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Show _____ ;-. ...' THE JORDAN JOURNAL, MIDVALE, UTAH _...._ 1!•1 l l l I l I l I I l I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I • MY FAVORITE STORIES CHAPTER XIV-Continued ============== And thep on the heels of this qu ... 1 tlon came like a 1lash ot light on a dark curtain that old coincidence in B:r IUVIN 5. COBB time! Cop7rlcht lty tile McCall Compu~F WNU Service. When that 90 head had vanished I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! Kate Cathrew had been driving down (Copyrlcht.) -driving down from Sky Llne--300 ''but hit's free range land at that. Caldwell drew rein shart>ly. head of her own stock, all open The Pick of the Crowd ain't IU" ''Dickson?" he asked in a low voice. and above board, properly branded A planter llving a few miles !rom a "In theory, 7es," said Bossick, "but "0. K." c:~me the answer as the clear and fair! lmall city in one of the lower cotton It's about ttme practlce changed mat· other moved forward to join them. Thre-e hundr(>d head of steers whose states called up the police judge on ters. I'm about fed up on theory"Seventy-one head,'' he said quietly. moiling hoofs, going down. would the long-distance telephone. and so are a few others in this man's "and all ready.'' trample> out all trace or 90 going up I "Say, judge,'' he said, "I just got country. I'd take It well If you and "Then le-t's ge-t busy," said the foreThe :;heritr's eyes were gleaming in word that my house boy, Jim, went to all your outfit stayed on the south side man, ''and get out of here.'' the dark, his lips were a tight line town last night and got in a row nnd of Mystery where you belong. Your With prearranged and concerteo or determination. hit another darkey with a brick, and stock don't range this tar in the Up- action the se-ven men divided and He was beginning to get hold of the was locked up. I need that boy, and per country." circled the herd which was bedded mystery with a vengeance. I wish as a favor to me you·d let him "Is that so," drawled the other, "an' and quie-t. On the further edge they He thought of the windy passage go when he comes up today before who says so?" were joined by another f<hadowy rider that opened Into Blue Stone canyon. you. If you think he ought co pay a "I do,'' said Bosslck quietly, "and and with silence and dispatch they got It he- could only find its head he fine let me know what it is tonight I'm only giving you a warning, Pro- the cattle up and moving. would, as Smith had ~;;ald. have solved 'lt lodge meeting and I'll hand the vine, which you'd bette-r heed. You They made 11 ttle noi~e. drifting the problem. And unless he missed amount to ~-ou." can take the word to Kate Catbrew, down the> level floor of the glade In a his guess by a thousand miles, those "All right,'' answered the juda;e. too. Her high-handed method:~ don't 'close-packed bunch. At its mouth steers streaming past him nt the mo- "I'm willing to do anything in reason, set any too well with us-and we don't they he-aded south along the shore of ment were headed for it now I but you'll have to come in here and care who knows lt.'' the river and followed along the stream Here was the chan«'e to nail her pick ont your own nigger." "To h-1 with you and your warn- for a matter of several miles. Where crimes on Cattle Kate Cathrew, to "Lord, man" remonstrated the Ings!" flared Big Basford, bls ugly the western end of Mystery turned, make the "killing" or his. years of fall- planter, "I can:t take the time off to temper rising. "Sky Line's too strong Nameless curved and went down along ure In office--and Sheral'l' Price Sel- go Into the police station today! I'm for any d-d bunch of backwoods the ridge's foot in a wide and placid wood, brave man and honest officer of as busy as a bird dog right this minbuckaroos, an' don't you tor,et it l flow. It was here that the driver~ the law, took his life in his hand ute.'' \Ve're--" forced the cattle to the water and agnln, and fell In beside the herd. "Can't help It,'' answered his honor. "Shut up I" snapped Provine, and kept them in it, riding in a string Dark, quiet, shadowy-he was a "I can't a!Jord to take any more rode away. along the edge. This was particular rider among the riders, to all intents chances. Here just th~< other day "Selwood's right,'' mused Bosslck as work and took finesse and dispatch. and purposes one of Kate Cathre~'s Colonel Talbert, down at Palmetto: This was the trick which had baffied men-and he was helping to dnve called me up the same as you've don~> he looked after them, "they're a precattlemen, and it was both easy and Bosslck's steers up to the foot of Rain· today and asked me to turn loose on~t cious lot ot cut-throats." At Sky Line ranch there was ac· clever, comparatively. bow clifl: I ot his hands that was in the calahoosl! tlvlty. And so Bosslck's seventy-one head From the few low-toned shouts and for shooting craps. 