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Show • THE,.. JORD.AN SANDY SAYINGS Opening Day JOURNAL DRAPER DOINGS TU Sday Sept 8th • ' We are glad to announce the OPENING of a HELP-YOUR-SELF Store in Sandy The First One Of Its Kind In The South End of the Country. We Invite You To Corne And Look Our NEW STORE over-Everything New-Fresh and Clean. The PRICES are right because our OverHEAD HAS BEEN CUT TO THE LLMIT COME WHERE IT PAYS TO PAY CASH No Waiting-No Hurrying-You Are Your Own Boss EVERY PURCHASE WILL SAVE YOU $ MONEY $ ~ : .. ~ E-4 What Do You Think Of Prices Like These? tr1 ~ Crystal White Soap, 10 bars ............................ 39c ~ 0 Large Juicy Lemons, per doz........................ 19c ~ ~ ~ ~ r ------ PROTECTIVE ~ LO()K! Are You Guarded Agains~ This Thievery? • • • ~ < ! WANT ADS Mrs. Harry Heward entertained at dinner Wednesday in honor of her husband's b_irthday _anniversary. Cov- F.'IRE INSURANCE-Don't Delay. ers were la1d for nme guests. See H. C. Aylett, 320 N. MAin. Tel. • • • ,. Midvale 36. tf Mrs. May Lambert had as her guests last week, Mrs. Rulon Casper FOR SALE---4 room modern house. There's a thief in your home-your 172 First Avenue -16-2M and children and Mrs. Clyde Triptoe factory-your store. He's stealing your * * • and baby of Salt Lake and Miss June MOVING-Express, Hauling of all Mrs. Andrew Swenson entertaine<i Tjeld of Lehi. kinds. Call Sam, Murray 140-J tlO money littlt: by little. Thursday evening at he1· home in Mr. John Cottrell and children, Vi- FOR SALE-Tomatoes. 50 cents per His name is RUST honor of her birthday anniversary. bushel. Burton M. Oliver, Union, Progre::;::;ive games were played and da and Dale of McGill, Nevada were Utah. 8-20-4t Here's a sure way to beat him-seal prizes awarded to Mrs. Wallace Bate- guests during the week of Mr. Cottman and Clyde Swenson. Twenty rell's mother Mrs. Elizabeth Cottrell. CLYDE L. RADDON all metal surfaces with an elastic film gue::;t::; were present. Teacher <1f the Violin. For particu• • * coat of Everjet Paint. • • • The officers of the Draper Primary lars, phone, Midvale 86-J3 -8-27-4t Mrs. Doremus of Tooele and Miss This money-saving protective paint Theadora Hand of Salt Lake were association surprised Mrs. Ellen Rowe FOR RENT-Sept. 1. Five room room Bungalow. Modern. Sleeping guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Hand last at her home Monday evening, it beis weatherproof and waterproof. Moreporch. 25 S. Holden St. Call E. week prior to bheir departure to Cal- ing her sixtieth birthday anniversary. Cushing, Midvale 114-W. over Everjet is highly resistant to corifornia for an indefinite stay. Games were played and refreshments " served to ten guest::;. rosive fumes and vapors. FOR SALE-Barney Google Store at Miss Rozella Crossg1·ove entertain• • * Midvale Junction. Good Location. lt • ed at a shower at her home Satur'I'he member:; of the 0. G. Club were day afternoon honoring Mrs. Walter entertained Thursday evening by Misti MIDVALE HOTEL :md Apartments. W. Born a recent bride. Out-of-town Atha Burkinshaw at her home in Rooms $10.00 monthly and up. gu-ests were: Mrs. Hazel B. Graham, Sandy. Lunch was served to the Mis- -:-CJ_ea_n_a_n.;.;d~g..:.ood;:.:_...;:se..:.rvl~·.;;.;ce.~--- Miss Pat Handcock, Miss Bernice ~e:; Thalia Fitzgerald, Grace Mickel- FOR SALE-'I'Iwo Building LotsJensen, Miss Mary Smurthwaite of sen, Afton Smith, Dezzie Farmer, Inquire, 39-4th Avenue, Midvale. Salt Lake. Charlotte Nielsen, Florence Smith and • Gladys Sjoblom. HOME FOR SALE-Strictly modern, Ml·.s. Clyde Swensen, Mrs. Lyle • • • with good Garage. 