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Show Society DAUGHTERS OF PIONEERS. The following companies of the Daughters of Pioneers will meet Thursday, April 26, at 2:30 o'clock: Company A, or Jane S. Richards company, will meet with. Mrs. C. Stowe, 636 Seventh street; Company Laura Gibbs with Mrs. Annio Riley, 2670 Monroe avenue; Elizabeth God-dard, God-dard, board member present; Company Com-pany C, or Mary Brown company, with Mrs. M. A. Harris, 2459 Adams, Mrs, Jeaunotte Morrell present; Company N, or Nancy Emmett company, witli Mrs. Henrietta Williams, 2219 Hudson Hud-son avonue, Amelia Flygare present; Company J, with Mrs. R. J. Mlddleton, 516 West Twentieth street, Rae Mlddleton, Mld-dleton, visiting board member; Company Com-pany E, or Caroline Capson company, with Mrs. Sarah Pingreo, 3065 Washington Wash-ington avenue, Mrs. Cortez with board members present Company D meeting has been postponed post-poned until May 3, when the members will meet with Mrs. White. Company R, or Malinda Hatch, will meet with Mrs. Mattle Read, 112-J Washington avenue, with Rose Ballan tyno visiting board member; Company J with Mrs. Athloen Jenkins. 2343 Van Buren nvenuo. Mrs. Ida Tresedei board member present. DEPARTS FOR CHEYENNE Mrs. Alfred Rutherglen will leave tomorrow for her homo in Cheyenne, after a pleasant two weeks' visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Powell, Pow-ell, 2460 Madison avenue. AFTERNOON TEA The regular tea of Queen Esther chapter No. 4, O. E. S., will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 '30 o'clock in the Masonic parlors. All members of Eastern Star and especially visiting members are Invited to bo present. FOR MISS REAGAN Friends of Lenora Reagan pleasantly pleasant-ly surprised her at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tribe, 551 Twenty-third Twenty-third street, last Saturday. The evening eve-ning was spent in dancing and a luncheon was served. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Byron Dee, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGregor, Mc-Gregor, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rasmussen, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Blakely, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tribe, Miss Eva English, Miss Grolten. Mrs Palmer, Mr. Hlck-enlooper, Hlck-enlooper, Mr. Higginbotham, Mr. William Wil-liam Punly, Mr. Morrison and Mr. Biddle. |