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Show , THE JORDAN JO~RN AL -- UN I0 N NEWS Your Famil')''s Health Demand You Investigate WASHINGTON HOME FURNACE If you are trying to heat your home with stoves or fire places. Stuffy heated rooms pro<luce colds and pneumonia. Your chil~ dren playing in. non~circulating dry air endangers their health. Washington Home F umace produces circulating moist heat most healthful heat known. Costs no more to operate than one stove. Will heat as much as two or three stoves or five or six grates. Come in and let us ex~ , plain air duct, hot blast fire box, . ~---- ,: ......... - --""""""-.. "No-This is not a Victrola" ~-....--"'-'4' - * * * Saturday irien<is and Beeney met ghter, Mrs. to celebrate * • * afternoon the :tlollowing rela;tiv·es of Mrs. Nancy at the home of her dauCl•ara Walker of Union her bh·thday anniversai·y. * .. * Mrs. Emma Nichols, Mrs. Lavina Fenstermaker, Mrs. Lorie Baker, Mrs. Elena Forbush, Mrs. Rachel Forbush, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Beeney and Mrs. Arthur Beeney. Pink and white gladiolias were used as decoration ~. and dinner was served at 2 o'clock. * * "' fire bowl, and other special fea~ tures of Washington Home Fur~ nace. It produces more heat for less money than any heating sys~ Mr. Guy Richard~ returned home. la8t weak after an extended visil with her sister, Mrs. Fanny Ellis of Woodruff. tern known. Friends and relatives of Mrs. Myrtle Richard met at h~r home Monda) and enjoyed a very l:'Ocial afternoon. Refreshments were served. • • * * .. * .. • * Mrs.Annie Egbert is visiting indefinately in Shelley, Idah<l. * • "' ~~~~~~~~~~~!:Fi~~~!fi~~~~~~~!:fi~~!:fi~~$ !fi !:Fi !fi !fi I NOW READY LOWERED CHASSIS CLOSED CARS IN COLOR ~ STREAM LINE ALL STEEL BODIES. !fi!:fi NO INCREASE IN PRICES !fi y; #' ~ m m ~!:fi THE UNIVE.RSAL_CAlb I !:fi I COMFORT-CONVENIENCE-UTILITY BEAUTY tfi ~!:fi GETYOURORDERINEARLY I!fi Riverton Motor Co. .. y; t..lf." y; ~y;~~!fi!:fi!:Fi!:fi~!fi!fi~~~!fi~~~~!fi~!fi!:fi!fi~~~ HAL OIL COMPANY 1'0 ERECT HUGE STORAGE TANK Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ray moved into their new home on ·union Avenue Monday of last week. • * * Mr. and Mrs. Hans Jensen wilt spend this week in Big C<lttonwoo<t Canyon. • * * Mr. and Mrs. Earl White left Tuesday of last week for their home in CaHfornia after a m()nth's visit here with relatives and friends. * .. .. After a six weeks visit here with their pai'ents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Anderson, Mr. Floyd and Ivan Antleron have returned to the Harvar•l University to resume their studies. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Raynold Brady were dinner guests Monday of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steadman of w~st Jordan. * • "' D<lnna, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Van underwent a suecessful operation last week for the removal of tonsHs. "' • • Mrs. Wm. Johnson and son, Joseph and little daug'hter Truth and Mrs. Henry Manka returned last week from a very enj<lyable trip through Idaho. * * " Mr. Martin Anderson who has spent the past year in Idaho where h€. has ?een employed ~·etumed last week to h1s h<lme on Umon Avenue. * • * Mrs. Olive Humphries and son, Floyd left for their home in Delta --Sunday after visiting here with I'e'l!:fi!:fi!:fi'~L~ The Hal Oil Co., of Salt Lake City latives and friends. ;:n:n has purchased the plot Qf gt'Ound on * * • State street just north of the L. A. The Misses G1·ace and Agnes J.ame; .. !:fi ~ !a~. L. tracks on the west side of the Last week they unloaded a 35,000 y; ' g•a~llon storage tank on the ground and !:fi this week men and teams are busy !:fi gTacli.ng the premises, preparatory to MIDVALE BAKERY The Home of Home Made Bread and French Pastry 43 N. Main - . Cinnamon Rolls and Doughnuts, per doz. - - - - !:Fi. !:fi !:fi !:fi !:fi Visit Frank Soter's "The Handy Place" Ford Accessories, Oil, Gas, Tires, Tubes Small Hardware, Brooms, Miscellaneous I terns ALWAYS OPEN Main and Smelter Streets Midvale, Utah !:fi y; y; y; !:fi ~ y; Y1 , . i I !:fi !:fi I y; ~ In ~ American beet sugar industry to be destroyed. Assets to be tur11 ed ovec to fireign sugar producers. Millions paid annually to American farmers and workmen to be diverted to other countcies. Hereafter this nation to be dependent on foreign sources for sugar. Supposing we should read tiliose headlines in the newspaper? There would be an immediate uprising to prevent such a disaster. But agitation is constantly on foot to wreck our own beet sugar industry by removin~ th: .slight pro~ective ta~·~!f w~ch enables 1t to exist m compet1t10n With cheap labor foreign competition. When the people realize that tariff tinkering for political effect undermines our industrial and wage structure, they will no l<lnger. tolerate this type of horseplay at their expense. !fi I Art Needle Work Buffet Set .. __ .. .. .. 