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Show BROUGHT HOME FROM MEXICO ON STRETCHER But Mrs. Herman Is Now in Good Health, Thanks to Tanlac A few years ago Mrs. M. E. ITer-man, ITer-man, 215 Ilitcbings St., San Antonio, Texas, "returned to the states from Monterey, Mexico," she says, "In such a low state of health that she had to be carried to her home on a stretcher." As time went on and she still lingered lin-gered in the throes of "Nerve exhaustion, exhaus-tion, stomach disorders and bodily weakness," she determined, "on the advice of her druggist," to try Tanlac, which she declares "brought back my health and strength after I had almost despaired of ever getting well." The results of Tanlac In the case of Mrs. Herman, while indeed remarkable, remark-able, are by no means unusual for Tanlac, as many hindreds of people everywhere have' testified to having taken the. famous medicine with no less, wonderftd results. "I returned fnjjn Mexico," said Mrs. Herman, "so thin, amp weak- that I feared my life was gojng to be cut short. I could neither eat or sleep in a natural way and Itseemed at times that heart palpitation and nerve exhaustion ex-haustion would take me away. "The makers of Tanlac will always have my heartfelt' thanks, for it is to Tanlac that I attribute my recovery and present good health. Tanlac Is like a blessing from heaven to me, that is the way I think about it." Tanlac is for sale by all good druggists. drug-gists. Accept" no substitute. Over 40 'Million bottles sold. Tanlac Vegetable Tills, for constipation, consti-pation, made nnd recommended by the manufacturers of TANLAC. |