1 agreed to do It, of steers were disappe-aring and there oaths he was able to Identify the two but I plumb forgot the nigger's name, Kate Cathrew was gathering beef. Riders were coming In daily with was none to see. men nearest him as Sud Provine and and to make sure of gPttlng the right That Is, at this stage of the pro- Caldwell, the foreman. little bunches of cattle, all In good .:me and not disappointing Talbert I condition, which they herded into the ceedings. He thanked his stars for his own had to turn loose every nigger on the corrals. • There was one to see--one who had dark horse. his Inconspicuous clothing. docket. spent many weary weeks of night ridDay and night the air was resonant The herd was headed straight for "There were fourteen of 'em In all Ing, ot patient watching which bad the face o:t the cliff, and he expected -and one of •em was charged w:th with the endle-ss bawling. It was a little early for the drive-- seemed likely to be unrewarded- soon to see the riders swing them east murder, too. It made a lot of talk, but then Cattle Kate was always early. toward the corrals of Sky Line, but and the chief o! pollee kicked about And this year she had a particular they did not do so. When the fore- lt. It you want yonr nigger you come reason for precipitancy. One of those most steers were close onder the wall get him!" New York letters had said, "-would Caldwell rode near and called to him, like to come a little sooner, If posthinking him one of his men : A Domicile for All Eternity sible, so let's clean up promptly.'' "Get around to the right,'' he said, The word ot those letters was Jaw On~ of the surest tests of the ex· "and keep close to Sud, lllll. I'll lead to her. It they had said "ship" In Dein myself. Take it slow. Don't want cellence of a story is whethf'r or not cember, she would have tried to do so. 'em to jam In the neck. When the It speedily reaches the stage>. Some Now she was out on Bluefire from first ones start behind the Flange let stories no doubt originate there--born dawn to dark herself, and tl>ere was 'em dribble in on their own time. .All ln the minds of patter·corMdinns or little or nothing escaped h,.,r eye-s. ready?" monologists; but the majority I tlllnk She knew to a nicety how many yearThe last two words were a high call are built up on a foundation of fact lings were on the slopes of Mystery, addressed to all the men. From all elf'le>where and then by adoption go Into the number of weaning calves, the sides of the herd, come to a full stop the theater. steers that were ready for shipping now, came replie-s and Selwood saw Here Is a sample. I heard It years and those that were not. Caldwell ride away around to the ago; it was told as an actual occur· When Provine carried her Bossick's right. renee. Since then I have he-ard It at messu:;e verbatim the rPd fiush ot Turning his horse the sheriff :fol- le-agt thrice in the music halls, slightly lowed promptly. anger rose in her face again, and she altered in form but ba~ically the same. struck the stalllon a vicious cut with He was tense as a wire, alert, dread- 'l'he fir,t ver:-:ion, as I re!'all it, had to her quirt. lng discovery every moment, yet filled do with a couple of darkies In Mem- . Bluefire ro~e on his hind legs, pawwith excitement which sent the blood phis. ing, and shook las head in rage, the pounding in his ears. One> of th(>m, who posed as bad, had • As he neared the face of the precl- just announeed his intention of break'l'he summer drowsed along on , wild blood struggling with the tame in pice on the right, he saw Provine sit- ing into a chitterling supper where his Nameless, sweet with sun and t11e him. "If Bosslck ever speaks to you ting on his horse, saw Caldwell circle presence was not desired. His companlittle winds that stirred the pine tops, in to the wall and cutting in before ion followed him to the door. greeu with verdure and starred with again," said Kate, "you tell him to go to h-1, and that Kate Cathrew wild fl.owers. 