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Show THE PAGE TWO will let It so at that I will not deal with men; I will deal with God. God transcends all racial hatreds and understands any language. If the league can also face God and do what It thinks Is for the ultimate good of humanity I. am satisfied.'' News Review of Current Events the World Over Fresident Orders Tariff Action to Help Employment Steel Corporation Sees Business Improvement Doing3 of the Presidential Campaigners. By EDWARD for FUitlllKIt protection and American workmen against certain foreign competition may be expected In the linniedlute future. Some days ago Frank X. Eble, United States commissioner of customs, began a series of bearings on the complaints of -manufacturers that the dumping of foreign products on our markets at ruinously low prices F. X. Eble was threatening our Industries. Mr. Eble beard the testimony of representatives of various Industries and examined the foreign goods they took to Washington. lie was urged to correct the evil by ordering higher Import duties. Then President Hoover, fulfilling promises made1 In several speeches, directed the federal tariff commission to open at once an Investigation Into the foreign competition that Is distressing the manufacturers and causing Increased unemployment In many American communities. Mr. Hoover's letter was directed to Chairman Robert L. O'Brien of the commission and appended to It was a list of sixteen Industries that are being adversely affected together with the names of the cities and towns that are Injured by the influx of foreign goods. Jj The letter said: "Too recognize that currencies In thirty countries have now depre- ciated from 5 to 55 per cent, which has reduced the standards of living in those countries and greatly widened the difference In cost of between the United production States and 'hose localities. "I would therefore be obliged If the tariff commission would expedite this matter, in order to afford all possible relief to unemployment In these communities. I urge this expedition because of this possible retardation of Increasing employment of our people. If It shall prove that the differences in cost of production between here and abroad In these Industries have altered the basis of the tariff duties, I wish to receive recomendatlons of the tariff commission at the earliest possible moment." Included In the Injured Industries are rag and grass rugs, brushes, leather gloves, silverware, jewelry, chemical products, electric light bulbs, cutlery, pottery, rubber boots and shoes. Iron and steel products, lumber products, canned vegetables and fish and dried beans. The list was compiled by the Commerce de- partment The action of the President Is based entirely on his desire to provide more Jobs and to protect those jobs that exist So far as he goes, the benefit to the employers Is a side Issue. T" IRECTORS of the United States Steel corporation came to the front boldly with action that Indi cated tbey could see real Improvement in the business condition of the country. They voted to declare the quarterly dividend on the preferred stock, although It was not earned during the previous three three months, and no margin of profit has been shown for the Issue since September of last year Payment of the dividend requires the outlay of $6,304,919, and the net loss for the quarter ending September 30 was announced as $20,871.-70But a special supplementary report was made showing gains In production since last July and still better gains In the shipments of finished steel. Three months ago the directors had warned the holders of preferred stock that continuance of the dividend payments would depend on Improvement In business conditions. Wall Street had been tense with excitement In advance of the dividend announcement Probably no group of men could be assembled In Wall Street whose combined opinion would be more highly respected by the financial community than the as Steel directors, representing, they do, the strongest banking In terests In the country. 9. ROOSEVELT Albany from his campaign tour of the Middle West and the South with the assurance of Democratic leaders that the southern states which voted for Mr Hoover in 192S had definitely re turned to the Democratic fold. His speaking program from this on was somewhat uncertain but probuhlv was to Include talks In Boston. New Tork and other eastern cities. President Hoover made a quick trip to Indianapolis where he spoke Friday night and then hurried bark to Washington to put the finishing touches on addresses to be delivered In Newark, N. J., and New GOVERNOR TIMES-NEW-S. Thursday. Novtmher NEPIIL UTAH 1LT Scenes and Persons in the Current News WELL iLasiitfXBnvtfBiftl ,." rawing .i ..fmV I' Hi ,'i ' . ' ' t v, . A V ? - J the v ; " I I government wishes to BEVERLY HILLS. All I know la j take up the matter of the war