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Show ' ' 1 H TA L'-K.S ' 11 . PLI y' Z " " "' . -i-IWlJ -C- f) H W c ft by WILLIAM BRADY.MD '!&, Lend Poiftnnincr Occupations which subject the operatives op-eratives to lead poisoning arc very numerous. Among them arc the process proc-ess of obtaining lead from the ore, making white and red lead, glazing and pottery, tile making, porcelain enamelling, making china ware, zinc smelting, brass and nickel polishing, type-founding and typesetting and linotyping, manufacturing and charging charg-ing storage batteries, dyeing, printing, print-ing, holding "tinned" nails or tacks in the mouth, glass cutting and polishing, polish-ing, plumbing, painting, leather varnishing, var-nishing, working in weighted silk or biting or chewing upon weighted thread, making artificial flowers, making mak-ing artificial jewels, and various kinds of electrical work. Less frequent causes of lead poisoning poison-ing arc chewing tinfoil, drinking water which has stood over night in a section sec-tion of lead pipe, drinking beer which has passed through lead pipe, taking lead acetate internally in pills for diarrhoea, applying lead acetate or other lead salts in hair dyes, applying "flake white" as a complexion beauti-ficr, beauti-ficr, and the prolonged application of the absurd old "lead water and laudanum" laud-anum" wash to abraded or raw surfaces sur-faces as a dressing. Symptoms of chronic lead poisoning poison-ing are notoriously deceptive and may mimic almost any functional or organic or-ganic nervous disorder. Paralysis, particularly "wrist drop" or weakness the wrists, is one of the most com-on com-on signs. Pallor from anemia due destruction of red corpuscles, and gh blood pressure due to arterial nanges are frequently noted. At.-icks At.-icks of abdominal cramp or colic re characteristic. Obstinate constipation consti-pation is usual. Wild maniacal dc-rium dc-rium sometimes occurs, also seizures oscmbling epilepsy and hysteria. mnt and failure of vision sometimes velop A tremor of the forearms Dr. Brady tcfT7 answer aTl signed Jctt wtitcrs arc' never printed. Only inquiries olumn; but all inquiries trill be answer nvclope is enclosed Requests for diapnosi be considered. Address Dr. William Brady may appear. 'A suggestive sign is a blue line upon the edges of the gums near the teeth. The manner in which lead poisoning poison-ing occurs, that is, the way in which the poison is absorbed, is uncertain. Probably inhalation of dust or fumes containing the lead is the usual way, QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Head Noises For six or eight months, when I retire at night, and only then, there are repeated knocklnga or tickings In my right car. Tho Bounds are Intermittent, nnd occur no matter In what position I lie. I recall reading somewhere that such tickings are the forerunner of somo ailment. My hearing hear-ing In good and the ear does not bother me In any othor way. I am a lawyer. Should I do anything about this? ANSWDIl. Perhaps there lo an accumulation accum-ulation ot cerumen in the ear canal. Let your doctor take a peck Into the car with his searchlight. Or maybe you smoke one cigar too many before retlrfng. Third nnd last gueas: Thickened turbinate turbi-nate body In noBe. Old Lady Seventy-Seven. I am an old lady 77. I don't carry a horn and I havo no flsh for koIc I do get out every morning for my constitutional, constitu-tional, nikl I don't wear any coddling clothes. In our household It Is my daughter daugh-ter and my grand-dnughters who rear fresh air. Thev call me crazy because I am not -afraid of it. So please except ono old lady In a fair state of preservation when you pay your respects to the grandmothers and tho fishwives Goodness knovts, too many of the- former are tho latter, Just as you so clearly show. (Mrs. M. B. B.) Lupus (Tuberculosis of Skin or Mucosa) I am 48 years old, nnd have had lupus of tho nasal lining for ten years I havo been under the doctorV? caro continuously, but I do not seem to gain Kindly tell me If there Is any use to fight It longer, or might I Just as well give up Two microscopical examinations have been made, both proving It Is lupus. (J. M. It.) ANSWER Tho only things I can suggest sug-gest are the Flnscn light treatment (which you may have had) nnd the open air sunbath, or solar treatment The latter Is a method worthy of your careful Investigation. In-vestigation. crs pertaining to Jicalth. Tho names of of fcncral interest arc ansurrcd in this cd by mail if a stamped sclf-addrcsscd s or treatment of indliidual cases cannot , care of this nciospaoer. |