34 Lincoln St., Swensen and Mrs. Andrew Swensen Farmers! Everjet is the ounce Mr. and Mrs. Harry Heward were Midvale. Must move to Sait Lake. attended a shower Friuay at the home dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Heber Make me an offer, might consider of prevention that will save your of Mrs. Wallace Bateman of .We.;t M. Garff of Salt Lake last Sunday. renting furnished. expensive farm implements from Jordan, given in honor of Mis:s Geneva • • • Swensen, an August bride. slow destruction by rust. And Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Farmer and child- LOST OR STOLEN-Capital Bicycle, black frame; taken from front of • • • ren anrl Miss Jane Farmer of Bliss, this is worth remembering: Cox's Market. Party who has it, The Justamere Club enjoJed a Idaho were guests of Mr. and Mrs. please return to this office. lt watermelon bust at the home of Mr. M. B. Andrus several day:s ()f last We also carry Barrett Roofings and Mrs. G. Hogander Monday ev- week. for every type of building-hom~ ening. Twenty guests were present. • • .. garage, bam or factory. Before Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mickelsen have Mrs. E. Jensen, Mrs. V. Mumfurd, as their guest this week, Mrs. Burnell you roof or re-roof, see our comMrs. J. Marriman, Mrs. E. Larson, Edwards of Driggs, Idaho. plete line of Barrett Roofings. Mrs. C. Swen~en, Mrs. W. Hughes, • • • Mrs. T. Christian, Mrs. F. Nelson, Mrs. Eliza Bailey, Mrs. Ellen Rowe William Allen White, editor of the Mrs. W. Pierson, Mrs. N. Monaham, Mrs. Mattie Boberg, Mrs. Mina Mick- Emporia, Kansas, Gazette, classes ,Miss Alice Ohlson, Miss Frances elsen, Mrs. Mamie Day, Mrs. Roy newspapers as public utilities. Gardner, Mrs. D. Bateman, Mrs. V. Boulter and Mrs. Elroy Boberg at"A newspaper," he says, "is afLarson, Mrs. S. Brady, Mrs. G. Farns- tended the party at South Jordan . on fected with a public interesi as much Midvale, Utah worth, Mrs. J. Tolman and Mrs. C. Wednesday, given by the Primary as the street car, telephone, the gas Greenwood attended th.e Jordan Stake Stake Officers, for all·local officers. or electric plant and all other utilitPhone, Midvaliei2iili2ii , Primary Social given in the South • • • ies. • ' t ..Jio Jordan Amusement hall Wednesday Dr. and Mrs. T. U. Morgan of Bing"An editor is really a trustee entiafternoon of last week. ham and Dr. and Mrs. C. 0. Jensen tled to his prifts, if they are clean • • and children of Magna were guests of and descent, to the fullest extent that Mrs. T. E. Davi~ was hostess to Mr. and Mrs. Elden Stringfellow, on he may make them, but not entitled the N. B. Club at her hQme Friday Sunday. ~ - to make his profit at the community's evening. Refreshments VIWe served loss. to fourteen gua.>ts. Special guet;tls Mrs. Claude Brown entertained the "Unless he can give the publics were Mrs. A. Sorensen and L. S. members of her club at the home of some valuable thing-information, Mrs. Hyrum Brown Thursday after- guidance or entertainment--he has no Peterson. noon. Lunch was served to Mrs. Mal'- right to his profits.' • Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Haycock and oni Stringfellow of Salt Lake, Mrs. He concludes that " a newspaper is and Mrs. Wm. Donhoe and two D. L. Bowman of East Midvale, Miss certainly a public utility.'' Your Friend& Eat Here sons, Mr. James Mickelson and Bessie May Waters of Sandy, Mrs. Glen HoHaycock enjoyed a fi.::;hing trip to gan of West Jordan, Mr.,. Mer! Brown Lonetree, Wy'Oming the past week. of Midvale, Mrs. Ro;:;e Brown of Twin • • • Falls, Idaho and Mrs. Elden StringMrs. Ruth Rasmussen, Miss Mar- fellow, Mrs. Henry Ballard and Mrs. jorie Park, Miss , Cleo Lundberg and Alvin Cottrell of Draper. 11 N. Main St., Midvale Miss Ruby Graves entertained Friday evening at a lawn patty at the Mrs. Marie Fjeld and baby left on "Every phrase of thtl life of a comhome of Miss Ruby Graves in honor Sunday for Salt Lake where she will munity," says a recent bulletin of the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, of Mrs. Pauline Winger, Miss Christie teach school this winter. 