Show 1 1 1 I mm el mi OUR LACK OF prosperity plainly traceable to the reduction of the enrin ballot flox frauda ap HP rally at provo saturday venine wab dimply a bummer ined to hold an opposition hut now they wish they thiv did not succeed in betting more than voters out aba cavalry which wa generally praised on its first appearance beaded br the provo free silver band and the hcan drum boru went to th roberts hotel and the peak cra to the opera home it required about two to corn fort ably fill the bopra hauae when opened in three mini itea the building was packed and the people kept crowd inn until there room for one more ater an opening Be lection by the the swinger broth cra were presented by chairman graham and rendered one of their dining bonisa the bova mot with faar extreme favor and were called buck ascend and a third time at th cloa of each selection the applause wa tumultuous ahn first of tha wag hon A 0 hatch he opened his ri marks by re ferrini to a time lhnn the people of the united states did not believe it right to tax the wealth of the state for the japport of schools ant now very few other than tatt the stats should be taxed for that pur pose it is cooB dered beneficial to tae state that its be de the earne which are advanced in favor of the taxing of the people for schools can also ha aseal in lavor of fostering home industries rOT erty and idleness idl enesa are fruitful ot crima it afi theradore ther afore beneficial to the aiato that ita people should ba employed the sneaker cloaked by show aai clearly that it was but the wealthy who pay the great bulk of taxes joseah stanford of odan delivered a eolen did political educational speech the disadvantages of the republican party at the time of the division on party lines wire to and he crowth ot the parly from ia 1891 to 23 in 1894 was traced and the educational work done by the can party araiK ned as the cause of tam growth A tree iq known by its ernits eald the speaker ep eaker and he then proceeded to examine the arnita of the tree of protection and the fruits of the fre trade tree the periods of protection and frea trade from 1789 to the time abre dwelt upon and the tree was to have borne good bruit and the rea trade tree the opposite extracts were read froio the niese azea ot washington adams aud jefferson favoring a pro tariff jefferson went so far as to arged a tariff and yet the democrats claim to ba the followers of jefferson Jeffy could arise from ois grave he would not accept them aa hia legitimate children but would denounce them as degenerate ob sprine who have departed from his teachings the boasted free period of W to ag received due attention the nation was durin fi those times not as a result of free trade but in spite of free trad atio gold bield of california over ft thousand mil liona of dollar tho crimean war the potato fannae faunae in ireland a d mothr causes made the country prosperous but alien these aeed oar prosperity ceased came to a litand abill aa stated in the message of the democratic buchanan the democratic party was charged with being for the present financial and industrial depression depre scion and the charge wis proven grover was quoted in support of the position taken by the speaker when grover called ha special for the purpose of repealing the purchasing act which provided for the of of silver per month in hn that tr dina di rust hil sud deny ap and focay bad ben b en witt dawn from circulation aud up in bank why waa thin the threat abed frae measure the of ane subsidizing izing of the U P and 0 P railways by 13 acrea ol 01 annd at oden under the advice 0 president young waa related to abow mat the pion yera and early leadora ol 01 this community believed in fosterine fot erine borne industries and in principle where 10 had bean given these railroads the people oi bid received ft 1003 in return fhe speaker cload with the cheering newa that where he hid bien baump edg the republicans were still ing in strength and the democrats de creavin crea ain alen came those inimitable bove acain creating tremendous outbursts of the young political striker hon john M zane followed he opened by referring lo 10 hia aarie experiences perien ces in proto and the political growth of utah county he then entered upon a recent issue which had been injected into the campaign juat what thia criag is to be we do not know antil the demoralizing convention in salt lake city A little scrap of J L Bawl mas hartory waa viz his attack upon the first presidency of the dominant church in juda e powers next received some at in relation to some of hia political last he charged the elret presidency with bema interested ed in the auar trust that waa his last year this year ha hag another phase of a crisis of boat he is pleased to term church influence he is a man of crises get through ft cam caien without a crisis then ane speaker gave tb reason for th powers received word from all abe counties republican gaina and it made him eick ha had to have a cria is the convention will meat and have two or ahrea more columbe of powers aena ekas talk and thin adjourn toil talk on the w brimful of wit and salient cointa the fl proceeded with a good strong tariff talk relating to the eventa of today the louisea of the united aratea and the ebina of at conr expense were vividly portrayed ta ne bill words WB have A lien of satisfaction and a revival of aad nefie in circles wage in the the united have fallen from over two billion dolora a year to a little over a billica bil lioa nearly one bait it any bouder the poor man is cut oi emelay anent the lab ar article of the bonati julioo waa read and commented upon and shown to ba favorable in every way to labor and the laboring man and jet rim joberta Ko berta 8 B thurman and voiad thear icle aud buc B H keprta claims tot be a to tho laboring kaaa but dij record shows that if yon send him 10 congress he will not rots for the la man A word waa aard in faaoi of honeas elections ald a review waa given ot ballot box bluffing at the laet ane fact was sahwn ahee brauda were in counties chich were very close and there were just enough of thim to civo the democrats a majority in the convention showing a on the part of demo cratic of the mission and democratic leaders to bretl the election the commission Commie sion refused to ii feua certificate a to john henra smith and geo K emery although thane men bad been benei aly elected and when they were given their beata la me convention tha democrats 0 the con vent lon with four or anve against beating these men the party supported the utah in what aber had clone ahey only emd we are borry not thai yon did it but that you maat a belter jui juit t of it the have be courts and the office in their handa and yet thoy have hot pio any of these ballot box etui oin either sall lake or weber this ia one oi the ot this when we placa our hit llota in the box we want them counted ahe meeting closed with a chopla ol 01 by the swingers and matic by the band |