Show application FOR application tor U S patent NOTICE hen by that af 0 D samuel win I 1 knapp J P E U pa do claim alx hundred fact in and dot claim more iliac one tool lot t in tho morning claim boang a llcy bearing vein ol 01 in alace w tho lan and iri alc appi to tall polut all JO alin incan bounly of lox l ld r moro fully an follow to hit tt a point 37 ilag 31 E coir hundred and ten feet distant from mineral no 1 alio llio time being the corner of I 1 tronco N 79 d g E fur hundred and forty fatt H 80 P one I 1 dij fret H BO dag W borly conr ill crt 3 79 dag tt ived and liti CCO ant H 11 se W one lor tat 10 tho place 0 lug an area 0 ono nl 1000 1 ial aaretta it arth jn lbs aad wo do further gotico that ballog and improved the fald italo anil accord lg to abo local and of in gald and having in actual lifbor and thenon li int DO less than ono anil laving it alina or mining properly no nil apply or a p at mofid and a for under the net or nn aft grantland ahe of by to ilitch and canal owner tor alio llio and lor purposes ap july IS and iho act ampro our aad day of may i 0 D mannti B WI J swain jittu breh K aalt I ato city may 13 1612 I 1 certify ahat ho abobo an 1 a dl agrani of ho alj WM ahll day nicil in alili lh R Bolce of luti rillon to apply for ft air ty and all frodi iho ond a I 1 blent from alio clr tho laul ud lUt tf acif d in an act of end lied an act iho of way to atch and aanal otar tuo bublo landa and foroi hir arr ovod jigli agy and aal by act of ap july 9 J bo cju ed la to biu a i uliLa beil abo location lif the gro n mn ava application foru S patent li abil ne G D aul m I 1 boap J r androws Andro wJ and t U layco do claim twelve let li length by otio am left la ou clr claim baug in aad ln 1 anil and alg 10 ail nilar all in alio llio luclid 1 l arl la alio llio county of bat eldir anil torn loriol lijo flolo ol 01 loola cilen and being moro fully at a point 8 TO ig aa inin it four hundal and two acm aiom U a 0 o 1 being coi of sll altin S 3 deg 30 kolii tact or liand 1111 lccy N au doc craic W N fj di g av rolo K ono hundred hun jred lou left B 70 J jbf m alun bajit in ilia f abrib a rt for n a be ili feu i sal we fo nolea lill tuo lao and to cu tona acal cilc of fujiura lu halil ajl nil B and having li aiuto lahi aind i aa allt cju alun buc 1 akl aril liol t till a of ria aig we a iro and plat 01 n iid aud A or ti u kr aloi act of cn giitl an ct alm ilm ellit of way t dutli aej anul ovir alio llio pubic lan a tind toe oilier pu jely SO lacu aal iho iry acl aul 3 libi altres our leini ail j ll 11 day ot ul lill 0 D nin rii B sr tHEs WL katr J U UI ailet could alitt H atta iasa alt laka ony cull 12 I 1 acl afy lint abo bc and a of tin abtil lunan i l lm w ebli lay shtil in hit hlll c to apply sit urve and elal fifoot proui tho bachor and a pil ut from alio llio of iho toil att i rv irton in nn t 0 entitled an tact vay iuli oaut H alo i lib j binl alid for puri 0 11 i july gib and ty ad ol 01 cj urien july oh iasu I 1 illicit aa domico 10 bo primed ia iho tho loia atou of tho utra gro II 11 MAXWELL lc slier application for U S patent 1 1 hut G D samuel W L J 1 andrew r 0 boynt do clairn twelve feet la cul not inor thill ono bU Ditrol teet in on alio llio lied cloud a beiring of in place aud alio llio baad laad aud pram klc a 0 o bulj eiloe all in gilcin mining comity of aoi t idar anil of aua location and ct ut thereof b log mom fully as follows fol lown l alt at a y tta clr 3 miu E live and feet from aul buur il S li ahe of tid claim thi N 87 arg 10 mill W alio aul 56 feel 69 dec W atte hundred ami haisty tact S 39 deg W 0 feet N 9 dog bour aim hm feet N at dos B 0 nl jaty fett leonh fett baet favo and forty cina act 8 etc otc huo an area of two 1262 1 ai rr aa art borth lo 10 abo diagram and wo do hartly alo nolace abat occupied tio fald lodo bol to th docil tal ruluf lu tall anil bating upended la actual and tn than buo ouo thou raud doltar and