aed Buy in Nephi JO will be held in City. Abe Murdock of Beaver, and A. O. Stnoot of Provo. In addition to these speakers, a good musical program Is being arranged and a free picture show will be given to the voters of Nephi. In addition to the rally in Nephi. there will be a rally In Levan and one In Mona Monday evening. The speakers will discuss the Issues of the campaign at the three towns. HEALTH SERVICES FOR W. CEI1 TO We have gone "daffy" over things like steam, electricity, water power. bank clearings and the like, to such HELD an extent that we have forgotten the human soul and the spiritual loroes upon which all these things depend, and from which all these A free chest clinic sponsored by Final tributes were paid to Wll things originate. The success of lh the State Board of Health will be divlduals ,of communities and of liam P. Ostler at funeral services held Saturday, November 5, begln-ln- g nations depends on the extent to held in the Juab Stake Tabernacle, at 2 p. m. in the Juab high which the spiritual forces latent in last Saturday at 2 p. m. school building. This clinic is for all of us, are wholesomely develop Mr. Ostler, farmer and livestock men. women and children, and is man of this city, passed away at ed. without cost to those attending. It ' afternoon, "Kiwanls is a concious driving his home a Wednesday us an Great Britain surrender- is to determine the health When Iraq was received Into the League of Na.lons Independent state, of those lingering illness. force toward newer and higher ach- following In Bagdad. Above is a street scene with one of the arche ho may have a family history of Bishop Thomas Bailey of the Ne ing her mandnte, there was a great celebration levement. Integrity, faith, vision. tuberculosis or those who have this phi Ward was in charge of the erected in honor of King FelsaL thrift, and an Interest In the other services. disease. It Is well to remember that Prayers were offered by fellow these constitute the runoa tuberculosis is not an inherited disAlbert E. Sells and Bishop P. B. mentals of Kiwanls. ease but is caught one from Cowan. Speakers included Robert "Intergrity requires the seeking Winn, James H. Ockey, J..W. Pax-mafter, as well as the dispensing of of Salt Lake President A This clinic is also for those who tiuth. It is the desire for truth; the H. Belliston and City, remarks by Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Paxman and are having attacks of pleurisy, and Mr. and Mrs. Jotyn Haycock, Insistence on its maintenance at all Bishop Baliejv closing Mrs. Julia Sloan of Salt Lake City ior tnose wno nave not made good Emma B. cost that has been the as Thomas Painter,A. Mrs. Musical numbers were recoveries from flu or pneumonia, were week-en- d visitors In Nephi. W. Olson visited Mrs. and Sells, of our substantial educatonal insti- follows: Vocal solo "Oh Mygiven Father and who have had continuous in Provo, tutions, our sciences and our arts Miss Ellen Cole; Vocal solo. "Face relatives and friends "The Count of Unoware," a musMr. and Mrs. Elijah Broadhead coughing from time to time with All great Institutions that have de To Face " Mrs. Alice Crapo; Sele- Spanish Fork and Payson on Wed- ical comedy In two acts, under the of Salt Lake City were in Nephi much phlegm coupled with loss of fied the ravages of time rest upon ction, "Tho Deepening Trials? nesday of this week. direction of Melba A. Golden, will Tuesday visiting with relatives and weight and strength. integrity. Only as they so rest can Quartette, composed of Mrs. Flor- be presented by the Service Star friends. It Is not for heart or ordinary thev prosper or even survive, a snce Winn, Mrs. Alice Crapo, LeRoy Miss Margaret Smith and Miss Legion cases of asthenia. evening, NovICiwanlan without integrity, be it Whitehead,- - and Clarence Warner. Mae Greenhalgh entertained Wed- ember 9, Wednesday In the North Ward AmuseThose requiring Just such an exDouglas Burton recently register personal, Intellectual, or moral. Is Mrs. Diane G. Booth, was the ac nesday evening at the home of ment hall. ed for a course of intensive training