50c and $1.00 Center Pieces ........ ................. $1.00 BLANKETS Wool and Cotton Batts- - - - ---COATS and PUESS:ES Latest Fall Styles and Shades GROCERIES Large White I{ing ................. _ 50c Palm Olive Soap, 3 for ......... _25c Bulk Vinegar, white or Brown, per gallon .................. 39c Milk, Tall, all brands _........ ··-- lOc 9lb. Bag Rolled Oats .................. 53c l\I. J. B. Coffee, per lb. . ... 54c Springville String Beans, . ·.. 13c Salmon, tall, med. & red ..... 25c 1-2 I~CTr;e ~ea .... .. .. . ... .. . 3~c Striped OVERALLS Boys Blue an~ Khaiki Coveralls Just Received a Fine Line of PHOENIX SILK HOSIERY For Men and Ladies All Shades Remember Ou~ · SHOETERIA For Lowest Prices in U tab on SHOES m Remington and Peters Shot Gun !:f, !f\ I SHELLS Stanley Four Square Tools -· Complete LineEverything in House!fi hold Hardware ~ LINOLEUM RUGS !fi 9 X 12 .. . .... .. . ..... . . ........ $14_69 ~!:fi ~~~~~i! ~i;~~~~~h~ ~;~:~~::. _ _ . !:fi !:fi !:fi !:fi ~ !:fi ~ I y; !:fi m J::!e,: fo~ ~~a:~.~~~~5c m iHedium, 2 for ................................. 25c '~:=~!fi~~~PE~~~!,;~!fi!fi!fi!fi~~Yi!fi DEVELOPING MINES ' Some. of us never ~now A GOOD SERVICE ;~n~t.tdl we are ~atJsfJCtt what we "Where is the islal1!1 of Cuba >Hwe can't uated '?" a., ked the tPacher of one of the> new boys.-" 1 dunno, ~ir," "Don't know whne your . ugar * * • comes fro1r> '?"-"Ye;; sir; we borrow Two mining disti·icts are now much About the only person who can it fl'om next door." in the publi~ press: The L~st River genuinely sympathize with the Pre,;iOur idea of a bad insurance risk placer deposits m Central Jt,aho, and 1dent is the average baseball umpire. is a small man \\ith a big temper. the C<lpper deposits in Baker C<lunty, I Oregon. The Idaho prospect seems ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;===;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;=;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;==;; fantastic enou~h, in that it is said MURRAY MIDVALE SAND'\ that the "Lost" rivers carried theii gold, sapphires and other valuables w the point where the river disappeared in the earth, depositing the sediment that could not be earned on into the subterranean depths. Hundreds of claims have been filed there. The Oregon copper deposits are in ledge formation, and are believed to be rich and extensive enough to make them worthy of world notice. . .The development of these and other PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICE mmeral resources, means the employOffice--6500 State Street ment of armies of well-paid men, and the building up of ma1·kets for thouPhones-Midvale 175-J, Murray 445 sands of western farms that are not now profitable because of their dio:;-~tance from the big markets. Such . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.. mining prospects are not yet "investments" of proven value; they are; I. LESTER Artificial Ice ., ''S ave th e SUrf ace an d YOU SaVe AI}" ~~~~~:ffulh~~~; t~a~;;f:!s:~~~ ;ai~~ry :ic!~i s;1:ts aof s~~~~~;~~:!s, ne~~u~·era~: • PAJN T DEC 0 RA Tl~ VARNJSH SILVER ADVANCE AT INDUSTRY AIDS EMPLOYMENT m 20 !fi cm ~~~~!