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Show MAKING GOOD IN A SMALL TOWN Real Stories About Real Girls By MRS. HARLAND H. ALLEN (, 192,, Western Newspaper Union.) INSURANCE SELLING AS AN INCOME SOURCE '"pHE girl who has been successful since childhood In "persuading people peo-ple to do things" has the faculties which she can capitalize In selling Insurance. In-surance. For the power of persuasion, plus the art of attention, comprises the science of salesmanship. So a small-town girl who succeeded In selling me an accident policy gave me to understand, In a conversation subsequent to the transaction. "It's the girl who's always been able to 'talk people around' ; who always got the best of It when she 'swapped clothes' with, her sisters that's the girl who should sell insurance," she declared. "No girl should take up the work unless she likes to sell ; unless. In minor, everyday ways, she has always al-ways been successful In selling." In other words, the Insurance agent must, paradoxically, be successful before be-fore she even starts work 1 Now, for the girl who believes she is already successful In selling Insurance Is an invitation nnd an opportunity. Sh does not need to maintain an office ; she does not need to keep regular hours; she may devote her full time, or only part of it, to the business ; she may easily be successful with only a common school education; and she has at her disposal any one of a number of kinds of insurance which she may choose life, accident, fire, hall, tornado tor-nado or lightning. The prospective agent should decide her special line of business with consideration con-sideration for the type of community In which she lives, as well as her personal per-sonal inclinations In the matter. Sbe should cultivate a "Uoe of talk" suitable suit-able to the type of Insurance. While it Is a business proposition, It has a great deal of sentiment connected with It for most people think of It as a protection to those dear to them. The first actual step for the prospective pros-pective Insurance saleswoman to take, after preliminaries are settled, Is to select a company and get the appointment appoint-ment as agent. She should consider the local "styles" In companies, and connect with a concern that Is already favorably known In the locality. Since the insurance saleswoman's income Is almost always on a commission commis-sion basis, It depends on her own ability abil-ity and industry. Then, too, the business busi-ness tends to build itself up, since each policy holder also "has a friend who has a friend." Then, the renewals. renew-als. Many of them are almost automatic, auto-matic, and will give to the saleswoman a truly "effortless Income." |