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Show THE JORDAN JOttltttAL Mills, daughtet·s of Frederick Mills, l IAS SEEN AND HEARD Jr., left last week to join their father ABOUT TOWN DURING THE WEEK fl (VAT/ON-WID£ /NC. DEPARTMENT STORES Main St., Midvale, Utah . . ith Style Overcoat Values that Are Spendidly Styled for Men and Young Men. Low Priced too, at- * * * * * * * • • .. Members of the Fortbightly club The Ladies Aid Society will sen-e met at the home of Mrs. Floyd Green dinner to members of the Lwns Club of Salt Lake Monday evening. Din- Thut·;,day evening. ner was served to eight. " . .. . These smart three-button, double-breasted Ulsterettes win with Young Men who demand that extra quota of style. Thoroughbred Overcoats, through and through, inside and out. Dependable fancy plaid backs and overplaids, in the new Pastel Shades; also brown, tan and blu~-grey. Set-in sleeves, three-piece combination detachable belt, big pockets. ~- A Roaring Jamboree Of Thrills * * * Mrs. M. T. Duval, former resident Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Elieson and daughters spent the early part of the of Midvale returned last week from an extended visit in Portland, Oregon week in Brigham City. and spent several days at the home • * * of her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Johnson. Mr. and M1·s. W. L. Halliday and daughter, Margaret, of Payson, spent Mr. and Mrs. James Silvey gave last week end at the home of Mr. and a large supper at their home Monday Mrs. Eugene Kimball. evening. Large vases of asters and M'·s. Annie Nelson will entertain snapdragons and zinnias were placed members of the Birthday Club at her at each end of the table. The following guests were present: Mr. and home Friday. * * .• Mrs. Curtis Hansen and children, Miss Mrs. Geo. A. Fox spent last week Alveria Redman, Miss Ilene Bennett, ·with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. A. l\1r. Jack Flornish of Kansas City, Pier~on, before leaving for Price to Mo., Mr. James Hansen. Music wa~ furnished by Miss Alveria Redman. make her home. I The cleansing wind~ of the open spaces ru~tle through this fast-moving story of adventure ancl loYe beyond the lofty RD<:kies-A scrapegrace son of a millionaire--disowned and dishonored but brought back to his place in the sun by a courageous girl! , SUNDAY, 1\/IONDAY, TUESDAY See It Now! • * * Miss Hortense Stoddard of Nampa, Idaho, is a guest at the home of her si!>-ter, Mrs. R. W. Quick. Miss Stoddard is en route to Chicago where she wiH spend the winter. Miss Hazel Lenberg and Grace Middleton entertained the children of their Sunday School class Thursday of last week at the home of Miss Lennberg o Union Avenue. Games *** I were played. The prizes going to Miss Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wilden and • Afton Young and Mary Pate. Rechildren returned to their home in I freshments were served to 20 little Salt Lake Friday after visiting for ~ guests. some time with relatives here. * * * * * * Mr. T. F. Courtenay of Chicago is Mrs. J. A. Alcorn ente1-tained the ' a guest this week of Mr. and Mr,;. members of her Salt Lake Club Tues· D. W. McDonald. day afternoon. * • • • * * Mrs. Walter Wright was a guest The first regular meeting of the Monday of Mr. Harry Kemip. Laclies Aid will be held Thursday of . • '" * 1 Mr. and Mrs. T. F. McDonald of next week. • "' * i Murray visited Monday with Mr. and Misses Viola, Helen and Dorothy! Mrs. McDonald. Other Overcoats in Novelty Overcoatings, Overplaid and Heather Mixtures, at $19.75. Also Box Coats and Overcoats at $24.75 to $39.75. Caps-Full Shape . Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Fenn and Mr. Mrs. R. R. Bell, of Salt Lake, is and Mrs. Goe. Goetz returned Sunday visiting at the home of her mother, from a trip to Zion';; Canyon. Mrs. Margaret Householder. • * • Men's ''Waverly" FRIDAY and SATURDAY See The Dauntless And Daring • • entertained • Porter Mrs. L. A. Wednesday evening in honor of the birthMn;. J. W. Booth returned last day anniversary of her husband. A week from Vivian Park whe1·e she six o'clock dinner was served to eight. had been the guest of Mrs. Agnes • George * * Booth of Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Hobbs and ,.. * * • children, of Franklin, Idaho, are visMr. and Mrs. R. C. Phillippi have iting relatives here. gone to Salt Lake to make their • Hamilton of Mr. and Mrs.* E.