just what 1 read la the papers or debts to the United States until what I run Into as I prowl like a election. after the Presidential coyote, trotting The French chamber of deputies looking ! along on voted to postpone the debate i back over my W. PICKARD the question by deciding to give to sea Shoulders, to domestic prior consideration wbata going on Tork city. The latter he was said matters. Several days previously behind me. You to consider one of the most Impor- Premier Herrlot bad Indicated that 1 ,.'f know Ed Boreln. tant of bis campaign. Some of Mr. France Intended to pay an Installthe great CowHoover's advisers were urging hlrn ment on Its debt on December 13, to make another tour of the Middle but It was revealed that no proboy etcher of 1 i Santa, Barbara. West the real battle ground; others vision for such payment bud been A CaL Ed makes thought he should make a big trans- made In the French budget 4 r,rr' t continental swing that would land the best western Questioners In the bouse of combltn at bis home at Palo Alto, Calif., mons tried to learn the British govof aany- etching - r ., TT for election day, the Intentions ernment's regarding Al Smith's speech In Newark, American debt but Neville Cham-berlul- n real cowpunch-- I which was broadcast by radio, was refused to say anything er, and knows the California "Buck--' ' listened to with Intense Interest. definite. aroo" and the old Mexico "Vaquero" hi: He devoted a great deal of It to One Conservative asked Cham- better than any artist living. He Vi ill the liquor Issue, and that bad the berlain to promise there would be has been In Mexico a lot and In ' " , . i , effect of bringing Senator Borah out no payment until the bouse had California a lot more. Old Ed ' Into the open with the flat asser- debated the matter, but be replied swlnga a pretty mean loop himself . tion that be would vote for Hoover, that he was "not In a position at and goes to all the Calf brandings i C " V!-T.ilthough he Indicated he was not present" to discuss the matter. around Santa Barbara. to camIn take vthe i'MTi iiiwnriliU going ?"'' T'miE- part mm fr. T iMMiiii; Other members Jumped up to ask But what started me on alt this paign. The Idahoan characterized further questions, but the chan- was telling about what Ed told me. 1 Daniel Beard, veteran national commander of the Boy Scouts of America, placing a wreath on the Smith's address as "the most ef- cellor refused to answer. He said an Indian told bim that the tomb of Theodore Roosevelt at Oyster Bay. 2 U. S. S. Indianapolis, newest 10,000 ton cruiser of the fective talk for President Hoover reason a White man always got lost type. In speed trials off Rockland, Maine. 3 View of Welfare Island prison In Harlem river, Newtreaty York, In this campaign." been busy celebrating and an Indian dldent was because scene of an has ITALT uprising of prisoners that cost the life of one convict end of the first decade of an Indian always looked back after thousands of Fascism, and Premier Mussolini has he SEVERAL hundred passed anything so be got a view men from many been making some Interesting adof It from both sides. Yon see the of and also from parts England dresses In Turin, Milan and other Scotland and Wales moved In cities. The Turlnese have been the White man Just figures that all sides are the same. Thats like a dumb groups on London most active of the Duce's opponents, guy with an be dont week the during but he moved among thousands of think there canargument be side other any ' 1 concentrated and ftworkers in factories without es- his. Thats what you call Polithere to demand cort and made proffers of peace to only ticians. that parliament- rethem, urging them to Join the So lately I. been trying to look scind the "means Fascist party. Then, In an outdoor test" which r beard by half a million, the back over my shoulder like a Wolf, speech and an Indian. I Just been mak a recipient premier put forth a plea to the of the dole to furUnited States to cancel or reduce lng a trip down through Mexico, mm nish proof that he J the European war debts. Continu- Central and South America, and even in an aeroplane, I would look has no other means ing with international matters, he of support There declared Germany's demand for back. (Of course It was mostly were few untoward armament parity was fully justified looking back at the last place that Incidents In their Sir Oswald but that the Germans must wait looked like we could land If the enmarch for the Mosley until the world disarmament confer- gine stopped). But I did do quite of the ence breaks up In what he predicts a bit of looking back. towns through which they passed would be failure. Now for Instance I looked back He said Italy provided food and shelter. But it was would remain a member of the at Hollywood as I left Now you feared there might be Holing In League of Nations because "the