1111111 United States Ohamber of Commerce, Eldritlge, Miss Florance Muir, Miss • • "is affected by the succeoss or failure Jelta Winegar and Miss Alice WineMiss Merlene Beck returned home of its traction lines in providing a gar of Woods Cro:.s, Mr. and Mrs. during the week from Spring City, service that is indispensable to the C. Rolins of Holliday, Miss LiUian Me where she has visited for some time public. Careful regulation, combined Affee of Salt Lake. Progt·essive with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. with care for the business stability games were played and supper serv- Beck. and suecess of traction lines, should ed to twenty guests. · • • prevail in every city of the country. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Fitt and child"Adequacy of service at the lowest Mrs. E. T. Anderberg entertained at ren of Price were guests last week rate compatible with continued efa miscellaneous shower at her home <Yf Mrs. Fitt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ficiency is paramount consideration, on Pioneer Avenue Saturday afternoon J o,;. Nielsen. from point of view of the public, and in honor of Miss Fay Egbert, a bride • • neither factor can be sacrificed to the of Wednesday. Progressive games Mr. Elroy Boberg left Sunday for other without public detriment." were played and luncheon was servC{\ Roosevelt where he will teach in the to thirty-one guests. Hearts were high school. used throughout the decorations and luncheon. Out-of-town guests were: Miss Hulda Crosgrove spent last Mrs. H. Aylett, Mrs. J. Aylett of Mid- week in Salt Lake the guest of her vale, Mrs. A. G. Robertson and Miss aunt, Mrs. B. T. Fitzgerald. Gile of Bountiful. • Mr. Blake Fitzgerald left Tuesday From the bei'inning of the oil inThe First Ward Dramatic Club en- for his home in Richfield after visit- dustry to the present time, the poputertained Saturday evening in the ing relatives here for, ten days. lar conception has been that a shortFirst Ward Chapel in honor of Miss age of pertroleum was imminent and Hilda Rugg of Granger and Mr. RayMiss Afton Fitzgerald of Salt Lake that conservation was imperative. But m'Ond Dowding who are to be married is visiting this week at the home of this conception has never been realSeptember 9th. Mr. Dowding i.s a Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Crosgrove. ized. The industry, when left alone member of the club. Progres:sive to meet the demands of the public, games were played and prizes awardMr. Ray Beeker, son ()f Mr. and has always met them• satisfacto1;ly ed to Miss Beatrice Lindell, Mr. Ray- Mrs. N. F. Becker returned home on and with reasonable prices. mond Dowding, Miss Hilda Rng'g Saturday from Ruth, Nevada where The price of gasoline since 1913 and Bishop A. M. :t-.elson. he has been for the last year. has been lower than the index price Refreshments v.ere served to sixof all commodities. This showing is teen guests. Ralph, the little :;on of Mr. and Mrs. due largely to the fact that the oil • * * Will Gardner is improving at a Salt industry has been able · to keep pace Mr. Silas L. Brady has accepted a Lake Hospital after undergoing a with increased consumption. position as Physical Education in- very serious operation. If the industry should be hedged structor at the Irving Junior High • • • about with governmental regulations Mr. and .Mrs. G. L. Larson were School at Sugar House. Mr. Brady Mrs. P. T. Bateman entertained at which would restrict production, the surprised Thursday evening by a numand family will make their home at an old-fashioned quilting bee Thurs- future undoubtedly would see enorber of friends in the form of a house Sugar House. day. Dinner was served to the frulow- mour increases in price. • * • ig guests: Mrs. G. Turpin of Sandy, The establishment of artificial conMi,;s Delpha Nielsen returned home warming