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Show Keen Racing Card j Secured for Fair; . I Lovers of dirt course events are in i for some fine entertainment this year j at the Utah State Fair, October 1 to ; 8. To say it will be equal in speed; and variety to last year's card is to i pay it a superlative compliment, but l! at even would scarcely do it justice. jus-tice. Most of the owners of strings of horses and individual "stars" entered en-tered last year will be back to claim this season's laurels. Besides, there will be many new entries and scores of "dark horses." The daily events will be a well balanced bal-anced dirt course sb"v, trotting and racing stock vieing tor the honors ;;nd the cheering of iA crowds. The b'st jockeys of the country will cl is play their skill. The fastest trotting horses from far and near will display their usual brilliance and speed. Utah is fast becoming famous as a racing center. This fact is due in no1 small measure to the emphasis the j State Fair annually puts upon this sport. It is due in part, too, to the i state's central location with respect to the livestock industry. It is no exaggeration exag-geration to say that Utah's yearly exposition ex-position attracts the very bust of th.: racing stock west of the Mississippi. There will be the usual line of trick and novelty riding and roping events to alternate with the speed numbers Some real thriller-;, never 'seen before at the fair grounds, arc promised by the director of the amusement division. |