would be surprised at Hollywood if London, so the regular police of league is very sick and we cannot you look at it from both sides. As the metropolitan district and civil- abandon It." you come up to it and Its people ian volunteers sworn in as speWithout mentioning France by you see the movie side, all the paint cial police, some 40,01X1 In all, were name, he made what was Inter- and glitter, and make up, and make mobilized to keep order. This was preted by the crowd as a challenge believe houses, but as yon look back due mainly to the fact that the to that nation whose frontier is at It why a lot of those houses have Communists were active among 40 miles west of there In bis backs to em, and people live in em. the marchers and, as always, were only statement that "Turin has never and they dont have any make up to trouble. stir up eager been afraid of war. and they eat and sleep and fret and Members of a delegation of the Daughters of the American Revolution who are In France are seen One of the preliminary Incidents After being banqueted In Turin worry about work, and about their wreaths at the tomb of Lafayette In the Picpus cemetery in Paris. was a lively street fight between by Crown Prince Humbert and his Jobless men and the British Fas- bride, the Duce went on to Milan children, and' everything Just like other place. But you got to cists organized by Sir Oswald Mos-ley-r where he predicted that within ten any FOLLOWING LIPTON look back to see It Yes sir, there The millionaire baronet, ad- more years all would go Europe is a lot of in pleasure looking back, dressing a meeting In the East Fascist and that before the end of and peeping iround and trying to End. had been heckled, and, at the the century Italy would be see the again other fellows angle. Ever? head of his black-shirtefollowers, the leader of civilization. was on the way to their headquarThe premier said there was no guy has an "Angle" on living, and ters near the parliament buildings, need to waste time reviewing the on life, and on everything. Take followed by a jeering mot). Near past or thinking of It that his the election. Now one side couldent Trafalgar square Sir Oswald's thought always was for the future or wouldent want to know really men broke ranks and engaged in a "In these days of unrest and un- what the other side could do or ' sharp battle with their tormentors. certainty elsewhere In the world really thought they could do. Both l.tatsaDuring a debate In the house of there are countries far older than sides just spent the whole summer commons on a motion of censure this which do not know what their hunting up things to cuss the other for the government's dole poliry future will be. We know. We are Bide on. That the other side might which motion was defeated Prime sure of our future and are advanc- be right In a lot of things never Minister MacDonald declared the straight ahead with cour- entered their head. In fact they means test could not be abolished ing always wouldent let it enter. A Politician age and determination." but promised that some phases of He expressed the opinion that Is not as narrow minded as he the policy would be reconsidered. sometimes his words were misun- forces himself to be. Nobody Is These, he said, might Include the derstood abroad, adding: "I am de- going to spoil the Country but the Items of pensions and savings, sirous of I A ' '' peace and tranquillity, but people. No one man can do It, and which under the present arrangeI also am anxious for new battles all the people are not going to do ments must be spent before an and fresh combats." it so Its going to run in spite of all unemployed person Is eligible to the mistakes that can happen to It receive benefits. Robins dropped Sure everybody basent got as SINCEofRaymond sight on September 3 not much, but everybody dont need as WAS announced In London by a clew to the whereabouts of the much. Flying along over Mexico, ITthe India oltice that the third Innoted Chicago reformer, philan see all the little dian round table conference would thropist and pub adobe huts, rals open In London about the middle of licist has been W. L. Stephenson of Yorkshire, 11 ing a little patch November and probably would confound. Ills friends of "Free Hollle Is who as the Xngland, regarded tinue until the Christmas holidays. cannot understand successor to the late Sir Thomas tgjBKiffliy. . Beans", a little Neither Mahatma Gandhi nor any how a man of such In the yachting world, at to corn of LIpton patch member of the Congress prominence could bad better beware of Uncle Sam's mammoth new wareBurglars least Insofar as the America's cup mash up some party is to be among the Indian thus disappear and Is concerned. Mr. Stephenson Is house, recently completed at Washington, for an elaborate system of meal into and unless the delegates ararms makes It the best protected building In the