at aino actual nd i emlon of laid wo will apply for a aad p at of aid and a patent tor iho aima under to dillu and owner ovar abo bublo anda ana for othor approved baly 20 aej uia ap provid july 9 M our lud teals abl chua daiy diy of odier oDi nr a R allcie cli 11 analu riad orni r 8 lt iglio ity jtb my lath I 1 that iho aay and a diagram of alic chalm was hilj day ellel la tedi r nh a af to aply for a add bilat from atio surveyor aeral anila intact bom the 0 ibo alao f lu an a t of codan rn nn ct tho right of ay n and aadal ovar tha public landa abid for other por posca apar roved july aud a amended by at a t of jull aih to bo in abe a ibo loca alou ol 01 ahe blattn n application for U S patent thit w 0 V artl faaui vm L JI B 01 ayne do claim twelve 1100 foit in length aind cot onoro glnn coo hundred yot lu alalu bring barlot lot aln of cocu la th bronil BC ui ml celtin til nto tort la lucia pirtle ilo of novaila iho location and chirot booro tay n to loTi toh at a point X 73 doe 30 ruin W ann an lirt tiro foil from lul tal butts so 1 aba ia bo lug the imi liport corner c H t N 19 ilog 30 colu E one hundred hotl feet 8 70 dx a 30 run 1040 fitt 71 dig E OD cd twribly laix foot y li deg IS 75 tec tronco 8 71 arg W one d fait i 26 dag W alic as amt N 30 aln W oia bild axy aco faff thence ft aln W t abt nd aso acot to abo place of beginning an farea of two goa 1009 2 63 cr 38 ft ID tho diagram A jd wo do lorray give haslag oui lid the idad laido ard accord log to iab local anil fulfor manrri in raid nud hiving expended la labor fand thereon ao amount dot lab me do dalr lr and at this acdal re caulo po 0 old wo will eplly for and pint 0 ald f taj for the ams under tho act of en an act timing the of cay lo 10 ditch aal canal owari over ahe for other fiur july 20 nod tle act july ti 1170 our hands aul eala dir of OD s W JOD JO D DREWS E C allcan henry bould atias 11 sann IAM otrice sail lalio all alb amny 1113 I 1 aitio boto tod a ot tho 11 nai ihl day hied in lil ollace aji 0 y for orcy dad plat thereof from thu and a from tho of th mi to I 1 aa la iia act of 0 o wy to ilitch 1 lh publio antl for july sath and i amended liy fact of ju y ulli I 1 direct fild to ijo in tho comiono iho kloct alm of tl claim geor application for U S patent 10 ivoa hut wo 0 D simual win L kampp J D andrew E 0 cludia alne fencl atty tiro feel in lingie by one hundred hund rod lai feel la nedla on jhb chiba run analog allm being a tilter g vein of ia placa llie lacil pram to aid til in lb lucan county of Coic lder anil cf lath lo 10 ailon anil extent bo rg biora fully a follow lowi lo wi ing at k point N 5 div 30 aln W ono bunard aud thurly alx xo 2 being wi lit corner of aid i iliin ghenco one fe t cart alno aad antty two WS fart ono foot nett alno hundred and filfly two oia fact fo abo p oco of sn aroa v two aud ISS lulo g set forth in alio llio aai nd 0 o do living acu ibo mid lode and ac to ana lucal and rulon af in aid baling d in labor and an amount not lur ono thousand thoua and dollars abid at hiir almo of mid no ahl apply fur alt of laid aud a for the aanie under the act of antl bcd an act granting abc of wiy to ul canal tho public and for ipp itral july 23 aal too lory act aily 9 lalo M bouc end a abi thill ninth daiy diy of ilay a n hiar i E 0 etyne bould cia II 11 atu unta knirr st lk L k n bian sly lali I 1 certify chit tatt abobo no aco 1111 a of abo watt alia ay abed in athla to alth a to apply or a bur au I 1 alt m iroku ibo forroi oi ind k furtan ct of ibo lad milem a pi of gilfil in an act af edtl to ditcu aad anal swift B over tho ad fur other july y a ay af approved ay fib 1 ato il tj lo 10 1 lu t 0 collone HOD af haq cluid CEO R L rca laler app i cation for U S patent henby given tint c G D Harr iii samuel htiu L J D and 1 C aayne do lini fen lu and not cidro ali in bouc huu drw aw fait la uldie be a EU vcr alo ut jjck in i bacr add ahe euid and tu lil manc ull lo 