amination will do well to grasp this stabe. A our of supon the latter. barnacle a daintily arranged ship companist. The cast of characters follows: at the L. D. S. Business College in opportunity. The clinic is in charge Without integrity as a basis, KiThe grave In the City cemetery per was served to ten Invited guests. of a specialist from Salt Lake City Count of Unoware, James McCune; Sail Lake City. lunwas mere a of Into the The remalnter wanls degenerates evening was dedicated by Charles R. Jen and is free to those attending. Ellen Maurice Red, BlOhdy, Cole; one of the in is fortune telling. spent cheon club. Integrity kins. o W. C. Ockey had as Sunday Mrs. Silas, Chase; Clerk, Mayers; Roy cornerthe o prime fundamentals Florence at home her Mrs. guests Jeanette, Perry McArthur; Hyrum a and of For the purpose stone of all Klwanian Progress singing Chase; Falecla Grac Jenkina Carter-an- d son. Ernest, and Miss Faculty-F- . F. A. To Meet athlevement. practice the "Carmenia" Chorus - Pee Di P. L. Holman Dies Lois Dean Mrs. Little Wee, of Powell; Salt Lake City. Bullion, met of Enid Stanhome at the Novel In Basketball Game "Faith Is no Idle word to be used Hobbs; Smoke, Blaine Norton; v In Mount Pleasant Wednesday evening.. Present were: Beth Lawrence loosely It is the moving force of Mr. Dick, W,. Lyons, a Olpin; Francom, Joseph formerly Evelyn Brough, Lucille Evans, Aline all activity. It is the electrical cur Dr. Parley L. Holman, age 41, Ellison, Venetta Brougji, Annabel Ralph Stanley; Accompanists, Ora resident of Levan, and for the past rent of human life that keeps men Kenneth Judd. A basket ball game will be' held thirty yearss a resident of Tremon-tocitizen of Mount Pleas- Pace, Florence Belliston, Laura Judd, Chorus girls Nelda Cowan, Lucy moving forward, putting forth their prominent Utah, is in Nephi this week Friday, at 4 p. m. between the at Marion Tues home his ant, away passed Dorothy Brough, Morgan, to acnieve. efforts and best thoughts Marjorie Salisbury, Ma visiting with relatives and friends. Faculty and F. F. A. The players morning. Mr. Holman was well Christensen, Alburta Cowan, Reva Salisbury, Next to integrity, there is no spirit- day bel Howard, Ernestine Foote, Thel-m- a Mr. Francom states that the farm- on the Faculty team are as follows: known Bellisin Central Southern Donna Enid and Vickers, to Starr, the perso essential force ual Reid, Enid Starr, Annabel Pace, ers of Northern Utah are harvesting; Flash" Monson, 1. f "Stretch- ton. sonal equipment of the modern Utah, where he has taken an active a of beets r. Chase, Anderson Dorothy this Jackson, "Keed" crop large Marjorie sugar McArthur year f.;; in the Association of Civic business man as faith. No business part Shirc; "Dead Shot" Isaacson. R. G.: of Southern Utah. Mrs. Olive Garrlck and Miss Jane Lunt, Margaret Wright, How-artpnternrtse nor any movement can Clubs was Fidelis Enid Beth 1. g; Choral ley Irons, Club members Burton, Whitehad Members Apostle" a former District Gover Laura Morgan He entertained the ever so much as "reach first base" nor LuDean Wade, Nan Brough, met Wednesday evening in the city of the F. F. A. team: Jack Brough, Lions of of and Clubs the Utah Pri Trekkers of Ward South the force. of this potent in the absence Alice Beth Davis, Lucille Hall, hall for their regular activity meet- Malcolm Warren, Vance Phillips, district. mary at a Hallowe'en party Monday Betty Hall, The telephone, the telegraph, the Idaho Thora Bracken, Max-in- e ing. Following practice, a delectable uorver Brough, Byron Howard. Starr, is He survived his of wife, former at home the the by evening steam engine, electrical developPay, Ida Jen Harris, Eileen luncheon was served at the home folCombs Holman were and the In stories Ghost and Mary games mat ment, all of the outstanding of Alice Crapo, to Diane G. Booth, children: Phyllis, Camille, teresting diversions of the evening. Harris, Ruth Hall, Beth Davis. The Sophomores were In charge erial achievements of mankind have lowing Lucille Hall, Dsleen Jensen, Mar- Lucille Lunt, Kate Burton, DaVeda Also Leon. his and