Show A SPECIFIC TOR la grippe for golds coughs AND LUNG TROUBLES CHERRY two years ago I 1 had the grippe and it left me with a cough which gave mo no rest night or day my family physician prescribed for me changing tho medicine as often as he found the things I 1 had taken were not helping jarw sa rw roe hut in spite of his attendance got no better finally my husband reading on day ol 01 a gentleman who had had tho grippe and was cured by taking ayers cherry pectoral procured jor me a bottle of this medicine and before I 1 had taken half of it I 1 was cured I 1 have used the pectoral for my children and in my family whenever we havo needed it and have fondd it a specific lor colds coughs and lung troubles EMILY north st elkton md ayers cherry pectoral highest honors at worlds fair the atsa with aar when baby waa alck we gave her castoria when sho vu a caid she cried for castoria Cast orfa abea she becaro asa she c aag to castoria when she bad children aha gave theba caslo the worlds fair tess showed baking powder so awo or so great la lew baag power as the RO uintah publican ticket vernal utah oct 19 special via price utah oct 20 the held a convention apra to chy and nominated G E adama for in the and N Q howards bior superintendent of DR GUNNS laeff PILLS A MILD waff ONTE poil A DOSE A ot bawol each dij 1 fee throe tynca loolu toi inake it reff clu thy oar headache blui jere cad ciglar tho better than aba neither cor to TOO we mhd MED ca r bold by paint oo 00 y t i V awarded highest honors worlds fair MOST PERFECT MAP A pure grape cream of tartar funder fret rom ammonia alum or any other adulterant do YEARS THE free pills send your address to H E bucklen co chicago and get a free sample box of hr kinga new life pills A trial will convince you of their merits these pills are easy in action and aro in the cure of constipation and sick headache for malaria and troa blea bleyl have been proved invaluable chev are guaranteed 10 be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to bal purely vegetable they do not weaken by their action but by eivion tone to stomach and bobala invigorate the system regular eize per box sold by excelsior arne and paint co sirs wife of the editor of the graphic the leading local paper ot miami county 1 I was troubled with beart disease or eix years severe palpitations shortness of breath together with anch extreme nervousness that at times I 1 would walk the floor nearly all night wa consulted the best talent they said there was no help for me that I 1 had organic disease of tho heart for which there was no remedy I 1 baa read your advertisement in the graphic and year ago as a last resort tried one bottle ot ar yew cure for the heart which convinced mo that there was true merit in it I 1 toon three bottles each of abo beart cure and restorative bervine and IS dmn cured me I 1 sleep well at night my heart beats regularly and I 1 have no more smothering spells I 1 wish to eay to all who are suffering as I 1 did theres relief untold tor them it they will only give your remedies just one trial dr miles heart cure Is sold on a guat anteo that tho first bottle will benefit all druggists sell it at 81 6 bottles for 5 or it will be sent prepaid pre paid on receipt of price the dr miles medical go elkhart lad dr Miles Heart cure restores health S S S J JOHM AJ 0 GRAHAM manager r ONE ONLY bionday SIon day october 21 great realistic comedy drama n has earned more applause than aay train ever made up FIVE YEARS OF SUCCESS seats on sale saturday 10 a mt prices acta 50 acta 26 ota OUR MOTTO STILL IS hoisie 99 atad oly little lit tle aio tory i blah 13 last ON SATURDAY SEPT 7 WE SHALL MAKE A SPECIAL SALE ON NECKWEAR 1000 at 25 each pairs no L pants shades ard colors at each A SINGLETON suot EL SINGLETON CO OUR STORE from now pair h an get any of our shoes in the house for shoes worth m and follows ap the una to W ladies shoes from ap to S s f T y is just TYE bomya do time to talk right to the point white shirts any length of sleeve and size neck mills seems with 10 gussett value they eo 3 for L t 1 40 dozen laundries la shirts made as above value they go for t i T 22 dozen mens stiff fedora hats value aorl i we have put in stock the celebrated kotlier y hopkins knee pants and suits riveted buttons sewed with silk double knee and seat we have the best line of boys shoes ranging in price from to every pair guaranteed thesa prices prevail until |