'l'he lonesome world ot the massed cattle, go straight along its "I'll be- waitin' fur you outside length. The faint starlight was just yere,'' he stated. the jumbled hills Willi fair as Para- said so." "I did," said Basford, grlunlng, "and sufficient to show up bulk and move"Ef you ain·t gwine In wid me tain•t dise, wistful with silence, mysterious no use fur you to be han2:in' 'bout,'' with Its suggestion of eternal waiting. Sud objected." ment, not detail. He he-ard the fore~ He Had He01rd 01 C01ttle-Brute Bawl. "Where's your allegiance to Sky man begin to call "Coee-coo-ee-- said the truculent one. To 1-lance Allison, sitting listlessly on "Oh, ~·as dey Is,'' said the friend. her doorstep, It seemed strangely Line?" she asked Provine ln~tantly, Sheri!J Price Selwood sitting high on coo-ee"-and the next moment he the slope above Kate Cathr(>w's trail, could not believe his eyes, for horse "I'll wait 'round to carry ~·ou to yo' empty. There was nothing to do, now "must Basford show you loyalty?" "I can show him discretion,'' said as he had so often, doggedly follow- and rider melted headfirst Into the home> after de-m niggers In dere gits that the heavy labor of the haying wns over. She watched her three big Provine, evenly, "an' hit don't take ing his "hunch" and the pro!'<pector face of Rainbow ('l!tr, as a knife slices through wulildn' on you.'' into a surfat•e and disappear.s 1 Cald· "Not a chancet !" proclulm(>d the stacks with somber eyes, expecting much brains to see that. Do you want John Smith's dlscoyery. first negro, vaingloriously ; " 'sides these ranchers t' begin ridin' hard on Since that ride up Blue Stone can- well voice came from the heart o! the each ruorning to find them destroyed, w'ich I ain't got no home." us-nights, for instance, an' now?" yon he had taken turns with Smith ln wall, far away an d muffied, calling but nothing happened to them. K;ate frowne-d and tapped her boot. picketing Cattle Kate's outfit, but "Coo-ee--coo·ee"-l'rovine edged in "Oh, dat's alright,'' murmured his Bud carried his father's rifle now "The devil his due," she snJd pres- nothing untoward had taken place. and day after day he went morosely against the steers, shouting. he fol- friend softly, "I'm gwine d'g you one.'' e-ntly, "you're right, Pro\·ine," and Now he sat in tedious silence, lis· lowed suit. as to movement, though he Into the hills after venison. tening to the night sounds, unaware did not speak, and the dark blot of "Got to hang enough meat tor win- turned away. The ~ade-in-England The corrals were choked with cattle. that any one was out from Hky Line, thE' ma~s bej!'nn to flow into the solid ter," he told Nance when she looked Substitute Sky Line was r(>ady for its drive. since Caldwell and his com}mnions rock of the spine that crowned M$ sat him with troubled eyes. On the last night before the start had dropped diagonally down the slope tery ridge! An American actor with a reputa• "Got to remember that Commandthere was a peculiar te-nseness In evin their going, passing far ahove him. tion for wit-a reputation, by the Sheriff Selwood hnd solved the mys. ment which says, 'Thou shalt not erything about the busy place. Kate For an hour way, he which Is deserved-we-nt to a sat, slouching side- tery of the disapp(>nrlng steers-knew kill,' " she answered. Cathrew was everywhere. She> saw wise In his .luncheon ~adrtle, hi~ given by a famous actress hat pulled over to a certainty who were the rustlers "Brand said to carry the gun.'' what horses were ready for use, spoke his eyes. The bay horse stood in hlp- ot Nameless rive-r-and he could not to several members of her supporting "Brand said 'detend'-not 'murder.' Among the guests of get away with his knawledge quickly company. Hold hard, Bud. We've kept clean so sharply with every rider to make sure dropped rest, drowsing «'Omfortably. he knew what he was to do, and told , It was well afte-r midnight, judging enough. honor was an English leading man, tar." Therefore he reined his horse a~vay who rathtr fancied himself-and "Yes--and wbat've we got? A ,rave Rod Stone once more to get out ot the by the stars in the sky, when Selwood kitchen. suddenly held the breath he was draw- to the left, dropped back along the showed it. He monopolized the conand this." The boy laughed, but Minnie Pine ing Into hi8 lungs. herd, edged ol'l' a blt-a bit more- ver~atlon, spt'aking copiously and He shrugged hls sagging shoulder. glanced after her with smouldering He had heard a cattle-brute bawl. sidled into a sharlow-slipped behind feelingly of himself, his personality Quick tears came In Nance's eyes eye-s. For a moment he was still as death. the pine that made It-and putting the and his merits. ando she laid a hand upon it with in"She's a devil-the boss,'' she told From his place across the table Then he straightened up, every bay to a sharp walk, went down the ~te tenderness. Josefa, "I hate her.'' the American eyed him with a rapidnene ta6t. mountain. .;: ::;:·;a~~~ s~~. ;'bc~tm~o~:~or':e! After the early supper Caldw(>ll. He heanl the sounds of cattle-. the As the sounds behind him Jesse-ned ly enhancing disfavor. At length he Pro>lne, Basford