were father. to ten served Refreshments Parley an all Demanded as a prerequisite Carter, Ina Howarth, Afton Davis, Vivian Hoyt, Louise Pyper, of the assembly program given on jorie T. and the Holman, members: following class com Jenkins, Lynn faith. Faith and vision, morning in the auditor and brothers: Jenna Hansen, Duane Belliston, Dean Worthington Gibson, Renee Pexton, Barbara LucUle Booth, Llllie Wright. Mrs. Wednesday bined with integrity, multiplied by sisters Nelson, Darlene Lunt. Fern How- Crapo was assisted in serving by ium, with President Jack Cowan. Elmer LeGrande Zella and Collard. Dean Belliston. Garth an Warner, as industry (plain work) gives ell, Doreen Durham, Donna Cooper, Mrs Florence Ostler and Miss presiding. It ran as follows: Prayer of Fountain Green, and Heber Memmott, Edward Bird, Delia Maurice Barnett; Vocal solo. Donna ultimate result, strong personal Holman and Vee Burton, Mary Janies Crapo. Margaret Holman Reese of Ely, Andrews. Golden Don Harry and Jeff character. Whfn sound character Nevada. Beth Wade, Klrgan, accompanied by Donna M Wade, Cowan, Betty manifests itself, generally in Kiwan .Tonrne Brough, Jacqueline Foote, Belliston; Reading, Grace Jenkins: twenty-fift- h the annl Honoring is a Holman of native Dr. Ftn. of Hallowe'en One the delightful is we mav rest assured that the Nelda Salisbury, of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Piano solo, Lael Ellertson; Reading, versary Booth, Beverly and medicine has Green, was Monpracticed week of the parties given source of power of these great spir in Mount Pleasant for Bernice Christiansen, Gloria Car- Hill, an Andrews family reunion Beth Hobbs; Xylophone selections e, the past day night by Misses Dorothy itual forces as they manifest them few years Mary Sells, Betty Hall, Max-in- e was held Sunday at their home in Mr. and Mrs. Delbert FugaL The Fern Howell and Ora Taylor. ter, Petty, selves In Kiwanis, has been tapped. Elaine Petty, Melvina Salt Lake City. The following Ne remainder of the hour was taken o were decor The entertaining rooms "As Kiwanlans we should do more Stanley, Madge Brough, June How- phi people were in attendance at up with an interesting talk by Mr. n' Hallowe-eated colors, and the Eileen Bur- the celebration: Mr. and Mrs. W. Monson. He took the students on arth, rsrpful thinking in order to get a Alma C. Dalby is Named gamesinfeatured during Marjolaln the evening ton, Rhea Black,Ostler, The C. Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. George an imaginary trip to Sweden, exElaine vision of our responsibility. of Head Utah Organization were associatd with this theme. A Marion Squire, Virginia Paxman, the customs and occupat writer of the Book of Proverbs says: Forrest, worthington, Mr. and Mrs. Will plaining delicious tray luncheon was enjoyed Jeanne ions and occupations of the inhab DaNell Mr. Mrs. and "Where there is no vision, the peo-niForrest, Burton, Worthington, Ralph C. Dalby of Levan, a mem' by: Florence Crane, Melba ChristMarba Jenkins, Joyce nsrlsh." We should, through re- berAlma Chappell, park and daughter Aline, and Mr. itants. of the Board of Education of Lucille Hall, Afton Gibson, DonNell Bracken. and Mrs. James Andrews and son flectlve thinking, organize our plans Juab School District, was elected iansen, Betty. Sperry, Warren, Ida Wilson, Dee Specialty numbers will be given Glen. and obtain a definite vision 01 our President of the Utah State School Doris Dee Harold The Juab high school domestic Howells, Kendall, f responsibility of BUILDING in the Board association at their annual LaVar Liddiard Dee Wright, Ray as follows: Tap dance, Jane Lunt, Eileen N. C. Pexton was science class memberss were en home J. of The Stunt, Marjorie field of human souis. Jackson; tertained with a novel meeting held in Salt Lake City Linton, Arvll and Glenn Grover, "We must attempt if we achieve during the Utah Educational As Price Allred, Howard Belliston, Harris, Ruth Hall, Ida Jen Harris; the scene of a gay Hallowe'en par- Hallowe'en Monday party. Four of the do Thora when overcome Miss Renee ty Ballet, Bracken; Dance, to