Show utah stake latter day saints meet THE law OF it i the hibst prominent theme touched upon three apostle present SATURDAY president reed was the first speaker ho said he noticed while traveling through the stake improvements in many of the wards and hoped that other warda would follow in thia line ho exhorted the saints to respond liberally to the calls of the priesthood and urged more prompt temple working he said that a bishop in this stake had told him that it was necessary for the people to pay tithing when they were in debt he did not so understand the law of tithing it is the duty of all saints to pay their tithing that they may reap the blessings of the almighty apostle F M lyman spoke rett ho said the saints were made perfect by their trials and tribulations referred to the trials in early church history when some of the saints had proved to the world that they were a united peo pie having endured tho trials brought to bear against them reference was made to the josephite church and the principles practiced by them but they have not received the word of god through revelation a we have urged all to be faithful and endure to the end those who do not pay tithing will apostatize sooner or later unless they repented apostle brigham young was the next i beeaker Bp eaker he referred to the principle of tithing aa being as necessary as baptism ha read a revelation given to joseph smith in 1831 which bays that those who pay tithing shall not be burned after singing and benediction the meeting adjourned until sunday morning SUNDAY FORE yoO pres wm was the first speaker gp eaker ai the services sunday forenoon the latter day saints he aid are blessed beyond beaure me aure being engaged in the work of jesus christ we know that smith was a prophet called to build up this great work we have great reason to rejoice in the knowledge of the divinity of this work and of the divine mission of joseph smith alao of the knowledge that we will be blessed i and regain the presence of god if we are fal hul and ment it is a requirement of the latter day saints to be obedient to the prin caplea 0 the coipel and it we do not accept the teachings laid down to us wo will not receive our reward speaker exhorted all to be honest and faithful and assist in building up the work pres seymour B young spoke next he said the more experience he had in thit work the bronger tr was hia testimony speaker did not think there was a particle of doubt in the minds of the sainta aa to the divine mission of joseph smith the gospel of christ has been established upon tha earth aud it is spreading most wonderfully not only ia it increasing in this land but in foreign nations it must go on it must continue to be spread until all israel is gathered at mount zion in the death of joseph smith john taylor and brigham young the people did not loaa their faith they realized the importance of the doctrine and the work went on wilbord woodruff is now presiding over the work and it will continue to spread the men who preside over this work are men who have been called of god and are BO blessed with his spirit that they can give the sainta advise in all ahinga the necessity of the saints having wisdom and understanding in connection with their faith waa then urged the first of the church the quorum of twelve apostles the officers of the local organizations of the chuich the stake presidency and the high council of this stake together with officers of church organizations of the take were then sustained by the saints present gA postle john henry smith then addressed the congregation for bome time on the obligations of the saints in their duties toward the church and the duties of the husband and wife in their house 1 hold circles it behooves hooves he the latter day saints to keep their eyes open to the promises of a just god given to all who will oby the commandments laid down after singing and benediction the conference adjourned until 2 |