Show it Is all a suspicion democrats generally are disgusted with their criss As the salt lake tribune aptly said it went up ilka a rocket and it has come awn like a charred stick it will blacken the hands of all who undertake to handle it hereafter the delegates have no desire to meet again agnin in convention and desousa the matter mr powers will have to do all the wild talking and then his audience will not be enthusiastic thusia the realize thamm this cr isiH they acted on the holaly suspicion their co called grievances are not well founded the disciplinary remarks 0 president burrt generally dud to hate had no political significance except that which democrats Damoc rats have placed I 1 upon the words judge powers was asked by the arana do boj think that joseph F smith ic his remarks to the priesthood to change the xieng ot any mormon democrats BO that they should vote th republican publican Ra ticket in november mr powers answered 1 do noi believe that was mr smiths notion but suppose that that had beon the keynote of hi criticism what better matlion could he h ava pursued it is all a suspicion the democrats themselves do not believe that the remarks were for the purpose of making republican votes their call for the convening reconvening re of tho convention been caused by the efforts of unscrupulous republicans who have used and distorted ill advised statements of high church officials the re marlas them are not named as the cause of tha crisis bat the distortion of those remarks now we maintain that the distortion iii by the democrats in the first place that priesthood meeting was private and remarks made abara were presumed to go no further they at once carried to J adge powers by whom certainly not by republicans and tho first public intimation or distortion of those rem arks cama through judge powers when ne precipitated bis political crisis democrats are responsible for tha whole fiasco and they may have their fun all to themselves but they will have to pay dearly for their nov ath |