Monday Tap night the is power Greatness soclation Convention. Robert Inscore and the hostesses. Beth Davis, Renee Pexton, Keith Pexton entertained a number of her mestic science students were in difficulties. We overcome difficulties President Dalby reports that charge of arrangements. Delicious a Kendall; Ballet Toe dance, Ida Jen friends. Eerie Jack o' lanterns were refreshments clear bv having faith, integrity, number of important matters per were served. A var Junior room. Reid. about Games the Wo dance, Harris; arranged Tap of purpose, plus Industry. vision taining to taxation, bus transporiety o clever games and a treasure o were the worm or played during a evening. number achieved have were features during the hour tation, and operation of schools. Following a week's visit in Salt alter which refreshments were ser hunt while objectives as a club, and these were discussed. Committees were a Lake ved to Miss the we Marjorie by City, ghost Salisbury following iorin times demand that put appointed to work In connection AMERICAN "PRINCESS" returned home Sunday. guests: Beth Wade, Virginia For additional effort,- - both In thought with the president of the associa PetNelda Maxine rest, see I Salisbury, offset the to that the order by Evening paper an activity In tion during the current year. Mrs. W. J. Cole spent the week' ty, Beth Davis, Elizabeth Beagley, the tvo political parties have handicap under which we are now end In Salt Lake City, the house George Hall, John Taylor, Earl over two his million dollars does who man spent placed. Find a ' dutv as it is assigned to him, and CANADA'S MEMORIAL up to date. It might be a good guest of her daughter, Mrs. Angus Steele Keith Brough, Kenneth PexB. Cannon. ton, Billy Jackson, Harlow Pexton, idea to postpone election until you will find a man to whom no nhstnriAs are an Impediment and spring. Looks like the ones with the money are spending it. for whom Dame Fortune has nau man who a Wouldnt It be good if the polisuccess. Find but ght s, and ticians ended the depression kicks, and balks and and didn't know it. snorts and makes excuses and gives reasons, and fails to do the work and you that is assigned to him, Breakingly the news gfcntly: will find a man who Is not worth Anxious wife following the Dr. Jh? j outside to enquire about her his salt. " WE BUILD' a motto which husband, who the Dr. had been means building In terms of human treating for ten days. "Well Dr. how Is my husband getting souls by service to our fellow men. The Dr. "Well tell him We should develop companionsmps not to start reading any conWe should cultivate the power and tinuous stories." to understand and appreciate ' ability other fellow. "Every man should The cigarettte companies are keep a far sized cemetery in wnicn sending out instructions how to bury the faults of his friends.' make belts from the celophane oe consistent in uiu snouia actions not wrappers around their cigaretthought, speech and tes. Ater using cigarettes as so optimistic that we accept mere statements as facts, and not so long as I have, I think instructions on harps and caskets that we lose hope and faith would be more appropriate. in our selves and fellow men. We This beautiful American girl. Miss should take however a courageous I had an appointment with Dr. Eleanor Wallace, was recently attitude, based upon faith, and an Booth this week. He's the guy chosen princess of Mexico City'B Intelligently thought out vision of who gets on my nerve. our future procedure. Let us look American colony. Her official cor The Canadian National War m for the good In the other fellow. took place at the American onation Byron Howells says the life of radiate cheerfulness and hope, and uiorlal which was built in London club before a throng of more than a $1.00 green back Is about 6 lend an encouraging word and hand by a number of sculptors Is shown 1,500 persons. Including the elite of I months. a means of life Notwithstanding1, Kiwanls in erected all times. at being Hyde park, London, Mexico's society. on hands. one die had or my cheerruiand to service