* H. home. Montreal, Canada, former re~ident~ * * • Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Larson spent of .Midvale, spent several days here Sunday in Taylorsville at the home this week. * * * of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bringhurst. ,. Dancing classes for children, conMrs. K. A. Carl::;on entertained aL ducted by Mbs Arcli~ Rosse will be a dinner party Saturday evening oi organized Tuesday of next week. last week. Covel'S were laid for 12. * * * * .. * Mr. and Mrs. Knude Bendixen reThe first dance of the season will turned la,t week from an extended be given at the ward house Friday vi~it with friends and relatives in evening. Juab. /NSTITIJTION- In Step in Los Angeles, Calif. 1 It's a Marathon A "Topping" Cap Hats, Menl For Young Men FAN6j Jack London's Immortal Story Extra quality imported and domestic fabrics, sa tin and silk lined; soil-proof leather nreatbaads; nonbreakable visor; new colora anclahade- $1.98 ''The Alert." A nt!w Marathon t h at says: ' "Look Alive t" New English curl bound edge, satin lined, silk band and bindmg. In Clove and Camel, a.t- Tailored right up to the limit of quality. Wide variety of the season's b e s t cassimeres, lined with silk serge; nonbreakable visors. Real value at- ' . A Dressy Shoe Splendid Value For the Boy Here are hose which wear! ln Boys sizes with the EXTRA HEA.VY rib. Both BLACK an<l BROWN and pleasingly priced, at, the pair, 25c Men's Half Hose Full mercerized; double heel, and toe; low priced- 4 Pr. $1.00 Our feature Fall shoe for the boy. Sturdy, dependable mahogany calf, well-made, comfortable; roomy toe; ru!Jber heels. Real valueSizes 2 Yz to 5 Yz .....•.............. WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY September 9, 10, 11 Douglas Fairbanks in "Don Q, Son of Zorro" N uff said! 59c to $1.19 $3.98 Boys' Hose Ask for "4-for-1" The absolute classic of all man and dog stories-fl"<lm the departed pen of the late Jack London-read-re-read and ret·e-read by million;; the world o\·er-! Of frozen hell:< of i>olation and mockery-of sturdy hearts and twisted soul --of human love that survived the terrors of ice and snow and cold that gnawed into one's vita),;-transcribing to the .creen with fine fidelity all the brilliance and power of the noveL $2.98 Sizes 12 Yz to 2 ·····-·--·-·-··-· $2.79 Very well-made and goodlooking of selected tan calf. Goodyear welt, combines style, comfort and long wearing qualities. An excellent value at a nry moderate price- $3.98 Sizes 8 to 12 -·-······-··-- $2.49 The follov.ing communication was I received from the Community Club: School Supplies We carry a complete line of school supplies. See our goods before purchasing else:where. We are in a position to give you Service and Quality at reasonable prices. I "As officers of the Midvale Health Center, we wish to acknowledge the receipt of $21.63, turned over to our ot,ganization at the close of the ball game, Tuesday of last week We wish to thank the club as a whole and to especially mention the members who so gallantly risked life, limb and reputation in the fray. We appreciate this financial support and feel that the cause i!'. worthy of your endorsement and help." 1924 STUDEBAKER LIGHT 6 TOURING 1924 ESSEX COACH 1924' MAXWELL COACH ' 1923 DODGE SEDAN 1924 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1924 FORD COUPE 1923 HUDSON COACH 1923 FORD COUPE 1924 OVERLAND COUPE 1925 FORD 4 DOOR SEDAN 1923 FORD TOURINGOUPE 1923 CHEVROLET C 1924 FORD TOURING DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS Other Good Cars At Reasonable Prices And Easy Terms tn ·noN Q, SON OF ZOR.RD Note This Picture Only 1st Show at 6:30; 2nd Show at 9:00 Regular Prices Until7:30 after 7:30 15-35 First Time At These Prices Have you noticed that J. P. Jensen & Sons at Sandy have opened a new Jordan Valley Pharmacy S'alt Lake County's Newest and Most UpTo-Date Drug Store. Phone, Midvale 99-Jl Riverton estalblishment called the "GROCETERIA. This is a real groceteria and 1 you help yourself at "help yourself" 1prices. I • • • Frank C. Howe M Sweet peace is about to la.wn at last. The Christian nations are finally Uttay !agreeing to protect each other from 1! one another. That is the "Lea.gue of \.................................... .................... !Nations" in a nut shell. i..............-.--..-....-....-.......................... Utah Phone Murray 3 At the Of Course IRIS THEATRE ''The House of Quality" |