~~~~~~~~~!:fi~~~~~~~~ I The NEW STORE is meeting ,with WONDERFUL SUCCESS. The business of the first few days surpassed our expectations. Old friends and new friends kept POURING in the DOORS and extended congratulations upon our MAGNIFICENT STORE and STOCK of lVIERCHANDISE. Our SALES were great and no wonderfor we are quoting prices that the good peotlle of l\'IID· VALE and surrounding territory ·are not used to. In many instances our prices are so low as to be positively amazing. If you have not yet been in out STORE Come in and get ACQUAINTED. Here are a few items from our various departments: REMEMBER we always allow RETAIL PRICES on Butter, Eggs, Farm Produce, etc. Try Us. FRED HYKE "=---------------------·----'---,J PAINTING DECORATING 98 So. Main Street Phone Midv·tle 132 BE ·WISE UNION PACIFIC WILL STAGE CHAMPION SHIP MEET ~ 25c ;r) • • • r<lads or banks, before they have provMrs. M. L. James, son Earl anti en themselves by actually paying dividaughters Helen and Patsy and Miss dends. But they are the sort of seLY'le Walker returned home last week curities that deserve careful investier.ecti~g a m_odern stroage and dis- fi'Om a trip to Denver. gation; and the man who helps to detnbutmg stat10n fol' th-at company. * • "' velop these now national resources, d M d M w G It · al . 1s ~o rumQre that Mr. Sharp r. an rs. . eol'ge expect to has performed a distinct national sel'Will contl'act fol' the erection of . a leave next month to make their home vice. • ga:;oline filling station on the south- in Florida. ~est cornel' of the intei•section at • • • Sta:te and Center streets. Mr. and Mrs. Archie James and Thus the Junction is springing up Grace and Agnes James of Bingham over night, as it were and before we wel'e dinner guests Sunday of Mrs. are aware of the fact, anothe1· to.wn M. L. James. will be prospering right in our midst. -------- !:fi A REAL BLOW Phone 47-J Bread, 3 loaves for !:fi !:fi !:fi y; ' !fi Mr. and Mrs. Wm. D<lty and famil~ of Delta are visiting friends and re· iati ves here. BOOTH MERC. CO. Im i Miss Lulu Stockham of Idaho IS \"!siting here ·with relatives and friends. '· ~ Mrs. L<lrena Baker was hostess to the Unity Club at her home Thursday afternoon. Those enjoying the affair were: Mrs. Golda Sotfe, Ma·s. Jessie Berrett Mrs. Carrie Coomber, ' . Mrs. Melva Evans, Mrs. Erma Cook, Mrs. Rose Greer, Mrs. Lavina Fenstermaker, Mrs. RachP.l Fo1'busb, Mrs. Mildred Seddon and Mrs. Otilla Brown Mrs. D. E. Boam of Murray, Central Division President of Womans Clubs was a special guest. Mrs. Rose Greer i'ave the lesson from the American Citizen and Mrs. Boam spoke on subjects of interest to the club. Refreshments were served to seventeen. ,... !fi!fi!:fi!fiYi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!:fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fiC0 0 PER'S !:fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!:Fi!fiYi!fi!:Fi!fi!fi!fi Mi&• Re'> Hand of Sandy wO' ' guest Tuesday of Miss Ruby Cole.. ~ • • • ."'T"'.- And Buy the The first annual Athletic Champ1onship Meet of the Union Pacific Sy.stem wHl be held at Pocatello, Idaho Septecber 6th an{l 7th. Nearly 200 contestants will compete in baseball, track, trap shooting, ect., for the 33 clubs of the four units which are as 1 foll()'.vs: The Oregon Short Line, The Uni<ln Pacific R. R., The Los Ang-ele,; and Salt Lake Railway, and the Oregten- Washing-ton R. R., and Navy Company. It is anticipated the meet will attract many travelers who may conveniently see it in connection with' a trip to Yellowstone National Pa1-k. G. H. Griffith, Athletic Director, Union Pacific Sy.'<tem. FLOUR T 1-IAT SATISFIES West Jordan I Every penny advance in the price per ounce for silver means greater profits for hundreds of mining properties in the western states. The white metal is now selling around 70 cents an ounce. Ore bodies which could not be pro· fitably mined with silver at lower figures can now be worked and thi~ means prosperity for many states. There are few mines that do not produce some silver as a bypToduct. Mining is a bread and butter industry, and its prosperity t<l a great extent, influences the financial status Mrs. A.-" How do you keep the j of our Country. fires of your husband's affection burning?" Mrs. B.-"Oh, by huntingo Several of the boys were quite stiff up an old flame occasionally.' in the joints after the last ball game, * * * Meount of two muc'h grandstand playCoal is a fuel for trouble in Gering and not enough physical playing. many, Belgium and France, as well * * * as England and America. The women say the harder a woman * • * ! Now that we have become so sue- chases a man bef<lre marriage, the. l!'he cvnical bachelor observes thatj cessful in convincing evolutionists, itl worse she treats him after she gets once a iJrl falls in love, it becomes a might be well to try it on murderers. him. habit with her. MiHing Co. Plone Mid. 108 • Midvale Reliahle Merchandise Sincel8jj LEVI STRA Makers of Two Horse SS~ |