Canada, radiating prjor t0 t8 removal WATSON. ness mong our fellow men. P. OSTLER BE HELD an life-blo- od III IIEPHI Local and Social Service Star Legion Local and Social To Present Musical n, h, Ins-cor- . Lo-ma- n. I Watson says: The Duty of Every Citizen side-step- ( iiliiis .ex. pes-imes- tic illP 13, No. 44 E E MiEDA y Plans Made For Gigantic Parade; Many New Attractions Plans for a successful Armistice Day parade are complete. The parade committee is enthusiastic over the prospects for one of the most Interesting parades ever held in this city. This enthusiasm is prompted by the pledged participation of the following organizations: Juab high school band, grade schools. Junior and senior high Ladies schools, high Auxiliary, Service Star Legion. Red Cross, Business and Professional Women's Club. Nephi Kiwanls Club, Battery "E" 145 Field Artillery, Boy Scouts of Nephi, all men, and many of the local business have signified their intention to participate. A rather unique plan has been outlined for school participation. The plan Is competitive in nature and is based on Utah's part in the World War. Twenty-eigschool units will each represent a county of the state with appropriate settings and banners which should add color and interest beyond that of previous parades. Cash prizes will be awarded the best units. The parade will form at the west and south fronts of the high school building immediately following the i fternoon program and will proceed south to second south street and back to the point of beginning. ht To Parent-Teache- rs Meet Next Thursday from the sis Representatives school grades of the elementary and the Junior and senior high schools will participate on the program for Parent Teachers meeting next Thursday evening at 7.30 o'clock In the Juab high school building. Numbers have been arranged as follows: First grade, Central School, Health Dramatiz ation; Second grade, (a) Mixed Chorus (b) Toy Orchestra; Third grade. Dramatization of the first Thanksgiving Day; Four grade, (a) At the Big Menagerie b) Mother Ant. 5 grade "Father of the Land" Sixth grade, (a) Soldiers' Chorus, Faust (b) On the Trail of Tlmpan-oga- s; Nephi Junior high school, Reading, Enid Howarth; Juab high school. Sousaphone solo, Wilmer -- Barnett. In order to raise funds to carry on the work of the P. T. A., an admission fee of 10c per family Is being made for this entertainment. o Ladies Literary Club Hears Radium Discussion 'Radium, Its History and Possib ilities" was the subject of an interesting talk given by Dr. T. W. Allred to members of the Ladies Literary Club Monday evening at the home of Mrs. J. M. Christensen. Other numbers on the program included a paper on the life of Madame Marie Currie by Mrs. T. W. Allred, a vocal solo by Miss Marion Christensen, and a piano selection by Miss Eunlece Brough. Present were: Mrs. Robert Winn, Mrs. P. B. Cowan, Mrs. J. M. Chris tensen, Mrs. I. M. Petty, Mrs. G. M WJiltmore, Mrs. Mark Sowby, Mrs. W. C. Andrews, Mrs. Byron Howells, Mrs. George A. Sperry, Mrs. T. H. Burton, Miss Mabel Sperry, Miss Lula McPherson, Miss Bertha McPherson, Mrs. Ralph Belliston, Miss Neva Booth, Mrs. J. L. Belliston, Mrs. T. W. Allred, Mrs. E. R. Forrest, Mrs. William Bailey, Mrs. Roy T. Cowan. Voting Places Announced By County Clerk Vickers Voting places for East Juab Co. by ,J. H. Vickers county clerk as follows: Mills, The school house; Levan, Preston Peterson's Residence; Nephi District 1. (South Ward) Ward Relief Hall: District No. 2. (Nephi Ward) Juab County Court House, Commissioners room; Nephi District 3, (North Mona, Ward) Ward Relief Hall; Court House. the In thickly populated districts, two sets of Judges have been appointed this year, and J. H. Vickers will hold a school for Judges of election at Eureka Friday evening and at Nephi Saturday evening. are announced Open Season Is Declared On Phesants In County The pheasant season opens In Juab County, Saturday, November 5 at 1 p. m. and shooting is permitted to 6 p. m. The law permits the shooting of two male birds each day for three days, ending on Monday, November 7 at 6 p. m. |