and four others, crack of whips, the unmistakable com- he drew a good brPath and struck a turned to the man sitting next him some day." on the right. saddled fr(>sh horses and rodeawuy. motion of moving bodies. As It all spur to his horse,'~;; flunk. "Perhaps--free like our pappy.'' It was dark of the moon-as 1t was came nearer below him he caught the "Our British fdend onr there is (TO BE CONTINUED.) ll<:fld forbid!" said the girl with always when Sky Line gathered heef by way of being a regular nss isn't swish and splash of water, and knew trembling lips. -a soft windy dark, Ideal for the con- he was at last witnessing a raid of he?" he asked in a whisper. Keep on Keeping On cealment of rides, the disguising of rustlers, one of the mysterious "disap"Oh I'd hardly go so far as to say When last l went West by way ot CHAPTER XV sounds. pearanc('S" which had puzzled all the the Broadway Limited, l was sitting that," 9n$wered his neighhor. "\Veil, he'll do, won't he, tlll one They dropped down the mountain Deep Ileart country tor so long. on the observation platform, watching The Flange In Rainbow Cliff. at an s.ngle, beading nortll\\'est to He wished ferv~ntly that Smith were the seenery dash by, when the porter comes?" said the American. It was getting along into August. circle the end of Mystery, and they with him-that Bosslck and Jermyn carne out to straighte-n the chairs ln every cup and hollow of the Deep followed no trail. which had been left In some disorder and all the rest were there. The Trifles of an Earlier Day Heart hills the forage was deep and They were all armed and all wore His heart was beating hard and to by a group of young folks. plentiful. Cattle, scattered through dark clothing. , In the great Meuse-Argonne ad"We don·t seem to be going so much save his life he could not help the exthe broken country, waxed sleek and Caldwell, leading, kept well up on citement which took hold upon him. vance two doughboys were squntted faster than ao ordinary local train. fat. They had nothing to do but fill the slope above the riYer and after in a sbell hole for shelter. In anAnd presently he heard. directly be- George," I commented. "How, then, their paunches In the sunlit glades two hours' hard going they were well neath him where Kate Cathrew's trail can this fle the fastest train on earth?'' othe-r minute or two they expected an and chew tbftir cuds on the shadowed around the northwest end of Mystery crossed Name-less, the trample ah.:l ·•wall. suh."' replied the African, order to go forward again against alopes. ridge which flared like a lady's old- crack of myriad hoofs taking to the with a grin. "de fuc' is we nils doan go the G~rman positions. The (>nemy Hossick, riding his range one day, fashioned skirt, and heading down Into rocky slope. The riders were turn· no fnste-r'n lots of them pesky locals, was pouring eve-rything he had in came upon Bia- Basford and Sud Pro- the glad('S that broke the jumbled ing the steers up toward Sky Line hut we gits dar in quick time because their <'irectlon. Machine·gun bullets vine ambling do~·n toward the upper ridges of the Upper country. we jist keeps on keeping on."-W. L. were whining by just above their ranch I reacnes of Nameless. heads. High explosives and shrapnel Here Bosslck, a rich man, ran his Barnhart In Forbes Magazine. But what could they do with them shells Their horses were tired, gt\·ing evl- cattle and had his holdings. v.ere bursting about them. there? Hundreds of guns, big and •little, ~I"OCE' ot hard going, and the cattleHis ranch lay well ba~k from the Where could they hide them? Did Seem Hard Job roared and thondered. bJIW stopved and looked At them with river and up, but his stock ranged Sheriff Selwood had food for It was all on account of the labels. One of th~ toldiers turned hUI bead hestlle eye~ down. That was why it had been thought but little time to use :~. He DMtor Glass had to 8end a I>Ox of "Pretty rar otr your stamptn, easy prey for the mysterious rustlers had only time for decision, and for pills to a patient, wh!le there were half toward his companion. "Buddy,'' be said. "l"ve jul!'t been ground aln·t you?" he asked of Nameless river. the action which was to follow swiftly a diJzen Jive chickens to be deltvered layin' here thinkin'.'' Prova e grinned. These men did not talk. on that de!'lsion. to one of his friends. "H-1 o! a time to be thinkin'," He was a slow-moving indivlduatr They rode with a purpose and they As the oottle !'arne np the slope, 'fhe ;abels got mixea and the measaid his pal: "What were you thinkin' with a bad black eye and a reputa- were alert to every sound, their nerves pushed by the many horsemen who senger delivered the pllls