10 tho county of od itah ibo fand extent ios inte feliy described aj ful toft a points 81 mcg oman E alvo nud forty CO fatt froio biatch so 2 ahn ni thu corner of 11 clalie cl aliu kurtli no dag ac mill W lm anil to S 69 dc W flatt hundred aoel lo ajl awl thence N 21 dag W eighty ba tact N M dog t alx lx anil eight MIS fact ian icib a bit dois 15 lain E alx lx hundred aj ft S 1 arg i aln W one ion nu lab a arci 0 tiro and rc 11 tt ix lh 1 tr cl canic nic and BO dj hereby alo til hang occupy d na lh fald lodo and to ih and aulta of belil baid u labor and harcou an bot tow than ono il ollars aaa bt almo Blou of mid minion apply lor a fittl arif af al 1 acid a pant tor the lamo under t act of i engrem titlow in bt th of wy to ditch rd canal pubic binl tol other burr tab 1 ily wib IC Gand dit ry cl ally wlliam our hadit and acl ninth ay omy 19 OD w L kirr E 0 marsu civlo U heln stifel erncr ally biah my that the abaro neilce add of biln alil tl il day of lace evl h botic of to aply for mil plat thereof from tho and a UK of tha fulcd bailo t in ao net of en ta right of V I 1 dieh and cadoul ocr tho public lauda add for other july hui ad 1 by act 0 Cou groa nr proved july sili ISO I 1 mid buleca to bo p in tho abo lc alou of abo I application for U S patent m given hint w 0 D nn li L knape 0 do ono acou hil in lubig n by buo ouo jimr MO ewt tn ili tilon diio mining olallo hiding a allt of rok lo 10 aliel nd tho hal tohild lular iho eui ty of ica territory rf athi allu io tillou 1 lit smug nijib fully at P 77 daff 13 nna 1 alx mid cahty fart from V 9 no 2 ill amnie being iho mt coraor of mid S as res 10 aln E ono 1100 fret y sl in E ono hundred feet i 76 dag 10 cil iv tio lila fert 11 bec BU W onu luu to abe af a rb of to lud two biou loa dl darm rm and na lirely IY aci ud Imi ovid nud pr to lt loarl iiii oin aid till of in did end expended in abor and montt n amot 0 not irn than ol nt ud al lh alar 0 pot of kid aply lor bofill p carolf ind ar the mine ido eel ul iati tho of y H ditch and canil o over the rod ajr cibor purport P proved july 0 nol act approved july 9 ft hiam our mr aali tuii celcih daiy diy ct My 0 D B aTE IV L K CP charm Arm atal artl 7 gald ahn U a in orika sail lak city llah L lah may ism istl I 1 certify tb k tho notice aad ft mazram of cil eald clain delc Dt lc coply a ur voy BOI ploll irown tb na t lit rrt ih from the ot CAH lol aj rovde rov dJ in an 01 ol ot an art arar ting alio llio of aty to dascil irl cna over ibo mabll cl for biber 8 ottly em ltd U by J 11 I 1 diral nones to bt la lia a tha loci tion of abr application for U 8 patent w 0 t lirria samal win L hoapp J D ABd rowl H 01 Ayou do hoawrd dd HI act in loffi lof li by ont IDO I 1 in ati waag claim ined of rok in floco ho daod mu prem leca to mine all la jtb lucia mining of ad territory of fully M to low to artt S as dag E avo bundred and feat from u 8 mart iral nt 2 abo aea tho doratt westerly of alj claim a 3 dag K nine hundred fadd feet N sa dg E anc loudred liu dred lijo fit 11 3 ag W nine fact 9 as i W atu ara of two add otio ftc roii afta ct forth la abo and via do streby alv that fand lola lo la nj ta and rule of mancra in ltd aad hating expended in labor fadd thorbon th oroon not buo ouo aboh timo b e of va for a urvey abil plat if lud for tho andor 1 act 0 coarr Con rr c n act atia or way to ditch cabal eva era over the public icinda and for othor approved july 26 isac and lh att ap july a 1873 i conr tal traio athla claib UIT slay 0 D H L knaap E C al ml attio IAM I AM oance S lt lt city atall kiy isa I 1 that tha andl A of mining claim filed with a of t aply for survey nad flat thereof arcia tb add ft fron the ot suite aal provided in fin act of cal titled aa fact abo right of way to atch fand canal awn rb over the public md for the july 36 as and tiBet idol cy rt nf cobra CoB rM july i lii I 1 direct aalde notice to 1 prenod la th Corli int A tbt joc alon or taft balm |