Show eltray NOTICE my the described impounded ats datray one white yearline yearl lne heker crop and wo bills in ear two sills la left ear brand on light shoulder Ona brindle ser past ase under belly white cot on romp allt tn aft ar brand on right t E isaf s ona black baltor two gesn old crop off belt ear brand oa lett nip r one sorrel mare two yaw old whit poun tire had brand oa left thigh re one bay horab about eight rears old walto in forehead left hind blind on left alp if damace aad coata on ald not paid within ten days froia dato of this notice the v will be bold ato cash bidder at provo pound at 2 ic on stift day of october Uc tober 1895 dated at fiovo city utah county acry of utah luh day of october D ot aard city |