world. preliminary have now renewed make some "Tor- having a "J" type racing yacht burglar and fire list already issued is enlarged. Nor the search for him Included is a device which records watchman's rounds in a new and to and the built continue tillias" expects (biscuits will there be any women delegates. However, understood manner and gives an alarm should he fall to visit any they fear to you). Now at sporting struggle of the late Sir easily and a call bell Several princes will attend, but that he was slain signal by which any guard may be summoned to a point to wrest Thomas coveted the first you will say trophy most of those rulers will be repre- and not merely kid -telephone from any part of the building. The photograph shows A. from United States. the In "What the sented by their prime ministers. Schnleder, chief guard, and A. G. Mann, assistant superintendent of the naped as was at world kind of an first believed. warehouse, at the central switchboard of the alarm system. Raymond TASTER CHEESE BEST is existence now of the Robins Robins was a WHEN theof assembly that". lets look back Well Nations meets In powerful figure In special session the third week In Chicago civic affairs for many yeurs. over the shoulder and see If we November to consider the He was a leader of the Progressive cant see a little more than just the and the Mexican Family sitting problem party and In 1914 was its candidate hut, "'' " VRV",2 and the Lytton re for United States senator from 111! in the sun. In the first place you both Japan nols. He has a home in Maine and never hear of one jumping out of a 7 and China will be and another In Florida. Leading window when General Motors drops well represented. people of, the country were his ten points. What the Japs do tc Vostike Matsunka friends. He was a noted orator, a Manchuria is no more of his bus! will be chief temperance worker and a supporter ness than it is ours. Only he dont of prohibition, but never was known worry about it A "Burro" In a lop j spokesman for and he and as a snooper, his friends say, al- is as fast as he ever went and he his two colleagues though he waged war on bootleggers thinks thats fast A passenger will be In Geneva In the Florida county where he re- aeroplane at (maby) 140 Is as taut most of us ever went and we think with a free hand tr- sided. act as they deem That Florida rum runners might thats fast. But not to Dooiittle o wise. Dr. Yuen-L- i They may have waylaid him In New York Hawkes. You see everything Is by even dectde thnt seemed improbable to many, but It comparison. The old Mexican sleeps Liang their country must is the only theory of his disappear- at night Nothing bothers htm exwithdraw entirely from the league. ance his friends have. They think cept maby a flea, but he can scratch Chief representative of the Cha powerful syndicate, having base bim off. He knows bow to reach inese Nationalist government will In Florida and New York, may be re him, but we dont know how to reach be Dr. Yuen I.I l.inng. who passed sponsible. overproduction, unemployment sec ond mortgages, poor movies, and a through the I'nited States recentThis ly on his way to (ieueva. stopping IN A Navy day message to the na-- ' thousand and one things that bite youth of Donald Smith, Is He was Miss., Thrasber, us briefly In Washington. and us ocawake at Hoover President took keep nlghtt tloq said to have the most sensitive taste formerly Jinttre of the Shanghai casion to warn the powers of Eu No sir the world has got a mil In America when It comes to court of npienl. and Is n finished rope that. If current negotiations Hon millionaires that would give s cheese. He ran up the highest 'lplom.it and n strong debater. f. r effecting further reductlons'ln million tc old Mexican the apiece cheese-tastinThe line of strategy Mafsimka world armnuifrls fall, the United to have nothing bothering them bill score In the annual excontest of Industries will follow Is Indira led by hl the Dairy will to the Its build States up navy just fleas, and other kindred spirits position In Detroit, winning a "I will talk to stateniMif: Among the members of the University of Kansas football team this full the Ixn io as though talking to ;od. don strencth permitted by college scholarship In dairy season are these twin brothers. Burt (Trip) and James (Sledge) Ham2. a treaty lit MiH,.,kl SyndumU, I will tell what I think Is Just and science in the form of a check for mers. They are good as ends and also In place kicking, and besides they C 1932 Western Newspaper Union. are prominent In campus dramatics. There home la In Columbus, Kan. $750. N' British r 3 Jul! .tsJ. 's"V J I "fy if V'" j V"o.' - ill . D. A. R. Delegation at the Tomb of Lafayette - - No Burglars Need Apply Here d - i WP' nr All-Indi- a 4 -,..,., fit 4 u Two Hammers on Kansas Grid Team n If h ""4J lrt. Ja-im- I I twenty-two-year-ol- d one-yea- r l |