to the doc· about?" tlon with the gun that always roue were taut as fiddle strings. completely encircled them. they left u tor's friend. "1 was thinkin' how a fellow's rils thlrll, though hP. had been mild As they trotted up the glade the broad trail, their tracks all going uoSo far not rn11~h harm halt been feelin's get changed In this wn•··" eoou~th on Nameless. It was the little little wind that drew from the can- ward-all this passed through biA oone; but the patie-nt was pained on J "What do you mean-get changed?" Wlmple of trailing whispers which had yon at Its head brought the scent ot racing mind. J receiving & hamper of live rowas ano "Why, once upon a time, back -me Into the country behind him that cattle, IU'I.d presently they came upon What was to prevent him or any an envelope contalnln;; the tollowm.J • home, a fellow with a thirty-eight llao put the brand upon him. • borae aad rlder standing JJke a oae else from rldln' straight up to instructions : "Two of these to t>e IWII&calibe-r pistol run me plum' out of ==-. ...~ ""·" be 1111nswered lnsoi•tJ¥. 1tatue 1D. the aha4owa. their destlnatiOD b7 broacl dayllgbtl lowed eveQ' llaU Mar Ia wat•·" to1111l." -13"l'ust wbtt always l&ld ,.. erled wood deUchtedly, "I knew that long o. The.re'a one or two who do pass mUIIter-ber foreman and that black 4e't11. from Texas, Sud Pl'O'I'ine. The reet are dq stu1f.'' "Tbe7 are, without exception, erlmlaala who haYe been defended by one of the &bleat lawyers in New York and acquitted. They owe him a lotand be has 10metblng more on each ne ot them, so that they are his heDchmen in every Instance. This man Is Lawrence Arnold." "Kate Cathrew's partner I He owns halt of Sk7 Line I" "Exactly. When be gets hold of a man he wants to use, he seems to send him here. I have recognized three of these riders alrea"~, though none of I• '4.1 them knew me." "Excuse me, mister," said Selwood, "but how do you happen to know so much?" "That question is your right, and I will answer lt. Kate Cathrew was a New York woman-! knew her there 110me six years ago. She was clever then-and unscrupulous, always playr lnc for her own advancement. It was along that line that she did the deed tor which I have bunted her downand found her at last. What deed that was I am not ready to say, nor to whom it was done. It must suffice tor the present to tell you that it ruined one Ute and bade fair to ruin another until I stepped In to take a hand. These two Uvea were very near my own-and tor their sake I have become a wanderer, a homeless tramp, searching the lone places of the West to find this woman and make her paJ-to bring her to justice. I watched Lawrence Arnold tor three years before I started and 1 knew he was In touch with her, that between them some way they were making money, but I could never get track of her through him. He was too sharp for me. I have visited every cattle ranch owned by a woman In the whole United States, It seems to me. I found seven In Texas, two In Montana, and more in Idaho. I have ridden this little chap thousands of miles, shipped him with me by rail thou· &ands more. I knew it was cattle stu!J from some of Ar"lold'a deals, but where I they came from has .been a mysteryuntil two months ago. Now you know what I am and why rm on Cattle Kate's trail like a nemesis. I think, lt we work together, we'll land her I soon-and land her hard and fast where she belongs." "Amen to that," said Selwood !erYently. rn • • • • By VINGm E. ROE I • 1 1 l l j SOME MIDDLE-AGED WOMEN . ARE AILING ALL THE TIME Mra. Ackerman and Mrs. Mayer Tell Women How Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Helped Them at This Trying Period it, and before she had taken one bottle she said to me 'You won't have to pay for it! It Is helping me wonder!uU..rl' And she took three bottles of 1t. You can use my testi, monial if you wish.'' - Mrs. ELata ACURUAN, Convoy, Ohio. Mrs. Mayer's Experience CONVOY, OHIO Litchfteldr Conn.-''1 have given your medicme a fair trial (I am on my fifth bottle) and can truthfully say that it has helped me. I am at the Chanl!\e of Life and was not able to sleep mghts, had indigestion, palpitation of the heart, pains in my right and left sides (more so if I hurried), had a rapid beating in my left ear and dreaded to soo night come. I felt smothered if I lay- on my left side, I had gas dreadfully, at times felt as if some one had me by the throat, had hot waves through mo and sometimes I would shake in spells of nervousness. I am taking I.;ydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and I cannot praise it enough. I can say it does all it claims to do and I can recommend it to my friends. I can sleep much better, the pains in my sides are gone, I am not so nervous my digestion is much better, and I very seldom have the hot waves. I must say that the Vesetable Com· pound is the best medicine for women's ills and I will answer letter& from women asking about it. " - Convoy, Ohio.