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Show About sixty days ago P. C. Rasmussen & Sons gave me ordeu; to close out their CLOTHING STORE~ as they wanted their money for oth r investments. I immediately put on a BIG SALE and advertised ever) thing at REAL BARGAINS to which the peoi!Jle readily responded and ' e s ld thousands of dollars wor t h of the STOCK. I had, however, six months ago ordered big shipments of good from the biggest and best manufacturing companies in the United States. This merchandise was FALL and WINTER Styles for FALL Delivery. Seveml days ago t hese shipments began to arrive and as hundreds of my friends had a sked that I keep this store open in oroer that South Salt Lake County would have a Men's Clothing and Furnishing Stor e, where they could get the newest styles and best quaity, I prevailed upon P. C. Rasmussen & Rons to sell me a one-half interest in t his CLOTHING Store. _I take this opportunity to thank you for the liberal patronaP."e this store has had during the past 8 Yz years that I havt> managed it and trust that now since I have purchased a half interest in . arne that I will continue to merit and enjoy the same friendly feeling that has heretofore existed between us. Respectfully, C. E. MATTHEW~. After trying for two months to sell the STOCK in our Clothing Store, we discovered the stock was too large for the DEMAND, although our SALES were \·ery satisfactory. Many of our CUSTOMERS expressed a desire for us to stay in the CLOTHING and FURNISHING Business and as our busin~ss relations with Mr. Matthews have been most satisfactory we have sold one-half interest in the CLOTHING STORE to him and the STORE will ' open under the name of The FAMOUS CLOTHING CO. Inc., on WEDNESDAY, September the 2nd, 192:5, when you will find a big line of FALL Goods just arrived from the FACTORY. We thank our customers for past favors and hope to continue our present business relations with you. Kindly Yours, P. C. RASMUSSEN & SONS, Inc. BOYS' OVERALLS ~1~----------------------------------------------------------------------'~ ~ § 3 to 7 at .....- ................................ 79c 8 to 12 at ................... ........... 89c 13 to 18 at ...... ____ ·__ .... $1.10 ,_. _ _________ A new company has been organized and taken over the fixtures and lease of P. C. Rasmussen & Sons Clothing Store. It's the old store under new ownership with a big stock of Fall and Winter Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Furnishings. For a few days these new Fall Goods will be put on sale at ridiculously low prices in order to acquaint you with the line of merchandise we are going to sell. We are able to quote only a few of our special attractive prices, as at the time this circular goes to press mpst of the goods have not been unpacked and checked. Men's Guaranteed all solid leather Dress Shoes and Oxfords at $4. 75 and up Ladies' Dress Shoes $2.95 up Ladies' Silk Hose 39c up ~ ~ ~~------------------------------.--..--------------------------------~.-------~~ Real BaroaiRS in Boys' Suits-Coats Men's New Fall -Caps Men's New Fall Hats in all Hart Schaffner&Marx Suits at $25 up Bargains Children's SHOES Men's Heavy weight overalls at $1.19 as low as $1.50 • • ---------- MIDVALE~ UTAH ~!lk !ine~- $2.79 Formerly P. C. Rasmussen & Sons |