party. Mr. and Mrs. Larson Miss Marion Hand and Mr. Ronald Mrs. Della Wilson of Bennion Ward, ditions and interference with the la,w Sunday from a five weeks visit at have just moved into their new home on Second A venue. Games were Hand spent the first part of last week Mrs. Lizzie and Millie Dimond, Mrs. of supply and demand by legislati-on p ayson. played and refreshments were served at Payson ,the guests of Miss Veda A. Goff, Mrs. Becca and Lizzie Gard- of any kind, designed to restrict pri• • • to thirty-five guests. Hand. ner and Mrs. F. Spratling. vate control and operation of the oil Th W W W Club held their an• • • • • • industry, can only result in diminished e ' ·. · Mrs. Hattie Peterson and daughter production and supply and higher nual Progres>nve supper and slumber Mrs. S. A. Bateman, Mrs. G. W. Mrs. Sophus Lar ·on entertained at Larson, Mr. and Mrs: M. Allsop and Veloy and Norma Jensen of Brigham prices at a time when consumption party Friday and Saturday evenings. a miscellaneous shower Saturday evfamily, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Brady and City visited Mrs. Lizzie Dimond last is rapidly increasing. The First Course was ·erved at the ening at her home in honor of Mrs. family were dinner guests of Mr. and week. Mr. and Mrs. George Dimond home of Miss L~n Smith of Draper. Fay Egbert, a recent bride. Games Mrs. V. Bateman of Salt Lake Sun- of Salt Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Customer and employe ownership The second course was served at the were enjoyed and refreshments :sf'rvday. Holt of Murray were dinner guests of of industries is the solution of the 'home of Miss Lucille Wilcox, thel ed to twenty-eight guests. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dimond Sunday. capital and labor problem. • • third at Miss Florence Larson and the • • • Mr. Alma Smith returned home on • • • * • • fourth cour:;-e at Miss Helen Jensen. Miss Wilma Bateman wa~ a week Thursday from a trip through Yell ow Mr. Ray Turpin formerly of this Stati-stics of state insurance sh'ow, Mrs. A. A. Anderson entertained end guests of Mrs. Melvin McCormick ward is improving from a very pain- that where it is invoked, in the end it them at her home over night and of Murray. stone Park with the Scouts. • • • ful accident received while stacking costs more money than the better- MiSl': Mable Larson served breakfast "' Mrs. C. H. ~ite and daughter hay. He fell off the stack breaking mana~d private dompanies,. profit Sunday morning. The following teachers are engaged Edith of Payson were guests of :\-lr. both arms near the wrist. and all. Why experiment with these • • • in caring for the Sandy School childand Mrs. L. W. Nielsen sister of Mrs . • * * energy-destroying schemes that subMi~s Helen Jensen entertained at ren this year: Mr. A. E. Peter:wn, White, the past week. Mr. Joseph E. Robinson a~ dau- stitute politics and mass inertia for her home Saturday evening in honor Principal; :Mrs. F. Potter of Midvale, ghters, Kate and Mary and on, Eld- intelligent progress? • • • of her birthday anniversary. Games eighth grade; Miss Maida Crosgrove, Miss Fay Ebgert and Mr. Arthur ridge of Mes-sa., Arizona and lJos • • • and music were enjoyed. A buffet seventh and eighth grades; Miss A. Larson were married at the Salt Angeles, Mr. and Mrs. LaMont Pierce In England, the triff is placed on luncheon was served to sixteen guests. Wynn, seventh grade; Miss Maxwell, Lake Temple Wedne::;day. A reception of Salt Lake were gue~ts of Mr. and necessities the workman buys and 1s * '" • and Mr. Harri~on, giJcth g-rade; Mrs. of the immediate family was given Mrs. D. LeRoy Bateman Sunday. principally to raise revenue; in the Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hays and family B. Walker and Miss Laurel Dewey, at the home of Mrs. Anna Egbert, • • • United States, the