-..During the Change of Life I was weak and run-down and could hardly do my work. By reading your advertisements I found out about Lydia E. Pinkh'1.m's Ve~etable Compound and it has straightened me right out and made me feel like anew woman. By the time I had taken eight bottles I was well and could do my housework on the farm without trouble. I recommended it to my daughter-in-law after her second baby was born and it did her a wonderful lot of ~ood. I told her to try it and Mrs. JoSEPH MAYER, SR., Box 86, if it d1dn't help her I would pay for Litchfield, Connecticut. Evidently Had Not Might Be Construed Absorbed "Business'' cu "Gentle Hint" A story is being told of the engagement of an additional chorus man for the musical production, "Rose Marie," at Drury Lane theater. The · male chorus In the show are mainly mounted pollee and frontiersmen, for the action of "Rose Marie" takes place in northwest Canada. Out of the two hundred applicants ~or the position one was selected because of hls excellent voice. He was duly brought before the "powers that be,'' and promptly turned down as looking "nothing like the part." The produ!'er was keen to have him and made Inquiries as to his previous stage experience. Imagine his surprise when the man replied, "I haven't done much acting laiely-l've spent my last five years In the Canadian Northwest Mounted x•olice !"-Vancouver ProvInce. Freshen a Heavy Skin With the antiseptic, fascinating Cutl· cura Talcum Powder, an exquisitely Ecented, economical face, skin, baby and dusting powder and perfume. Renders other perfumes superfluous . One of the Cutlcura Toilet Trio (Soap, Ointment, Talcum).-Advertisement. Spanish Grandee Well Loaded With Titles The duke of Alba Is a duke by four other titles than Alba. He Is a marquis by ten titles attached to as many landed estate-IS. He Is the twentyfourth count of Lemos-tltat title goes back beyond the year 1000-and he ir; count 13 timei' elsewherP. Ann he Is hereditary ron~tahle of .:\'avarre, once a kingdom not to be sneezerl at. Therluke'R father, from whom he> inherited all thi~ nobility, died in "'ew York 24 ye-ars ago. This does not end the mixed and marvelous blood boiling In the v(>lns of thli!! grnmi(>{' who turns to the> pPople>. His family name Is Fitz-Jamps and he is tenth duke of ll(>rwlck In Scotland, which means he Is dP~c~>n<led straight from James the Recond. the la!'t of the Stuart kings of England. And it all'lo means he is a descendant of Mary QuePn of Scots. A Vanishing Art Little Francis Irwin, film prodigy, Is very partial to ice cream cones and discovered that the way to get them was to speak up on any and all occasions. His parents often reproved him and finally, with the threat of a spanking hanglng over his head, little Francls I apsed in to silence. A few days later the company went on location. Francis said not a word and w.hen the car hesitated while the driver tried to ascertain which street to take, one of the party asked the child it he were gettlng sleepy. "Oh, no," said Francis, "I was just wondering lt you were looking for a drug store.'' Quick Safe Relief CORNS ln one minute-or leoo-the pain ends. Dr. Scholl·o Zlno-pad Ia the aafe, sure, hullns treatment for corns At dru~t and shoe storee. Dr SchoU's Zino~pads Pu.~ on• on- ~he pain i• soae Reckle•• Motorist. Practically every day last year a Long I slnnd railroad crossing gate was broken bY a motorist, who crashed through after the gates had been lowered, according to the statistics of the railroad company. The same average of one broken gate a day Is continuing this year. BELL-ANS Hot water Sure Relief ELL·ANS With the d(>ath of Horatio Amos, one of the last survivors of the olo 25; AND 75; PACKAGES EVERYWHERE Pequot Indians at MashpeP, the art of making the Cape Cod type of aborfg. Yon never can tell. 'l'he richest lnal "back basket" from white oak people In the world can't always raise splints Is another step nearer vanish- the price of a little optimism. Ing. One hates to be jealous, but, Ulre Marriage soon cures a mnn of the worry, It is one of those things JOU flattery habit. can't help. MOTHER:- Fletcher's Castoria is a pleasant, hannlest Substitute for Castor Oil, Par&o goric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, especially prepared for Infants in anns and Children all ages. ~ To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of Proven directions .2!! ~ package. Physicians everywbcrc rec:oDIJDeDii it. |