Show our princess abroad nellie grant tile hie young voting raid and pretty daughter of the president n it traveling very in europe according ti tile court circular re bilar elio elie ling lias been to iier lie r injety Mn jEty tile dupen anil the hie lindon times ca ins rs in I 1 this fact a rainbow rain bov of ul prudie nic apall ning ling 1110 ocean to unito the two countries in a permanent peace pretty nellio IN ilia is ia to lie b a the fo lution ol of tile the alabama Alaba lua co in hin guage or tile limes i ilic is to binau cumle a letter of mutual understand wg ing ilia alio two bouner countries acs ics 11 it tins ills meet little sixteen can lil ibi v lat erdy johnson Jo linson hlll lord clarendon failed to effect what sellard arid anil gladstone linc base not succeeded in ill doin doing clint hie marquis or of grey and pon and tho the ashing wil treaty did not nol do we begoin gain fur 1 ur llie elie sixteenth athena amendment men t to tile the constitution so that 31 ais nellio ellie may become eligible to the ilia pr idan cy y 0 or what is perhaps better hy not unite england and america in biondo of enduring by it ft matrimonial be abeen the prince find tho ilia prince is dellic nel a on annl 0 o consolidate the tha houses coues of odthe the royal guelph arid grant alio llio alb raiji cess cees alice in the lome lo 10 lias demonstrated lie be of altiana nut me a admit clat oar all li 11 nul lot till daf ofin kikeli kI Ieli can and a princess in her on divino right ol 01 ayoutt youth arid and beauty we would dais cr our young lii iiIi biti consequential 1 chronicle |