tariff is placed on~ of Salt Lake and .Misses Eva and fifth grades; Miss Mabel Chl;:;ten rn mother of the bride, Wednesday evMrs. James Peterson of Salt Lake what the workman and farmer pro-j' Emily Butler of Grantsville were the and Miss Effi Robinl'lOn, fourth grades ening. Twenty five guests were pre- was a guest ()f Mrs. Heber Peter on duces and it to protect them against guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fen- ?rUss Bessie Facey and Miss l.anore :sent. Monday. unreasonable foreign competition. stermaker Sunday. McCloy, third grades. • Miss Atha Burkinshaw entertained the 0. G. Club of Draper at her home on First S~uth St., Thursday eveniD!g the followmg guests were pre~ent; 1 Mi:>s Thalia Fitzgerald, Afton Smith, Dezzie Farmer Charlotte Nielsen Miss Gladys Sjoblem of Draper and Miss Alice Burkinshaw. ~ M and J Coffee, per lb•.......................................... 39c > Shamrock Coffee, per lb. ··················;··· ................ 52c ~ Sugar, 10 lbs. in cotton.bag ............................. 69c . Milk, Tall Cans, 3 for ................................................ 29c H and 0 Oats, New Style ................................... 38c FLOUR, 50 lb. Bag ................................................ $1.98 PAINTS • • .. • EDITOR IN RESPONSffiLE POSITION lJ I( West Jordan Lumber Co. 11 -- • First Door West Of Sandy City; Bank Don't Forget the Time and Place It Will Mean $$to You ~GROCETERIA~ • • • Satisfied stomachs are eur best advertisement. • • . . . STEWART'S CAFE TRACTION LINES INDISPENSABLE • It is Just • Good Business Sense--- • • • • FALL FOOTWEAR There is a lot of satisfaction in buying foot wear at a STORE where you get what you want. There is no desire to induce you to accept something as a substitute. Courteous treatment always ....Give us a try-out soon. Webb &Christensen RIVERTON, UTAH .. • • • • • Starting a Savings Account and it regularly until you build up a balance that will carry you over a rainy day when your earnings may cease, is only good business sense. We have plenty of facts and figures to prove our point, and we will be glad to go into this subject with you in detail at your convenience. - Midvale State Bank MIDVALE, UTAH SANDY ITEMS : Mr. and Mrs. Duward Bagley are Rev. Charles Gaffney of Salt Lake visiting with Mr. Baguley's parents, Philips congregational Church held Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baguley. a baptismal service Sunday. Six new • • • members were taken into the church Miss Nell Crosgrove and Miss Katie followed by a communion service. Jensen have second grades, MLs Mil• • The Intermediate Church Endeavor dred Anderson and Miss Ruth Goodsociety held a business meeting Monman, first grades. day night at the church parlors for .. the purpose of planning the season's Misses Eva and Alpha Crapo and work. Miss Fannie Pierson entertained at • Mrs. P. Pierson and Miss Selma a miscellaneous shower at the Crapo home, Tuesday evening in honor of Pierson returned home last week from Mrs. Walter W. Born, a recent bride. a two week's trip through California. The decorations were in pink and • • The First ward will hold their conwhite, a heart of flowers furnished the ference Sunday. canopy. Progressive games were played nd prizes awarded to Miss Maida Mrs. D. Ric'hards was a guest at a Crosgrove and Mrs. W. Pierson. Re' freshments were served to forty4ive party at the home of Mrs. E. Richards of Union, Monday afternoon. guests. • .. • • • • • • • • • . MEDDLING COSTS CONSUMERS MONEY Miss Madeline Gile, Congregational Mr. Don Hogan was put in as SupSunclay School worker left on the erintendent of the Sunday School. * • • first for a lecture tour throu~ Wisconsin. Miss Gile expects to be gone Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Silcox visitsix weeks. ed Mr. and .Mrs. Ezra Miller Sunday. • • • • .. . |